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From esa.int

Europe’s Earth Return Orbiter reaches design maturity

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ESA’s Earth Return Orbiter, the first spacecraft that will rendezvous and capture an object around another planet, passed a key milestone to bring the first Mars samples back to Earth.

on Fri, 10AM

From esa.int

Juice ready to practice lunar-Earth flyby – Rocket Science

0 1

News from the edge of gravity

on Fri, 1PM

From esa.int

Earth from Space: Madeira

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The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission captured a rare, cloud-free image over the Portuguese archipelago of Madeira in the North Atlantic Ocean.

on Fri, 12PM

From esa.int

Webb admires bejewelled ring

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Webb admires bejewelled ring

on Fri, 11AM

From esa.int

EarthCARE offers a sneak peek into Earth’s energy balance

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Offering a foretaste of what’s to come once it is fully commissioned, ESA’s EarthCARE satellite has returned the first images from its broadband radiometer instrument. These initial images offer a tantalising glimpse into the intricacies of our planet’s energy balance – a delicate balance that...

on Fri, 8AM

From esa.int

Eye test for lunar impact surveyor

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Eye test for lunar impact surveyor

on Thu, 2PM

From esa.int

Tracking Ariane 6 as it soars over the Azores

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A network of ground stations around the world, including two owned by ESA, will track the debut flight of Europe’s new Ariane 6 rocket. They will monitor key phases of the flight and gather telemetry and video that will be used to analyse the rocket’s performance and optimise future launches.

on Thu, 11AM

From esa.int

Stellar success for ESA's first open day in the UK

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Thousands of visitors flocked to ESA’s establishment in the UK last Saturday to experience first-hand how the agency is pushing the boundaries of exploration and using space to improve life on Earth.

on Wed, 4PM

From esa.int

A snaking scar on Mars

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A fascinating feature takes centre stage in this new image from ESA’s Mars Express: a dark, uneven scar slicing through marbled ground at the foot of a giant volcano.

on Wed, 11AM

From esa.int

New satellite to show how AI advances Earth observation

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Artificial intelligence technologies have achieved remarkable successes and continue to show their value as backbones in scientific research and real-world applications.ESA’s new Φsat-2 mission, launching in the coming weeks, will push the boundaries of AI for Earth observation – demonstrating...

on Tue, 11AM

From esa.int

ESA’s Euclid lifts off on quest to unravel the cosmic mystery of dark matter and dark energy

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ESA’s Euclid spacecraft lifted off on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, USA, at 17:12 CEST on 1 July 2023. The successful launch marks the beginning of an ambitious mission to uncover the nature of two mysterious components of our Universe: dark matter...

on Mon, 8PM

From esa.int

C++20 for the Flight Software - language study and coding guidelines

0 3

The C++ language has evolved significantly over the last decade. Since 2011, the C++ standard has been updated every 3 years, with the latest revision published...

on Mon, 11AM

From esa.int

NASA selects US scientists to join ESA’s Hera mission

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The science team behind ESA’s Hera asteroid mission is getting bigger. NASA has selected 12 participating scientists to join Europe’s first planetary defence mission, scheduled to launch this October.

on Jun 28

From esa.int

Save the date: <br>ESA Open Days, <br>5-6 October 2024

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This year’s annual ESA&nbsp;Open Days&nbsp;in the Netherlands will take place on&nbsp;Saturday and&nbsp;Sunday,&nbsp;5-6&nbsp;October,&nbsp;at ESA ESTEC&nbsp;in Noordwijk. Registration for both events to attend will be opened later this summer; keep an eye on this webpage and ESA social media...

on Jun 28

From esa.int

Save the date: <br>ESA Open Days, <br>5-6 October 2024

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This year’s annual ESA&nbsp;Open Days&nbsp;in the Netherlands will take place on&nbsp;Saturday and&nbsp;Sunday,&nbsp;5-6&nbsp;October,&nbsp;at ESA ESTEC&nbsp;in Noordwijk. Registration for both events to attend will be opened later this summer; keep an eye on this webpage and ESA social media...

