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From factkeepers.com

It's Time We Had a Talk About MAGA's Sexual Predator Problem - Factkeepers.com

1 1

The truth is, children are far safer in a public bathroom with a transgender person than with a MAGA Evangelical—and it ain't even close.

18h ago

From factkeepers.com

Little Marco Goes to Quebec City - Factkeepers.com

0 1

There is an American clown in Canada this weekend. He is an embarrassment to his country and his office. His title might be secretary of state, but he is no such thing.

on Fri, 10PM

From factkeepers.com

History: There Is a Right Side and a Wrong Side, and We Are Now on the Wrong Side. - Factkeepers.com

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On that dark day in 2017 that Donald Trump loudly endorsed the politics of white supremacists and Nazis, Trump signed a hall pass for racists and misogynists and xenophobes and homophobes.

on Mar 7

From factkeepers.com

An Open Letter to President Zelensky, From an Embarrassed American - Factkeepers.com

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The vast majority of Americans are fully sickened to our core by the violence visited upon Ukraine every day.

on Mar 2

From factkeepers.com

Dear Republicans: Will You Salute the Tyrant or Save the Republic? - Factkeepers.com

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History will remember the cowards — will you be one of them?

on Feb 15

From factkeepers.com

Anti-Social Engineering: Elon Musk's Hack of Our Government - Factkeepers.com

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Elon Musk has laser-focused his attacks on the digital hubs that can disrupt just about every life in the US. This deserves a new term: Anti-social engineering.

on Feb 4

From factkeepers.com

Trump, Musk and the United States: One Nation Under Two Dictators? - Factkeepers.com

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While Trump is cementing his control of the government and its agencies, Musk is taking over as the dictator over the personnel and finance of the United States.

on Feb 2

From factkeepers.com

A New Tool Can Help Local Governments Hire Displaced Federal Workers - Factkeepers.com

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There's normally turnover in Washington with each new administration. But now Trump and Musk want to purge huge numbers of federal workers. These folks can bring valuable skills and experience to state and local governments.

on Feb 1

From factkeepers.com

The Madness of King Trump - Factkeepers.com

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It is hard to overstate how insane our current position is as a nation, a world power. A convicted criminal and wanton dictator is now officially in charge and he's abandoning all pretense of governing and instead trying to rule.

on Jan 31

From factkeepers.com

Authors of Trump Administration Memos Are Project 2025 Heavy Hitters - Factkeepers.com

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Trump denied knowing about Project 2025. but unscrubbed PDF documents reveal that authors and contributors to Project 2025 are now drafting policies for Trump Administration departments.

on Jan 29

From factkeepers.com

Goebbels' Big Lie—1932 and Today - Factkeepers.com

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The rhetoric in a speech by Joseph Goebbels in 1932 sounds remarkably similar to that used by the far right today. You decide.

on Jan 24

From factkeepers.com

The Fatal Flaw of Believing You Can Negotiate With Evil Without Becoming Its Victim - Factkeepers.com

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Evil doesn’t negotiate—it devours. That is the peril of trusting Republicans with America’s future. The GOP isn’t interested in Democracy, and it’s time to wake up.

on Jan 16

From factkeepers.com

A Survival Guide for Our Coming Worst-Case Scenario - Factkeepers.com

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Living well isn't just the best revenge—it's also the greatest resistance. Take care of yourselves and those around you.

on Jan 10

From factkeepers.com

Coming Up: America's First Ever Illegal Inauguration of a President - Factkeepers.com

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Trump and his cronies are coming to power on our watch. Restraining them, defeating them and then preventing them from ever achieving this again is our job now.

on Jan 3

From factkeepers.com

The Coming Oligarchy: Our Democracy’s Last Stand? - Factkeepers.com

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The road ahead could lead to dictatorship or renewed liberty, as the American people confront the corrosive power of wealth in politics.

on Jan 2

From factkeepers.com

How Lessons From the Far Right Can Be a Blueprint for a Progressive Revolution - Factkeepers.com

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We should be using the Tea Party’s playbook to reclaim the Democratic Party and advance real progressive change.

on Dec 25

From factkeepers.com

Defending America Against Industrial Strength Propaganda Campaigns - Factkeepers.com

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Like it or not, the propaganda America has been subjected to is effective in ripping apart a society and we are not immune. So how do we defend against it?

on Dec 12

From factkeepers.com

The Terrifying War of the Future Is Here Now In Russia's Invasion of Ukraine - Factkeepers.com

