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From cavemancircus.com

How to Stop Trying to Fix or Change the Person You Love - Caveman Circus

0 1

I get it. You see so much potential in them. You love them deeply, and you just know—if they’d just tweak this one thing, if they’d just get a little more disciplined, if they’d just stop making that same mistake over and over again—things would be so much better. For them. For you. For the...

on Sat, 1PM

From cavemancircus.com

A Field Guide to Sleep Paralysis - Caveman Circus

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Sleep paralysis is that fun little experience where you wake up in the middle of the night and realize, with absolute certainty, that you are both (1) fully conscious and (2) completely unable to move. This is usually accompanied by a looming sense of dread, sometimes punctuated by the sight of...

on Sat, 1PM

From cavemancircus.com

"Most People Are Nothing but Mindless Parrots" - Caveman Circus

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Let’s be real—most people don’t actually think. They just absorb whatever garbage their favorite influencers, news sources, or social circles feed them and regurgitate it like brain-dead parrots. You ever notice how the same buzzwords, phrases, and so-called “hot takes” spread like a virus?...

on Tue, 1PM

From cavemancircus.com

The Internet is Squeezing Your Brain Dry (Here’s How to Fix It) - Caveman Circus

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Hey y’all. I need you to picture something for a second. Your brain—your beautiful, complicated, messy, incredible brain—is like a gas tank. When you wake up in the morning, it’s full. You’ve got a solid reserve of mental fuel, ready to help you focus, get things done, and find joy in the little...

on Tue, 12PM

From cavemancircus.com

How One Social Hobby Completely Changed My Life - Caveman Circus

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I used to think social hobbies weren’t for me. You know the drill—some well-meaning person suggests you “just put yourself out there,” and you roll your eyes because, yeah, that’s not how it works. If you’re introverted, socially awkward, or just not naturally outgoing, the idea of casually...

on Feb 20

From cavemancircus.com

10 Ways To Make Your Partner Feel Attractive and Desired - Caveman Circus

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There’s a moment in every relationship when the newness fades—when the anticipation of seeing each other after a long day becomes routine, when small gestures go unnoticed, when the feeling of being desired starts to feel more like a distant memory than a daily reality. It’s not that love...

on Feb 15

From cavemancircus.com

9 Warning Signs You’re Living Beyond Your Means - Caveman Circus

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Most financial problems don’t show up overnight. They sneak in slowly—disguised as normal habits, justifiable purchases, or temporary indulgences. But money has a way of making the invisible obvious over time. The good news? The warning signs are there if you’re willing to see them. And if you...

on Feb 10

From cavemancircus.com

The Social Cost of Flaunting Wealth (And Why the Smartest People Avoid It) - Caveman Circus

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In 1991, a researcher named James Duesenberry proposed a theory that explains why people spend more as they earn more. He called it the “Relative Income Hypothesis.” The idea is simple: people don’t just care about what they have. They care about what they have compared to others. This is why...

on Feb 3

From cavemancircus.com

Why You’re Burned Out (And How to Break Free) - Caveman Circus

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There’s a conversation I keep having with people about burnout—friends, colleagues, even strangers on the internet. It goes something like this: “I feel stuck. Work is draining me, and I don’t have any energy left at the end of the day.” I nod, empathize, and then ask, “What do you do outside of...

on Jan 17

From cavemancircus.com

No One Is as Impressed With Your Possessions as You Are - Caveman Circus

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Here’s a hard truth: the car you drive, the house you own, the clothes you wear—they’re a much bigger deal to you than they are to anyone else. That shiny new toy you bought? Most people glance at it for a moment, nod, and then go back to thinking about themselves. Because, let’s be honest, […]

on Jan 8

From cavemancircus.com

"I F**king Hate Being an Adult" - Caveman Circus

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I fucking hate being an adult How the fuck do y’all deal with this for 60 years? Everyone tells u life gets better after high school. But HOW? Like this is the most bland depressing shit u could imagine. Work with the same 3-10 people that u have nothing in common with for 40 hours […]

on Jan 4

From cavemancircus.com

"Wife cheated on me with another woman, says it's not real cheating" - Caveman Circus

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My head won’t stop spinning and I feel like the ground won’t keep up. Barely slept ever since she confessed. I found out this “Charlie” was actually Christine. I know this woman, she’s an acquaintance of us. My wife says they were planning to talk to me about this and produced some texts that seem […]

on Jan 3

From cavemancircus.com

35 People With Health Anxiety Reveal Their Current Medical Fears - Caveman Circus

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“I’m in my kidney failure era right now” “Brain tumour, heart attacks,throat cancer,bowl cancer,rabies,MS,HIV, multiple other types of cancer. Chin up bud it sucks but you’ll get through it.” “Constantly prepared to have a seizure…. I have never a had a seizure BUT I’M WAITING” “Oh I stepped on...

