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From clearerthinking.org

What is Dysrationalia, and why trust can make you irrational

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Why do smart people fall for stupid things? This week, we’re going to discuss an important part of the answer to that question: trust. And, in doing so, we’ll also discuss how to trust people more rationally and introduce you to the concept of dysrationalia.Trust Can Make Us IrrationalIt's easy...

#trust #rational #irrational #rationality

on Oct 18

From clearerthinking.org

Is the Dunning-Kruger effect real?

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This is an abridged, less technical version of our longer report, found here.You’ve probably heard that people who are bad at something tend to overestimate how skilled they are. They don't even know enough to know how bad they are. This idea gained prominence in 1999 when Justin Kruger and...

on Dec 6

From clearerthinking.org

Lessons in Truth-Seeking from the World of Martial Arts

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Before mixed martial arts (MMA), people were in the dark about which martial arts worked and which didn’t. How would a Wing Chun master fare against a boxer? How would a karate black belt do against a wrestler? Since the rise of MMA, we’ve learned a lot. These lessons from MMA carry over to...

on Nov 28

From clearerthinking.org

A conversation with a sociopath (with M.E. Thomas) | Clearer Thinking with Spencer Greenberg — the podcast about ideas that matter

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A conversation with a sociopath (with M.E. Thomas) | Clearer Thinking with Spencer Greenberg — the podcast about ideas that matter

on Nov 21

From clearerthinking.org

Clearer Thinking with Spencer Greenberg

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The podcast about ideas that matter

on Nov 15

From clearerthinking.org

Announcing the Ultimate Personality Test 2.0!

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We’ve got some exciting news: The Ultimate Personality Test just got a major upgrade! It will analyze your personality using all three of the most popular personality frameworks (the Big Five, Myers-Briggs-style, and Enneagram), teach you about yourself and these personality systems, show...

on Nov 1

From clearerthinking.org

How To Vote Rationally

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There are all sorts of ways you could decide who to vote for in elections - whether it's the upcoming presidential election in the U.S., or any other election you might vote in. You might vote based on: • Whose policies you think will benefit you and your community the most • Whose policies you...

on Nov 1

From clearerthinking.org

Clearer Thinking with Spencer Greenberg

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The podcast about ideas that matter

on Oct 18

From clearerthinking.org

The Flow State: Definition, Benefits, And How To Achieve It

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Have you ever been so absorbed in an activity that time just seemed to melt away? When you’re deeply focused on a challenging task that you have enough skill to complete, and the activity is rewarding for its own sake, you can enter a state that psychologists call the ‘flow state’. You might...

on Oct 7

From clearerthinking.org

Boosting Your Productivity With AI: Using AI for Copywriting

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LLMs have been trained on huge datasets of human communication, to make them capable of crafting compelling, relevant content swiftly, catering to various copywriting needs. Here are some of the many inventive ways you can harness LLMs to enhance your copywriting efforts.Contents(Click any of...

on Sep 21

From clearerthinking.org


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Clearer Thinking offers free, online training programs and tools to improve your decision making and sharpen your reasoning.

on Sep 14

From clearerthinking.org

What is a correlation, and how do you think clearly about it?

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You’ve probably heard that “correlation is not causation”, but what does that mean? It’s a phrase that captures the fact that, just because two things are correlated doesn’t mean that one causes the other.This can be seen most vividly in correlations between things that have clearly got...

on Sep 7

From clearerthinking.org

Who is right about your money: traditional economists or self-help authors?

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Personal finance can be pretty confusing. How much should you save? How should you approach paying off your student debt? And what’s the deal with stocks, shares, mortgages and pensions? These high-stakes questions involve a lot of math and a lot of jargon, so it’s unsurprising that people turn...

on Aug 26

From clearerthinking.org

What causes anxiety: life challenges or your personality?