on Jun 28

From esa.int

ESA Impact 2024 - Q2

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Welcome to the 2024 second quarter edition of ESA Impact – your interactive gateway to the most important stories and images from ESA.

on Jun 28

From esa.int

Earth from Space: Meteor Crater

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Ahead of Asteroid Day, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over the Meteor Crater, also known as the Barringer Meteorite Crater.

on Jun 28

From esa.int

Close approach of asteroid (415029) 2011 UL21

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Close approach of asteroid (415029) 2011 UL21

on Jun 28

From esa.int

Proba-3 tries formation flying on the ground

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The two Proba-3 satellites were set facing each other across a cleanroom as cameras, LEDs, a laser and shadow sensors were activated in turn, testing the systems that will let the pair sense their precise positions relative to each other, allowing them to line up precisely in orbit down to a...

on Jun 28

From esa.int

Countdown to Hera: launch campaign begins at ESOC

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ESA’s&nbsp;Hera mission&nbsp;is due to launch in October this year on a quest to survey the Didymos binary asteroid system and study the results of the first-ever test of asteroid deflection.The spacecraft is currently undergoing its final&nbsp;system tests&nbsp;in the Netherlands in preparation...

on Jun 28

From esa.int

Proba-2’s glimpse of home

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Proba-2’s glimpse of home

on Jun 28

From esa.int

A first: EarthCARE reveals inner secrets of clouds

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Less than a month after it was launched, ESA’s EarthCARE satellite has returned the first image from one of its instruments – an image that, for the first time from space, unveils the internal structure and dynamics of clouds.This remarkable first image, captured by the satellite’s cloud...

on Jun 28

From esa.int

The space bricks have landed!

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ESA scientists have been exploring how a future Moon base might be built from materials on the lunar surface. Inspired by LEGO building, they have used dust from a meteorite to 3D-print 'space bricks' to test the idea. ESA's space bricks are on display in selected LEGO Stores from 20 June to 20...

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Wet dress rehearsal for Ariane 6 with a puddle

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Wet dress rehearsal for Ariane 6 with a puddle

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Ariane 6 pre-show: wet dress rehearsal complete

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Yesterday, the first Ariane 6 rocket to launch into space went through its last full ‘wet dress rehearsal’ at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana – it provided an exciting sneak peek of what’s to come, stopping just a few seconds before engine ignition and of course, lift-off.

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Saharan dust over the Strait of Messina

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Saharan dust over the Strait of Messina

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Earth from Space: Adam’s Bridge

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This Copernicus Sentinel-2 image shows Adam’s Bridge, a chain of shoals linking India and Sri Lanka.

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Lichen survives in space

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One of the main focuses in the search for living organisms on other planets and the possibilities for transfer of life between planets currently centres on bacteria, due to the organism's simplicity and the possibility of it surviving an interplanetary journey exposed to the harsh space environment.

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Webb snaps first image of aligned jets from newborn stars

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For the first time, a phenomenon astronomers have long hoped to image directly has been captured by the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope’s Near-InfraRed Camera (NIRCam). In this stunning image of the Serpens Nebula, the discovery lies in the northern area of this young, nearby star-forming region.

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Time to build zero-debris satellites

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ESA is committed to deliver on the promise of Zero Debris by 2030. To ensure compliant satellites can be designed and built in time, ESA is supporting industry during this technologically challenging transition.On 25 June 2024, three major European space industry players each signed a contract...

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Too young to be so cool: lessons from three neutron stars

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ESA’s XMM-Newton and NASA’s Chandra spacecraft have detected three young neutron stars that are unusually cold for their age. By comparing their properties to different neutron star models, scientists conclude that the oddballs’ low temperatures disqualify around 75% of known models. This is a...