on Dec 28

From cavemancircus.com

15 Guys Reveal Things They Wish They Could Tell Their Wives, But Won't Because It Will Start A Fight - Caveman Circus

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1. You are very intelligent and are often right, but you need to learn to relent when you’re not. The goal of an argument isn’t winning, it’s a conclusion. 2. Clean up your damn mess, stop leaving it for me. 3. Your friends are shit and they treat you like shit and they fucking hate […]

on Dec 27

From cavemancircus.com

The Cruelty of Stringing Someone Along - Caveman Circus

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Picture someone spending years of their life waiting for a proposal that’s never going to come. Their heart hanging on every “maybe someday” and “we’ll see.” That’s not love – that’s emotional manipulation, plain and simple. When someone dangles marriage like a carrot on a stick, they’re not...

on Dec 27

From cavemancircus.com

What Does It Means to Lose Yourself in a Relationship - Caveman Circus

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Losing yourself in a toxic relationship doesn’t happen all at once. It’s not like you wake up one day and suddenly forget who you are. It’s gradual, subtle—almost imperceptible—until one day, you realize that the person staring back at you in the mirror feels like a stranger. It usually starts...

on Dec 24

From cavemancircus.com

The Universe Doesn’t Owe You Fairness - Caveman Circus

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Let’s get something out of the way upfront: life doesn’t care about your plans, your dreams, or even your hard work. It’s not out to get you, but it’s also not sitting around plotting ways to hand you a gold star for being a good person. Fairness, at least the kind we all think we’re […]

on Dec 24

From cavemancircus.com

"I'm happily married, but I'm infatuated with a coworker" - Caveman Circus

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I’m 34, married, and really haven’t had a “crush” on anyone since the honeymoon phase of my relationship with my wife. I started a job recently and have totally been crushing on my coworker and it’s really caught me off guard. Our interactions are fun and kind, but haven’t crossed any lines. I...

on Dec 19

From cavemancircus.com

Why Having a High Salary Doesn’t Mean You’re Wealthy - Caveman Circus

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We like to assume wealth is visible. The bigger the house, the nicer the car, the flashier the vacation, the more successful someone must be, right? Not exactly. The truth is, the appearance of wealth and actual wealth are often two very different things. And the difference comes down to one...

on Dec 18

From cavemancircus.com

Stop Arguing with Strangers Online - Caveman Circus

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Let’s be real: at some point, we’ve all been sucked into an online argument. Maybe it was about politics, sports, or whether pineapple belongs on pizza (hint: it does). You type out a fiery rebuttal, hit “send,” and wait for your opponent to admit defeat and applaud your intellectual brilliance....

on Dec 14

From cavemancircus.com

Why Bad-Mouthing Your Partner is Destructive - Caveman Circus

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Relationships—real ones, the ones that are messy and beautiful and imperfect—are built on trust. Not the kind of trust that just floats in when the vows are said or the boxes are unpacked in your first shared home. I’m talking about the trust that’s constructed brick by brick, through...

on Dec 10

From cavemancircus.com

How to Build Wealth and Still Enjoy Life - Caveman Circus

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If there’s one thing that separates those who accumulate wealth from those who only dream about it, it’s the ability to delay gratification. But let’s be honest—no one wants to sacrifice every joy in life just for a fatter bank account in 30 years. The trick isn’t just about being patient with...

on Dec 8

From cavemancircus.com

Love Doesn’t Mean Fixing Someone; It Means Accepting Them as They Are - Caveman Circus

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Love isn’t about fixing someone; it’s about seeing them for who they truly are—flaws, quirks, and all—and choosing to stand beside them. Real love doesn’t come with conditions or a checklist. It’s not a job you take on to improve another person; it’s a connection that grows from acceptance and...

on Dec 7

From cavemancircus.com

14 Telltale Signs That A Person Is Insecure - Caveman Circus

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1. Constantly looking for the need to brag about your wealth and physical prowess.

on Nov 28

From cavemancircus.com

The Secret to Winning Every Argument: Stop Trying to Win - Caveman Circus

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Most of us are terrible at arguing. Not because we don’t know how to make a point, but because we’re obsessed with being right. We want to prove the other person wrong, drop some kind of verbal mic, and walk away victorious. But here’s the problem: the moment you make an argument about winning,...

