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From ellanew.com

Why Do New Year’s Resolutions? Every Day is Already a Fresh Start - Ellane W

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PTPL 136 · 2024-W52 · Endings are beginnings. What might happen if you created the day in your head or on paper before the sun gets up, then slept on it?

on Mon, 3AM

From ellanew.com

This is Why To Do Apps Fail and What I’m Using Instead - Ellane W

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The Japanese-inspired hybrid BuJo of my dreams is here, and we are getting along famously. Paper planners + text files suit me much better than to do apps.

on Dec 16

From ellanew.com

PTPL 104 · 6 Plain Text Task Management Options—an Overview - Ellane W

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6 different plain text task management options, from paper-equivalents to plugins and scripts. Links to the Author's and others' articles on the topic.

on Dec 10

From ellanew.com

Paper, or Paperless? Yes Please - Ellane W

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PTPL 134 · 2024-W50 · 3 disparate productivity gems, a paper vs paperless story link, and a Christmas season message from me to you

on Dec 9

From ellanew.com

Kindness, Hope, and a Christmas Carol from Me to You - Ellane W

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May you feel and share feelings of peace, acceptance, and belonging this Christmas season! I sing you a Christmas carol, and proffer an Aussie nativity picture to download and colour.

on Dec 5

From ellanew.com

PTPL 132 · Happy To Do Lists · Better Queries in Obsidian · Trip Template · Avoiding App Lock-in - Ellane W

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My simple template for trips away makes each day easier to plan. Better queries for my Master Task List that work in Obsidian, but don't require it.

on Nov 25

From ellanew.com

Classifying Notes in an OBTF, Inspired By the Dash-Plus System - Ellane W

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Don't be dogmatic about the tools you use, but do insist on protecting your work. Dash-Plus works best on paper; letters work better when classifying daily notes.

on Nov 18

From ellanew.com

11 No-Nonsense Tips to Build a Note-Taking Habit That Sticks - Ellane W

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Notes by the computer, let’s go As 2025 approaches, it’s natural to start decluttering. You’ve probably cleaned out your desk, closed a hundred

on Nov 13

From ellanew.com

No and Low-Clutter Gifts for Apple, PKM, and Analog Enthusiasts - Ellane W

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Gifts are a nice but optional way of showing you care. Here are a few things that would bring a smile to my face, and hopefully to your loved ones as well.

on Nov 8

From ellanew.com

PTPL 129 · Live Out of Your Notes the Way Tom Lives Out of His Car - Ellane W

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Are your essentials (notes, possessions) at your fingertips? Could you live out of your car? One way to handle dot-point notes in the Dash-Plus system.

on Nov 4

From ellanew.com

PTPL 128 · Keep Your Content Separate From the Container in Which It Lives - Ellane W

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Content, containers, files, and apps. Don't limit the choices your future self can make. Metadata changes are making my text-based flashcards more useful.

on Oct 28

From ellanew.com

App Agnostic Plain Text Tasks in a Single Document - Ellane W

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Last week I returned to a single plain text file structured with the TaskPaper syntax. Other options work equally as well, and let you change between them at will.

on Oct 21

From ellanew.com

PTPL 125 · Choosing Between Digital and Analog, and a Plain Text Accounting Update - Ellane W

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You are in the driver's seat of your own life-vehicle, so welcome departures from your regular routes. Also, I'm very glad I stuck with plain text accounting.

on Oct 10

From ellanew.com

How to Keep Your Wheels Turning Smoothly Despite the Automation Paradox - Ellane W

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The better machines get, the more we might struggle when they fail — but not if we perform our daily activities with foresight and intention.

on Oct 5

From ellanew.com

PTPL 124 · Saving Safari tabs as Markdown links, and Mono Fonts in Obsidian - Ellane W

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Saving Safari tabs as a list of Markdown links augments an interstitial journaling practice. I’m enjoying the uniformity of a mono font in Obsidian.

on Sep 30

From ellanew.com

Looking Through Windows (From the Outside In) - Ellane W

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Stolen glimpses through uncurtained windows at dusk show different normals. Live webcams of animals around the world remind me that my Now isn't the only one.

on Sep 27

From ellanew.com

Welcome - Ellane W

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This website is my personal think tank and playground. Here you will find scribbly sketches, technical articles, thoughtful musings, and cool finds.

on Sep 27

From ellanew.com

faq - Ellane W

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What’s PTPL? What’s plain text? Why Ellane W? Why can’t I leave comments on your posts? What’s Mastodon? How did you make this site? Why doesn’t it

on Sep 25

From ellanew.com

Celebrating Independent Indie Blogs - Ellane W

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Independent blogging is a beautiful statement on the importance of the humanness of the internet. I'm delighted to join the world-wide indie-blogger movement!

on Sep 23

From ellanew.com

Mastodon and the Fediverse — Social Media's Brighter Future - Ellane W

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Social media as we know it is not what many people think or hope it to be. One day I hope that decentralised, Federated social interactions will be the norm.

on Sep 22

From ellanew.com

Celebrating Independent Indie Blogs - Ellane W

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Independent blogging is a beautiful statement on the importance of the humanness of the internet. I'm delighted to join the world-wide indie-blogger movement!

on Sep 20

From ellanew.com

108 · Workflowy’s Plain Text Calendar Beats Obsidian’s - Ellane W

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The text-based calendar and task management system that’s got me looking at a proprietary app, all thanks to one beautifully detailed Workflowy video.

on Sep 18