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From cat-news.news

Travelling In Style — Cat News

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Rory (New Mexico, USA) gets tired following his human around, so he has claimed the walker basket as his own! Life is apparently tiring for this kitten but he is happy his forever home came with comfy transportation in the house.

on May 26

From cat-news.news

No Entry — Cat News

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Harry (Greater London) is being a doorway guardian. He has sat himself down across the kitchen doorway, and has not intention of moving. His humans will have to step over him with their food if they really insist on getting through.

on Jan 22

From cat-news.news

Mystery Prints — Cat News

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Captain Jack (Cambridgeshire, UK) sits at the end of a trail of muddy paw prints. How they got there remains a mystery.

on Jan 21

From cat-news.news

Back In Business — Cat News

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Hiro (Ontario, Canada) fully approves of his human working at their desk again, and getting up early and generally being more interesting than just staying in bed or sitting on the sofa. Well done human, keep it up.

on Jan 9

From cat-news.news

Taters From Space — Cat News

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Cat News recently spoke to NASA about the work of Taters (California, USA) on the Deep Space Optical Communications experiment . Taters took on the role of Laser Motion Analytics and Close To Capture Specialist, for the mission, which saw an ultra-high definition video of him chasing a laser-dot

on Dec 23

From cat-news.news

waffles by any other name — Cat News

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Waffles the kitten (Alberta, Canada) has noticed that his humans have started to call him Waffles. Apparently trying to steal an enticing waffle was enough for them to decide on a name for him.

on Dec 15

From cat-news.news

Maximum Efficiency — Cat News

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Reginka (Masovia, Poland) gets treats sometimes and does not want to miss even a little piece. She will sit and carefully lick every last bit of treat dust off of her human’s fingers with her little tongue. She is not starved, but she is not wasteful.

on Dec 11

From cat-news.news

Shop — Cat News

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on Nov 5

From cat-news.news

Out Of Sight — Cat News

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The human has been spending a lot of time looking at a book lately, and Sam (BC, Canada) thinks it has been too much time. To help their poor head, he has taken it upon himself to sit on the book, and hide it from view so they don’t have to deal with it.

on Oct 13

From cat-news.news

Happy Thanksgiving — Cat News

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Happy Thanksgiving from Cat News to all the cats of Canada. We hope you are having lots of lovely time with your humans. Thank you, as ever, to our repawters who have kept us up to date with their stories.

on Oct 9