on Nov 26

From cavemancircus.com

"Just found out I'm disinherited" - Caveman Circus

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I’m a 35-year-old woman, and I recently found out that my parents, who are in their 70s, plan to leave their entire estate—millions of dollars—to charity. My brother (41) and I both live paycheck to paycheck, so this news has been hard to process. To be clear, we’re in regular contact and have what I […]

on Nov 4

From cavemancircus.com

How to Stop Letting People Treat You Like a Doormat - Caveman Circus

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Look, I’m just going to say it: if you feel like people are walking all over you, it’s because you’re letting them. I know that’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s the truth. And the good news is—you can change it. You can stop being the doormat in your relationships, at work, and in […]

on Nov 4

From cavemancircus.com

"I'm happily married, but crushing on a co-worker?" - Caveman Circus

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I (45M) have been married to my wife (43F) for 20 years. We recently moved to a new state for work. I love my wife, and she’s my best friend. My co-worker (32F) has been married to her husband (32M) for several years, and seem to be happy together. My co-worker and I have been […]

on Oct 2

From cavemancircus.com

People Who Were Taught Abstinence Only Education Reveal The Ridiculous Things They Were Taught About Sex - Caveman Circus

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1. We had a teacher unwrap a piece of candy and pass it around the room. The last person was asked if they would eat the candy after everyone had touched it. This was meant to symbolize purity or some shit but was foiled when my friend ate the candy lmao 2. The teacher said […]

on Oct 1

From cavemancircus.com

"I'm in my 50s and have no money saved for retirement" - Caveman Circus

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I’m in my early 50s, and for the first time, the reality of retirement is hitting me hard. The problem is, I have almost nothing set aside. I’m making a good income now—around $180k—but past setbacks like a failed business and health issues drained whatever savings I had. I’m frustrated with...

on Oct 1

From cavemancircus.com

The Difference Between Reacting and Responding - Caveman Circus

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We’ve all been there. You’re in the middle of a heated conversation with your spouse, your boss throws another deadline on your already full plate, or maybe your kid spills their juice all over the couch you just cleaned. And before you know it, your heart’s racing, your face is hot, and you...

on Oct 1

From cavemancircus.com

Why You Should Never Use the Phrase "We'll Figure It Out" - Caveman Circus

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How many times have you heard (or said) the phrase “We’ll figure it out”? Maybe you’ve used it in a meeting when someone asked about a potential issue, or maybe it’s something you say to yourself when faced with a decision that feels overwhelming. It’s a common phrase, but it’s also one that can lead […]

on Sep 30

From cavemancircus.com

"How do I tell my wife she needs to lose weight?" - Caveman Circus

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She eats fast food everyday. She won’t eat something unless there is sugar or fat in it. Her gut grows down over her pelvis. She’s 5’9” and she weighs 300 lbs. Our sex is like slapping two slugs together. She is in constant pain because her poor body can’t handle this much weight (feet, back, […]

on Sep 24

From cavemancircus.com

"Girlfriend changed last name to mine on social media, we're not married." - Caveman Circus

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Been dating this girl for about six months, she stays at my apartment maybe two or three days a week. She wasn’t here last night so this morning during breakfast I scroll through reels to find her something funny.. Start the day off right. Go to send her one and discover that her last name […]

on Sep 20

From cavemancircus.com

Why RoboCop’s Death Still Haunts Us - Caveman Circus

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There’s a special kind of horror that sticks with you—not the jump-scare variety or the eerie quietness of a haunted house, but the stuff that seeps under your skin and lives there forever. It’s the kind of thing that makes you squirm in your seat and look away, but when you close your eyes, it’s […]

on Sep 14

From cavemancircus.com

What Should You Do If You Gets Stabbed In The Throat - Caveman Circus

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I assume you mean in one of the arteries or veins, since other places in the throat wouldn’t cause the situation you’re asking about. Not that it matters, because the first aid is the same. Pressure, pressure, pressure. First and always, apply pressure to slow bleeding. If it doesn’t hurt like a...

on Sep 11

From cavemancircus.com

Why Do Many Christians Marry Young? - Caveman Circus

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Because the church as a whole encourages young marriage for a few reasons, some spiritual and some practical. I’m speaking from the perspective of someone who was raised in a very traditional Pentecostal church. A lot of what I say can translate to other denominations also but they may not be as...

on Aug 11

From cavemancircus.com

14 Telltale Signs That A Person Is Insecure - Caveman Circus

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1. Any time they talk, they brag about themselves. If someone else is talking they have a compulsion to bring it back to bragging about themselve 2. Constantly try to one-up another person’s accomplishments or stories. 3. Over the top displays, or almost caricatures, of masculinity. Making an...

on Aug 4

From cavemancircus.com

How Imitating the Rich Keeps You Poor - Caveman Circus

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You’ve seen it before: the person who buys the latest gadget, drives the flashiest car, or flaunts designer clothes, all in an attempt to emulate the lifestyles of the rich and famous. It looks glamorous on the surface, but it’s a financial disaster waiting to happen. The Illusion of Wealth The...

on Aug 4