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Low-cost made-on-the-fly weapons systems like drones have completely upended warfare as we have known it, and we haven’t even seen the introduction of Artificial Intelligence systems into this new weapons landscape yet.

on Dec 9

From factkeepers.com

Bob Graham: Reminder of a Time When Florida Was Led By Human Beings - Factkeepers.com

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The late Florida former Governor and former Senator Bob Graham adored people. It didn’t matter who they were. That just begins the contrast between him and the rage-driven, paranoid bullies running the state today.

on Dec 7

From factkeepers.com

Time for Christians to Get Out of People's Bedrooms and Bathrooms - Factkeepers.com

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Read the Gospel stories of Jesus and hold those up against what organized Christianity is passing off as faithfulness these days and you'll see it clearly: there's virtually no shared resemblance.

on Dec 1

From factkeepers.com

How Will Trump Profit From the Presidency? Let Us Count the Ways - Factkeepers.com

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Who among us will be surprised if the TRUMP brand isn’t emblazoned on the North Portico of the White House with signs welded to the outer perimeter fence reading “Open for business! Gift Shop inside! We accept Bitcoin and WLFI tokens!”

on Nov 29

From factkeepers.com

Welcome to Fascism: What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Dictator - Factkeepers.com

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American fascism would eliminate the rule of law and accountable government and may very well need to suppress other institutions which interfere with its objectives. The objective of fascism is always power for power’s sake.

on Nov 12

From factkeepers.com

We Voted Nazis Into the White House, Again. Now What? - Factkeepers.com

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How do we overcome the opposition to humanity that has taken root in two and a half of the three branches of our government?

on Nov 10

From factkeepers.com

The Misinformation Pipeline: How and Why People Spread Rumors - Factkeepers.com

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Understanding how false information travels and takes root is vital to understanding today's political environment.

on Nov 3

From factkeepers.com

The Lost Art of Respect in Modern Society - Factkeepers.com

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Mutual respect is not just the cornerstone of meaningful human interaction—it is the foundation of civil society itself.

on Nov 1

From factkeepers.com

Introducing One of Donald Trump’s “Enemies Within.” Me. - Factkeepers.com

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I believe in stuff like the right of women to control their own bodies, and I believe in equal rights under the law for everyone, and I believe that six of our nine Supreme Court justices are fascist fellow travelers.

on Oct 31

From factkeepers.com

Confronting the Fascism Trump Intends for Our Future - Factkeepers.com

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Ignoring the danger of fascism to America or writing it off as a "scare tactic" is just naïveté—or whistling past the graveyard.

on Oct 28

From factkeepers.com

Knuckling Under to Trump: This Is What Fascism Looks Like - Factkeepers.com

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When you are bullied, you STAND UP or you lose your self-respect and your dignity and your right to life. The fascism of Donald Trump would take away all three.

on Oct 27

From factkeepers.com

What Makes Bullies, Like Trump, Vulnerable? - Factkeepers.com

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What bullies and their allies fear the most: people actually looking directly at them and what they do—confronting them, and then standing their ground refusing to be intimidated.

on Oct 26

From factkeepers.com

A Guide to Recognizing and Resisting Nazi and Fascist Ideologies - Factkeepers.com

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History has shown us where extremist ideologies can lead. But history has also shown us that informed, engaged citizens are our strongest defense against extremism.

on Oct 26

From factkeepers.com

Home - Factkeepers.com

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Factkeepers is a refuge for those seeking solace and calm from the universe of false, twisted and alternative "facts."

on Oct 21

From factkeepers.com

Trump’s Lie That Biden Didn’t Offer Storm Relief for Georgia Is Part of His Disastrous Pattern - Factkeepers.com

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So where did Trump get this idea that hurricane aid was being parceled out on a partisan basis, with Biden allies getting preference over those backing Republicans? That is what he did to Democratic states when he was in office.

on Oct 5

From factkeepers.com

Voter Suppression: Ohio’s Secretary of State Has Purged Thousands of Eligible Voters - Factkeepers.com

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In spite of the fact that he found no evidence of widespread voter fraud, Ohio's Republican Secretary of State is removing many thousands of voters from the rolls who in all probability would vote for Democrats.

on Oct 5

From factkeepers.com

Is Donald Trump a Defendant in the Supreme Court, or a Client of It? - Factkeepers.com

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The Supreme Court, by making Donald Trump a “class of one” with its immunity decision has effectively made itself the trial court for any cases involving Donald Trump.

