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From fosstodon.org

Carlos Scheidegger (@cscheid@fosstodon.org)

1 1

Quarto 1.5 is out! - 200+ bugfixes - 40+ enhancements, including a number of cool new features (check out especially our table styling support in Typst) https://quarto.org/docs/download/

#julia #typst #quarto

2h ago

From fosstodon.org

Mahbub Hasan (@mahbub@fosstodon.org)

1 1

Attached: 1 image Finally, books for goldfish brain people

13h ago

From fosstodon.org

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian: (@atoponce@fosstodon.org)

1 1

PLEASE do not leave out the underscore (or the exclamation point, but really the underscore) in Pop!_OS. #linux #Pop_OS

17h ago

From fosstodon.org

Dr John A Stevenson (@volcan01010@fosstodon.org)

1 1

Attached: 1 image @stevenfeldman@mastodon.me.uk Damning Financial Times report on #what3words. They did pass £1mn revenue and lured in £6.9m from retail investors, but: "1) Its product is flawed; 2) It isn't making any money" https://www.ft.com/content/966bf457-83f9-419b-aac5-a65ef0bf1689

20h ago

From fosstodon.org

Drew DeVault (@drewdevault@fosstodon.org)

1 1

5. The Free Software Foundation. #hottake The one thing all of these issues have in common is that the FSF has no answers for them. The EUPL and MPL are doing a better job of facilitating copyleft than the GPL family. Savannah isn't a match for Codeberg, let alone GitHub. Most egregiously, the...

22h ago

From fosstodon.org

FOSS4G Europe (@foss4geurope@fosstodon.org)

1 1

Attached: 1 image Here are some fun facts about FOSS4GE! 🌍There will be almost 450 participants. 🛠️We're holding 24 workshops. 📊We're featuring 161 presentations. 🙌We have 46 organisers and volunteers. Also, look at this awesome map that shows where all our participants are...

22h ago

From fosstodon.org

Universal Blue (@UniversalBlue@fosstodon.org)

1 1

Important announcement regarding system updates [Action needed] https://universal-blue.discourse.group/t/important-announcement-regarding-system-updates-action-needed/2689 Please read the announcement and take the steps needed to make sure your system continues to receive updates. If you have...

on Wed, 7AM

From fosstodon.org

Brett Cannon (@brettcannon@fosstodon.org)

0 1

I just signed up to sponsor Servo until someone makes a browser I can pay for instead of trying to get me to use a certain search engine (happy Kagi user here), and is available on Linux. https://github.com/sponsors/servo

on Wed, 1AM

From fosstodon.org

kevin ✨ (he/him) (@KevinGimbel@fosstodon.org)

0 1

🔗 Just saved: "Google’s greenhouse gas emissions jump 48% in five years | Ars Technica" Google, as well as Amazon and Microsoft, energy consumption rises due to push for AI and LLM. Feels like crypto/blockchain hype all over again, with energy consumption rising insanely while the technology...

on Tue, 10PM

From fosstodon.org

Drew DeVault (@drewdevault@fosstodon.org)

0 1

@noodlez1232 some general advice: 1. If you see something wrong with your environment, either fix it or leave, but don't tolerate it 2. If you notice yourself internally "othering" someone, in that you treat them differently from people more like yourself, try to consciously resist that impulse...

on Tue, 10PM

From fosstodon.org

Drew DeVault (@drewdevault@fosstodon.org)

0 1

The FSF is dead, but its message cannot die. Free software is the philosophical superior of open source, and its lost a lot of ground due to the FSF's negligence and incompetence that we must recover. We need to underscore the political and philosophical meaning of free software independent of...

on Tue, 9PM

From fosstodon.org

Thomas Frans 🇺🇦 (@thomy2000@fosstodon.org)

0 1

@thomholwerda@exquisite.social @osnews@mstdn.social Get your woke propaganda and entitlement out of here. They're probably too busy with important stuff to waste time on stupid politics and religion. If you want to read whatever you want between the lines, keep it to yourself instead of making...

on Tue, 8PM

From fosstodon.org

Marlin Firmware (@marlinfirmware@fosstodon.org)

0 1

We’re finding #AI increasingly useful as a partner in #OpenSource. You’ll soon be able to ask a friendly AI your Marlin / #3DPrinting questions and get accurate up to date answers and advice. AI is helping us refresh our crufty documentation. AI coding assistants are helping us build new tools.

on Tue, 8PM

From fosstodon.org

enhance (@enhance_dev@fosstodon.org)

0 1

🔒 WebAuthn: Enhancing Security with Minimal Effort WebAuthn offers a passwordless approach to security that's both robust and user-friendly. It's already built in to all major browsers and implementation isn't a ton of work - especially if you use Architect/Enhance. by @tbeseda@indieweb.social...

on Tue, 7PM

From fosstodon.org

Drew DeVault (@drewdevault@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Moreover, we need more people than just programmers. You know why we don't have an answer to Discord? A big part of it is that we don't have people doing visual design, translations, marketing, etc. Learn about people who differ from you and your expectations: their struggles, their victories,...