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Scientists spot hidden companions of bright stars

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Detecting faint objects close to bright stars is incredibly difficult. Yet, by combining data from ESA's Gaia space telescope with ESO’s GRAVITY instrument on the ground, scientists managed just that.&nbsp;They captured the first light signals of so far unseen dim companions of eight luminous...

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Drone racing prepares neural-network AI for space

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Drones are being raced against the clock at Delft University of Technology’s ‘Cyber Zoo’ to test the performance of neural-network-based AI control systems planned for next-generation space missions.

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Metallic Mars

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Metallic Mars

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Monitoring marine litter from space is now a reality

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Every 60 seconds the equivalent of a lorry-load of plastic enters the global ocean. Where it goes after that remains largely unknown. But a new ESA Discovery study reported in Nature Communications&nbsp;has proven the concept of monitoring floating plastic litter using satellites.

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Slovenia to become ESA’s 23rd Member State

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Slovenia signed the Accession Agreement to the ESA Convention on 18 June 2024. Upon ratification, Slovenia will become the 23rd ESA Member State.

on Jun 26

From esa.int

Ariane 6 launches Curium One: space for all

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Europe’s newest rocket soon launches, taking with it many space missions each with a unique objective, destination and team at home, cheering them on. Whether into Earth orbit to look back and study Earth, peer out to deep space or test important new technologies, Ariane 6’s first flight will...

on Jun 26

From esa.int

ESA Impact 2024 – June Council Edition

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Welcome to the June Council edition of ESA Impact, an interactive showcase of the best images and videos since the last Council meeting.

on Jun 25

From esa.int

Moving the Ariane 6 upper part to the launch pad for first flight

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Moving the Ariane 6 upper part to the launch pad for first flight

on Jun 25

From esa.int

Preparing ESA's Arctic Weather Satellite for liftoff

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With ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite due to launch in a few weeks, the satellite is now at the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California being readied for its big day. Once in orbit, this new mission will show how short-term weather forecasts in the Arctic and beyond could be improved.

on Jun 25

From esa.int

2024 LH1, the second closest close approach - NEO

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What can we learn from close approachers?

on Jun 25

From esa.int

Drone test of planetary landing radar

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Drone test of planetary landing radar

on Jun 25

From esa.int

Jupiter’s upper atmosphere surprises astronomers

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Using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, scientists observed the region above Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot to discover a variety of previously unseen features. The region, previously believed to be unremarkable in nature, hosts a variety of intricate structures and activity.

on Jun 25

From esa.int

Asteroid 2024 MK flies past Earth

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Asteroid 2024 MK flies past Earth

on Jun 25

From esa.int

Webb captures star clusters in Cosmic Gems arc

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An international team of astronomers have used the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope to discover gravitationally bound star clusters when the Universe was 460 million years old. This is the first discovery of star clusters in an infant galaxy less than 500 million years after the Big Bang.

on Jun 25

From esa.int

ESA Climate Office/EGU Mentoring Partnership Scheme

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Call for applications from PhD candidates wanting to benefit from pastoral mentoring and career advice delivered by individuals working within the European Space Agency's Climate Office. The Scheme aims to support professional orientation and clarification of career goals, broaden professional...

on Jun 25

From esa.int

Two large asteroids safely pass Earth just 42 hours apart

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Two large asteroids will safely pass Earth this week, a rare occurrence perfectly timed to commemorate this year's&nbsp;Asteroid Day. Neither poses any risk to our planet, but one of them was only discovered a week ago, highlighting the need to continue improving our ability to detect...

on Jun 25

From esa.int

Ariane 6 launches GRBBeta: small satellite, big astrophysics

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Europe’s newest rocket soon launches, taking with it many space missions, each with a unique objective, destination and team at home, cheering them on. Whether launching new satellites to look back and study Earth, peer out to deep space or test important new technologies in orbit, Ariane 6’s...

on Jun 25

From esa.int

Earth from Space: Heel of Italy

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The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over a section of Italy’s heel in the southern part of the boot-shaped peninsula.

on Jun 25

From esa.int


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on Jun 25