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From dbzer0.com

Excellent Reads - For high-quality articles and discussion around their topics - Divisions by zero

1 1

Are you tired of clickbait and the current state of journalism? This community is meant to remind you that excellent journalism still happens. While not sticking to a specific topic, the focus will be on high-quality articles and discussion around their topics....


9h ago

From dbzer0.com

Petals by Water’s Edge - Divisions by zero

1 1

(CivitFowl [https://civitai.com/images/18499697]) (2024) Image description: A narrow stream meandering under a tree with blossoms that appear to emit a soft glow in a dense forest. The water reflects the subtle light from the flowers and the dim glow from what sunlight filters through the...


9h ago

From dbzer0.com

Shiny Robot on a Sunny Day - Divisions by zero

1 1

(Gipm80 [https://civitai.com/images/18500716]) (2024) Image description: A small, glossy, metallic robot with beads of moisture on its body standing on a tile floor. The robot is standing with its hands by the sides of its rounded body, with large eyes on its head. ::: spoiler Full Generation...


22h ago

From dbzer0.com

Kwai-Kolors — a large text-to-image model bilingual in both Chinese and English, and supports a context length of 256 tokens. - Divisions by zero

1 1

# Abstract >We present Kolors, a latent diffusion model for text-to-image synthesis, characterized by its profound understanding of both English and Chinese, as well as an impressive degree of photorealism. There are three key insights contributing to the development of Kolors. Firstly, unlike...


22h ago

From dbzer0.com

AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui 1.10.0-RC Released - Divisions by zero

1 1

# Features: * A lot of performance improvements (see below in Performance section) * Stable Diffusion 3 support (#16030 [https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/pull/16030]) * Recommended Euler sampler; DDIM and other timestamp samplers currently not supported * T5 text model is...


22h ago

From dbzer0.com

Lemmy Directory - Divisions by zero

1 1

### Github for the directory: https://github.com/fnic-lemmy/lemmy-directory [https://github.com/fnic-lemmy/lemmy-directory] About: This community was made with the goal of promoting niche communities on the fediverse. Our community has bots making regular posts showcasing best content from...

23h ago

From dbzer0.com

How programmers comment their code - Divisions by zero

1 1

https://nitter.poast.org/denicmarko/status/1774077890281267451 [https://nitter.poast.org/denicmarko/status/1774077890281267451]


on Sat, 10AM

From dbzer0.com

Old microserver bad idea? - Divisions by zero

0 1

I’m thinking of picking up an old HP Microserver (gen8) and was wondering if it is a bad idea from a security standpoint. I mean it’s only 10 years old - is there any exploit or something like that? What about a N36L Microserver? I’d probably run Debian headless on it. I’d only use it for...

on Sat, 1AM

From dbzer0.com

Above Canyon Depths - Divisions by zero

0 1

(Aerth [https://civitai.com/images/18456340]) (2024) Image description: A group of shaded figures stand atop a towering rock formation host to ancient ruins, featuring columns with greenery accenting the stone structures and cliff faces. In the background, a tranquil body of water at the base of...

on Fri, 7PM

From dbzer0.com

FoleyCrafter: Bring Silent Videos to Life with Lifelike and Synchronized Sounds - Divisions by zero

0 1

# Abstract > We study Neural Foley, the automatic generation of high-quality sound effects synchronizing with videos, enabling an immersive audio-visual experience. Despite its wide range of applications, existing approaches encounter limitations when it comes to simultaneously synthesizing...

on Fri, 4PM

From dbzer0.com

Beware bosses bearing pizza - Divisions by zero

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Source [https://designthinkingcomic.substack.com/p/beware]

on Fri, 2PM

From dbzer0.com

[Bazzite] Fedora Kinoite Duplex Printing Issue - Divisions by zero

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Hello! I use Bazzite Linux with KDE, and I’m having some issues with duplex printing on my system. I have a Brother HL-L2300D, and I’ve already installed the drivers for it. Brother provides an install script for their driver on their website, but because my system is rpm-ostree based and...

