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From commoncog.com

Y Combinator and Power in Silicon Valley - Commoncog Case Library

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A demonstration of power by Silicon Valley’s top startup accelerator.

on Tue, 9AM

From commoncog.com

Are You Playing to Play, or Playing to Win?

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Make sure you're playing the real game, not some more complicated game you've made up for yourself.

on Nov 6

From commoncog.com

Business Reality Without Frameworks

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A paradox: why it’s important to think about business without abstractions, even as we learn from what’s come before.

on Oct 21

From commoncog.com

Data is Just an Added Sense

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A useful operating principle to sidestep the biggest misconception around becoming data driven in business.

on Oct 8

From commoncog.com

The Starter Manager Guide

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The bare minimum you need to know to be an adequate manager. Short enough to finish in three hours. Meaty enough to take 6-8 months to master.

on Sep 27

From commoncog.com

Businesses as Ecosystem Organisms

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What we can learn from seeing businesses as organisms in an ecosystem ... using the particularly odd example of HEICO as the barnacle to TransDigm’s whale.

on Sep 19

From commoncog.com

The Idea Maze is a Useless Idea

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Product market fit is a crapshoot. Here's what's actually useful in the hunt for a new business idea.

on Aug 28

From commoncog.com

The Mental Model FAQ

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A summary of the conclusions from my Putting Mental Models to Practice series. What are mental models? How did mental models become so popular?

on Aug 7

From commoncog.com

The Dangers of Treating Life as a Game

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Game analogies can be helpful when you're playing to win. But there's a limit to how useful they can be when thinking about life.

on Aug 3

From commoncog.com

A Fine Dining Restaurant in a Recession - Commoncog Case Library

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How Eleven Madison Park — later the #1 Restaurant in the World — survived the Global Financial Crisis.

on Aug 3

From commoncog.com

Running a Fine Dining Restaurant in a Recession

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How Eleven Madison Park survived the 2008 Global Recession ... and what this tells us about operating through the capital cycle.

on Jul 30

From commoncog.com

Will Guidara: Restaurant Smart vs Corporate Smart - Commoncog Case Library

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How Will Guidara of Eleven Madison Park — 2017's best restaurant in the world — learnt the business parts of the restaurant business.

on Jul 11

From commoncog.com

Copying Better: How To Acquire The Tacit Knowledge of Experts

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Much of expertise is tacit: that is, it cannot be captured through words alone. We look at techniques, drawn from the field of Naturalistic Decision Making, designed to acquire the tacit knowledge of experts.

on Jun 26

From commoncog.com

What The CEO Wants You To Know

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Ram Charan's 2001 book on business principles is probably the best concise introduction to how a business works.

on Mar 4

From commoncog.com

Fundraising Without Investors

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Two personal stories of capital expertise 'in the small' — or why financing creativity can be just as important to smaller businesses, as it is in larger, more sophisticated ones.

on Mar 1

From commoncog.com


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Commoncog is a publication about accelerating business expertise. Updates weekly.

on Mar 1

From commoncog.com

Book Summary: Accelerated Expertise

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Accelerated Expertise is the best book we have on creating accelerated training programs today.

on Feb 9

From commoncog.com

Why Tacit Knowledge is More Important Than Deliberate Practice

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What tacit knowledge is, and why it is the most interesting topic in the study of expertise today.

on Feb 9

From commoncog.com

An Easier Method for Extracting Tacit Knowledge

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A look at Laura Militello and Robert Hutton's Applied Cognitive Task Analysis, a simplified method for getting at the tacit expertise of others.

on Feb 9

From commoncog.com

Building a Valuable Business? It's How You Spend It That Matters

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The skill of capital allocation — a mysterious, under-discussed element of remarkable business performance.

on Jan 25

From commoncog.com

Learning In Ill-Structured Domains Series

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How do you accelerate learning in ill-structured domains? A series on Cognitive Flexibility Theory, and how to use it.

on Dec 5, 2023

From commoncog.com

What I Learnt From Complexity

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M. Mitchell Waldrop's book on the Santa Fe Institute is a gateway drug to a powerful if subtle idea. Here's why it matters.

on Dec 2, 2023

From commoncog.com

Commoncog's Next Phase

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Announcing the launch of the Commoncog Case Library, setting the Learning in Ill-Structured Domains series free, and one more thing.

on Nov 23, 2023

From commoncog.com

Colin Bryar on the practice of Amazon's Weekly Business Review

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Cedric talks to Colin Bryar, early Amazon executive and former shadow to Jeff Bezos, on one of Amazon's secret operational weapons: the Weekly Business Review.

on Nov 17, 2023

From commoncog.com

The Business Expertise Series

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A series on the expertise of business.

on Nov 9, 2023

From commoncog.com

The Two Types of Data Analysis

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Broadly speaking, there are two approaches to data analysis in business. The two approaches have different worldviews, and express different tradeoffs. Here's why that matters.

on Nov 3, 2023

From commoncog.com

Capital Allocation as an Antidote to Business Luck

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The unspoken secret about new company formation is that you need to get lucky. Roll the dice, get a business outcome. Capital allocation matters because it gives you a path to winning even when you lose the initial roll.

on Oct 26, 2023

From commoncog.com

You Can't Teach What They Aren't Ready to Know

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If Seymour Papert was right about how humans learn — what does it mean for learning mental models for our careers?

on Oct 6, 2023

From commoncog.com

What’s an Operational Definition Anyway?

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Two principles on collecting data, from the field of Statistical Process Control. As with most principles in SPC, this is both simpler and more important than you might think.

on Oct 5, 2023