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How much is your anxiety driven by your traits, and how much is it driven by your life circumstances?We ran a study to try to find out.It seems obvious that dealing with a stressful life circumstance, like financial strain, or managing a chronic illness, might make a person more anxious than...

on Aug 15

From clearerthinking.org

Can you really trust personality tests?

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Personality tests are extremely popular tools to help you explore your individual traits, facilitate self-awareness, enhance your personal and professional development, and even serve as a means for entertainment and social interaction. But how accurate are they, really?Recently, we ran studies...

on Aug 12

From clearerthinking.org

Can astrologers use astrological charts to understand people's character and lives? Our new study put astrologers to the test

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Astrology is very popular — both Gallup and YouGov report that about 25% of Americans believe that the position of the stars and planets can affect people's lives, with an additional 20% of people reporting being uncertain about astrology’s legitimacy.Previously, we tested whether facts about a...

on Aug 10

From clearerthinking.org

Does astrology really work? We put 152 astrologers to the test

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Recently, we ran a study testing whether astrological sun signs (like Scorpio and Capricorn) can predict any of 37 facts about a person’s life, such as their educational level, and number of close friends. We found that whereas some personality tests had a reasonable ability to predict many of...

on Aug 10

From clearerthinking.org

Are people less moral than they used to be?

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How kind, honest, nice, and good would you say people are today?How kind, honest, nice, and good would you say they were when you were 20 years old?What about when you were born?A recent study found evidence that people tend to think that individual morality has been declining over time, but...

on Jul 27

From clearerthinking.org

Clearer Thinking with Spencer Greenberg

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The podcast about ideas that matter

on Jul 25

From clearerthinking.org

How to begin living more rationally

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If you read Clearer Thinking, you may already have a sense of the benefits that living more rationally can bring to life. From deciding what to do next week, to making important career choices, to figuring out how to most effectively help others, having a clearer perspective of reality (and how...

on Jul 14

From clearerthinking.org

Understanding the nature of many types of problems

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In the realm of problem-solving, not all challenges are created equal. Some issues are straightforward and easy to address, while others are complex and multifaceted, requiring careful consideration and nuanced approaches. To help you better understand the diverse nature of the problems you...

on Jul 10

From clearerthinking.org

Clearer Thinking with Spencer Greenberg

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The podcast about ideas that matter

on Jun 26

From clearerthinking.org

Astrology Challenge

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Test your astrological expertise by matching natal charts to individuals based on detailed personal profiles.

on May 24

From clearerthinking.org

Remembering Daniel Kahneman: 7 theories that can help you understand how you think

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The world of psychology has recently experienced a profound loss with the passing of Daniel Kahneman, a pioneering figure whose work has reshaped our understanding of the human mind in many ways. In this newsletter, we reflect on some of the ways his contributions can help you understand...

on May 17

From clearerthinking.org

Artificial Intelligence Quiz

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Test your knowledge of artificial intelligence!

on Feb 29

From clearerthinking.org

Your Quarterly Life Review

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Most of us can benefit from regularly reflecting on our lives, but few people make the time to do so. This tool is designed to make that easier.

on Feb 18

From clearerthinking.org

Clearer Thinking with Spencer Greenberg

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The podcast about ideas that matter

on Feb 4

From clearerthinking.org

Clearer Thinking with Spencer Greenberg

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The podcast about ideas that matter

on Feb 4

From clearerthinking.org

Can astrology predict life outcomes? We tested it.

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Many people claim astrology is nonsense, whereas others swear by it. But is there actually a simple way to test if it works? It turns out, it’s not too hard to put the simple sun sign (a.k.a., zodiac sign) version of astrology to the test. So, we ran a study to do so. If you want to see what we...

on Jan 22

From clearerthinking.org

How to Offer Emotional Validation (and How Not to)

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What should you say to a friend who is going through a tough time? We ran a study with 148 participants, to find out what people want to hear from their friends and loved ones when they’re going through a period of struggle. The results show that it’s very common to want to have one’s feelings...

on Nov 7, 2023