on Fri, 3AM

From dbzer0.com

Rails to the Horizon - Divisions by zero

0 1

(Komposto [https://civitai.com/images/18290904]) (2024) Image description: A train moving along a railway that cuts through a lush field of tall green grass under a clear sky. The train is white with orange and green stripes. ::: spoiler Full Generation Parameters: line art drawing A vibrant...

on Thu, 7PM

From dbzer0.com

As an extra, my grandma once called me "devilspawn" - Divisions by zero

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Insert horrified looks when I tell me friends some “funny stories” from my childhood. :D

on Thu, 2PM

From dbzer0.com

Running a business using linux - Divisions by zero

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I’ve run a small business for over 10 yeas. I use linux. I’m grateful to the community and I use FOSS where possible. I have had some issues over the years, but have always been able to get around them (except CAD in 2013), but recently I’ve had issues with my government (UK). First they...

on Thu, 12PM

From dbzer0.com

ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me. - Divisions by zero

0 1

This is fucked reporting right? The quote they use as evidence is her saying something is “in God’s hands”. Elsewhere articles are run using quotes of her praying to god. This is like, extremely normal lexicon for even casually religious people right? I’m an atheist with a pretty negative view...

on Thu, 5AM

From dbzer0.com

[Bazzite] Important announcement regarding system updates [Action needed] - FYI - Divisions by zero

0 1

Creating importer: Failed to invoke skopeo proxy method OpenImage: remote error: cryptographic signature verification failed: invalid signature when validating ASN.1 encoded signature ___ I was banging my head against my keyboard for an hour thinking that I broke my system until I saw this.

on Thu, 2AM

From dbzer0.com

Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly - Divisions by zero

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I looked for this info but didn’t really see a thread about it, if there is one, a link is sufficient :) I have a win 11 off-shelf mediocre pc for my Plex/jellyfin servers (basically nothing else on that pc; it also functions as a playback device, but it has all the libraries on it so does not...

on Thu, 1AM

From dbzer0.com

Samachiy/Qinti: An A1111 frontend focused on ease of use, packaged as a click-and-run executable. - Divisions by zero

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https://github.com/Samachiy/Qinti [https://github.com/Samachiy/Qinti]

on Wed, 9PM

From dbzer0.com

Stairway of Scattered Stones - Divisions by zero

0 1

(Komposto [https://civitai.com/images/18161122]) (2024) Image description: A dimly lit staircase filled with numerous stones scattered across each step. A window at the top of the staircase provides a natural light source, casting a contrast between light and shadow that adds depth to the scene....

on Wed, 8PM

From dbzer0.com

Can somebody please tell Waze I don't care about vehicles parked on the side of the road? Or at least that this is not a fundamental safety issue and should be a toggle on feature? - Divisions by zero

0 1

It’s by far the most occurring alert I receive. I want to receive alerts. I want to know when there’s debris in the road. I want to know when there are police. But not cars by the side of the road. They pose no threat. This one decision by waze might be the secret to their failure.

on Wed, 4PM

From dbzer0.com

Firefox Docker + VPN is so awesome - Divisions by zero

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I’ve been using the Firefox docker container through the gluetun docker container (runs great with proton and mullvad) and it’s been really great. To me it’s kind of like a less restricted tor browser, for when you need something stronger in terms of speed or IP blocking. And maybe something...

on Wed, 2AM

From dbzer0.com

Open Source Server Overview App - Divisions by zero

0 1

Serverbox Github Link [https://github.com/LollipopKit/flutter_server_box] Looking for a convenient overview of your servers? Randomly found this app on F-Droid and I am blown away. It fetches the server stats, even drive usage and makes it super easy to open an sftp browser or even a ssh console...

on Wed, 2AM

From dbzer0.com

Can we have a "Monero Standard" written by someone that knows how to write - Divisions by zero

0 1

No shade at the person Michael Fitzgerald (or Stoic.xmr). He’s probably a good person But clearly a better quality book with the same name can be written by a person that understands that the average paragraph contains at least three or four sentences. I can write one. I’ve never written a book...

