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From elixirstatus.com

Code BEAM Lite London (31 Jan 25): Call for Talks is open!

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 13

From elixirstatus.com

Thinking Elixir 228: From Surveys to Cheat Sheets

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 12

From elixirstatus.com

How to Track Errors in Oban for Elixir Using AppSignal

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 12

From elixirstatus.com

How to Design and Test Elixir GenServers

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 11

From elixirstatus.com

Beeps and Ports [Nerves Meetup]

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 10

From elixirstatus.com

Polo: REST Client in Phoenix LiveView

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 10

From elixirstatus.com

How to Get User IP Addresses in Phoenix LiveView

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 10

From elixirstatus.com

Some techniques to optimize Phoenix LiveView

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 10

From elixirstatus.com

Elixir: A Comprehensive Introduction being released for FREE on YouTube

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 8

From elixirstatus.com


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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 8

From elixirstatus.com

Phoenix LiveView, hooks and push_event: json-view

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 5

From elixirstatus.com

Elixir Friend #6 - Matt Wynne

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 5

From elixirstatus.com

Elixir Book Club is reading Elixir in Action, Third Edition!

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 5

From elixirstatus.com

Curiosum Elixir Survey 2024

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 5

From elixirstatus.com

Thinking Elixir 227: Oban Web Goes Open Source?

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 5

From elixirstatus.com

How to use Jina embeddings in Elixir with Bumblebee

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 4

From elixirstatus.com

Avoiding recompilation hell in Elixir with mix xref

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 4

From elixirstatus.com

Nerves on the Spotify Car Thing [Nerves Meetup]

0 0

Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 3

From elixirstatus.com

Bring shadcn/ui to Phoenix LiveView with SaladUI

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Nov 2

From elixirstatus.com

Thinking Elixir 226: GPUs, DNS, and Igniting Elixir Dreams

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 29

From elixirstatus.com

Managing Distributed State with GenServers in Phoenix and Elixir

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 29

From elixirstatus.com

Elixir Friends #5 - Josep Giralt D'Lacoste and Ellie Fairholm

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 28

From elixirstatus.com

Using LLMs and AI Agents to superpower your Phoenix apps

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 24

From elixirstatus.com

Elixir Wizards S13E02 Creating VintageCell with Bryan Green

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 24

From elixirstatus.com

Bringing SOLID to Elixir

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 23

From elixirstatus.com

Thinking Elixir 225: A BeaconCMS of Hope

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 22

From elixirstatus.com

Elixir Friends - Andrew Ek

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 22

From elixirstatus.com

Elixir Friends - Tyler Young

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 22

From elixirstatus.com

Elixir Friends - David Bernheisel

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 22

From elixirstatus.com

Thinking Elixir 224: Language Server Leak and Stream Week Reveals

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 22

From elixirstatus.com

mix test.interactive: Interactive test runner for ExUnit

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 22

From elixirstatus.com

ErrorTracker v0.4.0 has been released

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 22

From elixirstatus.com

Two new Elixir-related papers at the 28th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages

0 1

Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 10

From elixirstatus.com

Elixir application configuration

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 10

From elixirstatus.com

Distributed PubSub in Elixir

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 9

From elixirstatus.com

Implementing Quick Sort Algorithm in Elixir

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 8

From elixirstatus.com

Packaging an Elixir/Phoenix application with Nix

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 8

From elixirstatus.com

Thinking Elixir 223: A Boost for Nx, Lib Updates, and Passion Projects

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 8

From elixirstatus.com

Find and Fix N+1 Queries Using AppSignal for a Phoenix App in Elixir

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 8

From elixirstatus.com

Merge Sort in Elixir

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 8

From elixirstatus.com

Anatomy of Embedded Elixir

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 7

From elixirstatus.com

Implementing Insert Sort in Elixir

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 6

From elixirstatus.com

Getting Started with Ash Framework in Elixir

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 4

From elixirstatus.com

Code BEAM America 2025: first Keynotes announced!

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 4

From elixirstatus.com

Getting started with Elixir: A comprehensive learning path

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 4

From elixirstatus.com

Nerves on the Spotify Car Thing [Nerves Meetup]

0 0

Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 4

From elixirstatus.com

Thinking Elixir 222: OTP Update and Deprecating Unless

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 4

From elixirstatus.com

What happens when you visit a LiveView URL

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 3

From elixirstatus.com

Adding a new icon collection to a Phoenix project

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Oct 3

From elixirstatus.com

Personal Elixir Code Aesthetics

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Elixir news and status updates from the community for Elixir and Phoenix

on Sep 30