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From conspirituality.net

Brief: Why Didn’t I Yell STFU at Jordan Peterson in 2017? — Conspirituality

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Matthew visits the antifascist woodshed to investigate the liberal manners, free speech naivety, and lack of community alliances that dissuaded him from grabbing the mic during a Peterson Q&A in 2017.

on Feb 13

From conspirituality.net

241: Unravelling The Telepathy Tapes — Conspirituality

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One of the top podcasts in the world may set autistic and disability rights discourse back by decades. 

on Jan 25

From conspirituality.net

Brief: Vinay Prasad’s Pick-me Campaign — Conspirituality

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Derek and Julian look at two recent videos that signal that Vinay Prasad might be angling for a position in a potential RFK Jr-run HHS—and all the misinformation he continues to spread.

on Jan 13

From conspirituality.net

Brief: Trump the Babyface, Trump the Heel (w/Abraham Josie Reisman) — Conspirituality

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Journalist and author Josie Reisman says we can’t understand the Trump era without understanding his life-long pro-wrestling fandom, and his bonds with one of his closest friends, WWE tycoon Vince McMahon. 

on Jan 7

From conspirituality.net

Relief Project #6: Rebecca Solnit — Conspirituality

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Writer, historian, and activist Rebecca Solnit joins Matthew for the latest installment of the Conspirituality Relief Project.

on Jan 3

From conspirituality.net

229: Stanford Has Fallen — Conspirituality

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“Pandemic Policy: Planning the Future, Assessing the Past” was recently held at Stanford. The anti-vax, anti-lockdown symposium was not all it claimed to be.

on Nov 20

From conspirituality.net

232: Gaslighting The Election — Conspirituality

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We listen in to the supposedly non-partisan The Free Press election night livestream, which giddily praised Trump for being the consummate bullshitter that will take an ax to Democratic institutions.

on Nov 17

From conspirituality.net

Brief: Ultra-processed Pseudoscience — Conspirituality

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Derek looks at Calley and Casey Means, the brother-sister combo raging against capitalist heatlh care—but doing much the same in their own businesses.

on Sep 26

From conspirituality.net

207: Gaming Realities (w/Thi Nguyen) — Conspirituality

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Philosopher Thi Nguyen first visited us 150 episodes ago (!!) to discuss how social media gamification exploded online conspiracy theories and audience capture drags content producers toward the seductions of premature clarity—and the ecstasy of fascism.  Nguyen returns to discuss “value capture”: h

on May 29

From conspirituality.net

198: Holy Food (w/Christina Ward) — Conspirituality

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Does God have a recipe? That’s the first line of the blurb of Holy Food: How Cults, Communes, and Religious Movements Influenced What We Eat: An American History by independent food historian, Christina Ward. Ward’s survey of American religious groups and cults through the foods they grow, source, a

on Mar 25

From conspirituality.net

98: Placebo Joe Dispenza — Conspirituality

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If you get treated by someone who says they’re a doctor, but they’re not, can they still have a placebo effect? That’s the question we’d like to ask Dr. Joe Dispenza, who’s not a doctor, but who plays one on the internet, treating one and all with the placebo of his bafflegab about Quantum healing a

on Mar 19

From conspirituality.net

195: Long COVID (w/Tara Haelle) — Conspirituality

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We’re joined by science journalist Tara Healle, whose work has appeared in Scientific American, NY Times, Washington Post, and more. She’s also the Infectious Disease Core Topic Leader at the Association of Health Journalists. Her work covering the pandemic, vaccines, and the Long COVID connection,

on Mar 2, 2024

From conspirituality.net

194: The Power Worshippers (w/Katherine Stewart) — Conspirituality

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Katherine Stewart is an investigative reporter and author who has covered religious liberty, politics, policy, and education for over a decade. Her journalism appears in the NY Times, NBC, the New Republic, and the New York Review of Books. Author of the book, The Power Worshippers, Stewart joins us

on Mar 1, 2024