on Wed, 2AM

From dbzer0.com

Would you recommend military service for your kids? - Divisions by zero

0 1

…or nieces or nephews, etc. I’m having these questions come up and I’m torn on this. On one hand my experience has been like no other- got a chance to see and do so many things, forged the best friendships, housing/education/medical benefits through the VA afterwards. But those cons - the higher...

on Wed, 12AM

From dbzer0.com

Spectral Realm Beast - Divisions by zero

0 1

(Ajuro [https://civitai.com/images/17274054]) (2024) Image description: A silent confrontation between a figure clad in a red cloak and a towering, ethereal creature. The creature, resembling a goat with majestic, swirling horns, emits a soft glow, contrasting with its piercing red eyes that...

on Tue, 1AM

From dbzer0.com

Steam deck for a TV party game emulation machine? - Divisions by zero

0 1

Hello all, I was hoping to pick up a machine for 1080p gaming on a TV primarily for playing couch party games on emulators (switch, ps3, wii, etc) and was wondering if the deck would be a good fit? I’ve heard before that there were some problems with docks but not sure if that’s been resolved....

on Mon, 7PM

From dbzer0.com

What food can or has given you the ick. - Divisions by zero

0 1

You know how to can get turned off of eggs if you get the egg ick. Well I’ve gotten that with coffee and pomegranate molasses too, what foods have done that for you? And bonus, anybody know why that happens? Also the ick isnt just getting bored of smth after a while, it’s one event that ruins...

on Mon, 7PM

From dbzer0.com

Did people really commonly believe in the inevitability of the "divine right of kings"? - Divisions by zero

0 1

Contemporary anticapitalist narratives sometime compare a supposed inevitability of capitalism currently for globalised societies with the supposed (religious) inevitability of monarchies before the Industrial Revolution. How comparable are those beliefs in their respective hold on societies...

on Mon, 5PM

From dbzer0.com

So, we doing anything for the upcoming canvas event, or what? - Divisions by zero

0 1

Just checking if any in our instance want to organize something for our presence, feel free to do it in this comm pirate captain giving the thumbs up [https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/pictrs/image/bc10b52a-196d-4e4a-98a2-bfd2dbb10d9a.png].

on Mon, 4PM

From dbzer0.com

How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings? - Divisions by zero

0 1

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/23235714 [https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/23235714] >I have set my new name everywhere I can in the AppleID settings but the old name is still showing up in this place, and maybe in other places which I haven’t seen yet. But how can I get my...

on Mon, 9AM

From dbzer0.com

10 Ukrainians held prisoner for years in Russia return home after Vatican mediation - Divisions by zero

0 1

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ten Ukrainian civilians held prisoner for years by Russia arrived in Kyiv overnight Saturday after the mediation of the Vatican, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said…

on Sun, 10PM

From dbzer0.com

hmmm rule - Divisions by zero

0 1

Couldn’t find a better community to post this in so here we go I guess.

on Sun, 5PM

From dbzer0.com

I was looking up how battery free pens work and found this. - Divisions by zero

0 1

Couldn’t find a better community to post this in. :p

on Jun 30

From dbzer0.com

What does a President EXCLUSIVELY do? - Divisions by zero

0 0

Here are a few abilities that are exclusive to the US President: Command of the armed forces: The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the US military. If they are incapacitated, command would temporarily transfer to the Vice President. Diplomatic powers: The President has the power to...

on Jun 29

From dbzer0.com

Opinion | To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race - Divisions by zero

0 0

Archived version [http://web.archive.org/web/20240629072254/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/opinion/biden-election-debate-trump.html]

on Jun 29

From dbzer0.com

HDD data recovery - Divisions by zero

0 0

I have a HDD 4tb Toshiba drive I had in a Raid 1 NAS device (NSA320) that failed in the raid and I replaced it and rebuilt the raid and life was good. I have finally moved to a better custom TrueNas scale setup with 2x 8tb HDD in a Raid 1 with weekly encrypted backups to online cloud. I have 2...

on Jun 29

From dbzer0.com

[Suggestion] Disallow the use of sources deprecated by the Wikipedia editing community for unreliability - Divisions by zero