on Oct 5

From factkeepers.com

There Is Something Anti-Trump Growing in the Republican Party - Factkeepers.com

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The realignment of the Republican Party that appears to be underway, even before they know for sure that Trump will be gone, has a long way to go.

on Sep 15

From factkeepers.com

Harris Campaign Uses Ridicule to Beat Trump at His Own Game - Factkeepers.com

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Trump doesn’t like being laughed at. Ridicule reduces him from the dictator and tyrannical bully that he imagines himself to be. It exposes him not as he wants to be but as he is.

on Sep 8

From factkeepers.com

Time to End the Deadly Human Practice of "Othering" - Factkeepers.com

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Now we have an opportunity to bring Americans together, to embrace a collective and inclusive “us,” and to repudiate hate and “othering” as a political strategy.

on Aug 28

From factkeepers.com

JD Vance Is a Classic Example of Rich People Trying to Speak on Behalf of the Poor - Factkeepers.com

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Vance filled his memoir "Hillbilly Elegy" with selections from the greatest hits of “poornography”—violence, drugs, sex, obscenity and filth. But Vance himself was never actually impoverished.

on Aug 15

From factkeepers.com

Trump's Ship, the SS Orange Fascist Is Running Aground - Factkeepers.com

0 1

Trump is losing. He is growing more and more unstable, and though he will go, it will not be gently into the night.

on Aug 12

From factkeepers.com

The New York Times Finally Starts to Dig into Trump's Campaign - Factkeepers.com

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With Donald Trump flailing around like a spastic squirrel trying to find his hidden stash of nuts, the Times has finally begun to dig into its vault of access journalism and is turning up a few nuts of its own.

on Aug 12

From factkeepers.com

The Real Nature of America—Contrary to the Rantings of Donald Trump - Factkeepers.com

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If one listens to the rambling complaints about America coming from Donald Trump and his camp—or worse, believes them—it is a wonder anyone leaves their front door.

on Jul 21

From factkeepers.com

Trump's Self-Appointed “Secretary of Retribution:” Who Is on His List? - Factkeepers.com

0 1

“Look at my entire Deep State target list,” Ivan Raiklin said. “That is the beginning. This is the scratching of the surface of who is going to be criminalized for their treason, okay?”

on Jul 17

From factkeepers.com

Today's Yellow Journalism: The Biased Targeting of Biden's Flaws vs Trump's Crimes! - Factkeepers.com

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The answer to the question about why Trump is polling better than Biden regardless of the realities in the fact-based world: “It’s the media, stupid.”

on Jul 9

From factkeepers.com

A Requiem for the United States—That We Better Get Busy Avoiding - Factkeepers.com

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Let’s face it. The United States are probably over. Oh, sure, it will continue as a country, but it won’t be anything like it’s supposed to be. It will be Rome near the end, as the barbarians were massing on the borders.

on Jul 4

From factkeepers.com

The Biden-Trump "Debate" Emphasizes the Dangers America Faces - Factkeepers.com

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The history lesson that Trump's backers and enablers have refused to learn is that Nazism and Fascism do not work and lead to the utter destruction of their practitioners. We can help teach them that this November.

on Jun 29

From factkeepers.com

What Is It That Makes a MAGA? - Factkeepers.com

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To MAGA is to follow, unquestioningly and absolutely. It is why one of our two political parties has ceased being either political or a party, turning itself, openly and brazenly, into a cult. 

on Jun 28

From factkeepers.com

The Republican Party's Total Push to Resurrect the Confederacy - Factkeepers.com

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The new GOP motto might as well be, “We don’t need no stinkin’ issues; we just want power and revenge for the heroes of the Old South and the New Insurrection.”

on Jun 26

From factkeepers.com

Trump Allies Are Still Working to Undermine Election Safeguards in Georgia - Factkeepers.com

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Georgia state leaders have compromised the safeguards that protected the integrity of the vote in 2020.

on Jun 25

From factkeepers.com

Florida Parents Sue Board of Education Over Book Ban Policy - Factkeepers.com

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Florida saw more books challenged for removal than any other state last year, according to data released by the American Library Association.

on Jun 23

From factkeepers.com

Kari Lake's Attorney Suspended From Practicing Law for Lying to the Arizona Supreme Court - Factkeepers.com

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Kari Lake's unceasing efforts to overturn her 2022 election loss are as unabated as Donald Trump and his complaints about losing in 2020. And seem to be just as destructive to attorneys.

on Jun 23