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From exposur.es


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exposur.es is a safe haven for artists to share their artwork unimpeded by censorship and liberated from exploitative corporations.

on Sep 7

From exposur.es

frank (@tothedaring@exposur.es)

0 0

...washed ashore with only the moon as witness... | Full Moon On The Jetties, August 2023 | 𝑓/4.0, 30", ISO 800 • • • #photography #nightphotography #night #nightscape #nightscapephotography #nightsky #beachphotography #filmwave #filmvibes #analogvibes #grainisgood #graingurls #portrait...

on Aug 3

From exposur.es


0 3

exposur.es is a network of artists and their communities built on Pixelfed allowing them to share their artwork unimpeded by censorship and liberated from exploitative corporations.

on May 16