0 0

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/23066599 [https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/23066599] Since 2017, Wikipedia editors have compiled a list of news sources from which articles are highly likely to employ systematic bias, lack professional editing and/or journalistic...

on Jun 28

From dbzer0.com

[Suggestion] Disallow the use of sources deprecated by the Wikipedia editing community for unreliability - Divisions by zero

0 0

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/23066599 [https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/23066599] Since 2017, Wikipedia editors have compiled a list of news sources from which articles are highly likely to employ systematic bias, lack professional editing and/or journalistic...

on Jun 28

From dbzer0.com

[Suggestion] Disallow the use of sources deprecated by the Wikipedia editing community for unreliability - Divisions by zero

0 0

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/23066599 [https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/23066599] Since 2017, Wikipedia editors have compiled a list of news sources from which articles are highly likely to employ systematic bias, lack professional editing and/or journalistic...

on Jun 28

From dbzer0.com

General reminder to check the solicitations now and then - Divisions by zero

0 0

New instances require a guarantee to use fediseer to its max capability. If you see an instance and you validate it’s not spammy, go ahead and guarantee for it. If you yourself want to solicit a guarantee, remember that you can input a target instance when you do so, and their admins will...

on Jun 28

From dbzer0.com

Ukraine military says Russian troops pushed out of part of key eastern town - Divisions by zero

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June 27 (Reuters) - Ukraine’s military said on Thursday its forces had forced Russian troops out of a district in the town of Chasiv Yar on the war’s eastern front seen as Moscow’s next target in its slow advance through the area.

on Jun 28

From dbzer0.com

Haha! I like mine with oat milk! - Divisions by zero

0 0

“Barbie” has answered the billion-dollar question with a resounding “yes.” Barely three weeks into its run, writer-director Greta Gerwig’s blockbuster has raked in an astounding $1.03 billion at the global box office, according to official Warner Bros. estimates. This makes Gerwig the first solo...

on Jun 28

From dbzer0.com

Homophobic bully gets kicked from the worst group I've ever played in - Divisions by zero

0 0

The funniest Out of Game moment I have ever had at the table was in my previous IRL group. We rotated who was in the DM chair, but this session our host, lets call him Phillip Barker, was running his Pathfinder campaign. The problem player, a hustlebro i shall name Emmett Roe, decides to flirt...

on Jun 28

From dbzer0.com

Green Resurgence - Divisions by zero

0 0

(ruanyi [https://civitai.com/images/17284678]) (2024) Image description: An overgrown, flooded city street, flanked by towering buildings that disappear into the misty sky. The foreground is a striking contrast of urban decay, with verdant plants thriving on the balconies of weathered...

on Jun 28

From dbzer0.com

Cannot get to ‘Panel Configuration’ in Plasma 6.1 - Divisions by zero

0 0

I’ve recently updated to Plasma 6.1 and I’ve loved it so far. However, there’s one thing that has made things difficult for me—I can’t get to ‘Panel Configuration’ and make changes to my panels. This screen recording [https://imgur.com/P2MRVwm.mp4] shows me failing to get to the...

on Jun 28

From dbzer0.com

Towering Tumult - Divisions by zero

0 0

(AIDigitalMediaAgency [https://civitai.com/images/17138687]) (2024) Image description: A towering mountain with sharp, snow-covered peaks piercing through a tumultuous sky filled with dark, swirling clouds. Powerful lightning bolts cuts through the scene, adding a sense of raw energy and natural...

on Jun 27

From dbzer0.com

Best Recruitment Agency for Dev Work w/ Chronic Pain? - Divisions by zero

0 0

Looking for a change in work and would love suggestions on how to find jobs with understanding bosses and/or odd hours. I can always get my work done, but I tend to put in bizarre hours for my own projects due to the ebb/flow of chronic pain. For me personally, I would prefer to work 16 hours on...

on Jun 27

From dbzer0.com

An Update and FAQ on the Open Model Initiative — Reddit - Divisions by zero

0 0

Quoted from Reddit: Hello r/StableDiffusion – A sincere thanks to the overwhelming engagement and insightful discussions following our announcement yesterday of the Open Model Initiative. If you missed it, check it out...

on Jun 27