on Tue, 6PM

From fosstodon.org

Bruno Rodrigues :rstats: :tux: (@brodriguesco@fosstodon.org)

0 1

time to set your reminders everyone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM4JrCWZpwA&list=PL77T87Q0eoJhsC203plZ1H4p21AGrM9rl&index=2

on Tue, 4PM

From fosstodon.org

jonthegeek (@jonthegeek@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 4 images https://DSLC.io welcomes you to week 27 of #TidyTuesday! We're exploring TidyTuesday Datasets! 📂 https://tidytues.day/2024/2024-07-02 🗞️ https://r4ds.github.io/ttmeta/ #RStats #PyData #JuliaLang #DataViz #tidyverse #r4ds

on Tue, 3PM

From fosstodon.org

Kurt Menke (@geomenke@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 1 image Tomorrow morning at @foss4geurope (Van46 ring), I'll present a #QGIS Feature Frenzy. Come and learn about the new features found in the current LTR (3.34) along with the two latest releases 3.36 Mainenhead, and 3.38 Grenoble - released just last week!

on Tue, 10AM

From fosstodon.org

Timo Tijhof (@krinkle@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Ladybird is a new independent cross-platform browser engine, complete with its own JS engine. It has non-profit status in the US (501c3). Behind it are a long-time KHTML/WebKit developer, and a GitHub co-founder. > It started as a humble HTML viewer for the SerenityOS hobby project, but since...

on Tue, 9AM

From fosstodon.org

Jodie Burchell 🇦🇺🇩🇪 (@t_redactyl@fosstodon.org)

0 1

I've written up the first part of my #pyconit keynote talk as a blog post (finally back to writing for my personal blog!). If you are curious about whether #language use in #LLMs is really reaching human-like levels, give it a...

on Tue, 1AM

From fosstodon.org

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck@fosstodon.org)

0 1

@alans@social.lol good point, thanks! To install the extension, you can go to the “Extensions” panel in the sidebar and search for “Positron +1e”. Then click the install button or browse the reader to find individual extensions to install!

on Tue, 1AM

From fosstodon.org

Allan Chow (@grumpasaurus@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 1 image This book has been out of print for decades and is truly a lesson for anyone joining any organization... or anyone who's worked on any legacy process (image descriptions populated)

on Mon, 10PM

From fosstodon.org

Kátia Nakamura (@katianakamura@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 1 image #Django 5.1 feature: Middleware to require authentication by default - LoginRequiredMiddleware redirects all unauthenticated requests to the login page by default. - Use the login_not_required() decorator for exceptions. - Only supports the view-function-level...

on Mon, 10PM

From fosstodon.org

TalkTech (@talktech@fosstodon.org)

0 1

I am thinking of moving my blog away from Wordpress. Current: https://talktech.info/ Demo: https://blog.talktech.info/ Demo using Grav. What do you think is better? #Question #Grav #Wordpress [ ] Wordpress [ ] Grav

on Mon, 9PM

From fosstodon.org

Pamela Fox (@pamelafox@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 1 image Dannng, ruff finally took away "ruff ."! Now you gotta do "ruff check ." That's 6 more characters! And takes me away from my fantasy of being a dog at a keyboard. Sigh, life is ruff.

on Mon, 7PM

From fosstodon.org

Loren (@lorenipsum@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 1 video Anyone ave advice on ow to fix tis?

on Mon, 5PM

From fosstodon.org

musl libc (@musl@fosstodon.org)

0 4

OpenSSH sshd on musl-based systems is not vulnerable to RCE via CVE-2024-6387 (regreSSHion). This is because we do not use localtime in log timestamps and do not use dynamic allocation (because it could fail under memory pressure) for printf formatting. While the sshd bug is UB (AS-unsafe...

on Mon, 5PM

From fosstodon.org

Jan Andrle (@jaandrle@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 1 image #mastodon #česko #statistika „České instance” mají **orientačně**: * 13,1 tis. uživ.¹ ² * za únor +~65 ³, březen +~50 ¹ uživ. * MAU ~1,8 tis.⁴ „Slovenské instance” #slovensko: * ~457 uživ.² Předch. příspěvek z 2. 2. 24:...

on Mon, 2PM

From fosstodon.org

Gabriele Svelto (@gabrielesvelto@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Never thought I'd agree with someone from GS > AI technology is exceptionally expensive, and to justify those costs, the technology must be able to solve complex problems, which it isn't designed to do," [...] The starting point for costs is also so high that even if costs decline, they would...

on Mon, 1PM

From fosstodon.org

Bruno Rodrigues :rstats: :tux: (@brodriguesco@fosstodon.org)

0 1

we are getting near to a CRAN release, please try to break the package if you're interested in building reproducible development environments as an #RStats user, give rix a try ! https://b-rodrigues.github.io/rix/index.html

on Mon, 12PM

From fosstodon.org

Fedor Indutny (@indutny@fosstodon.org)

0 1

There is something that have been bothering me for past few months, and resulted in me archiving node-ip repo on github: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-78xj-cgh5-2h22 Someone filed a dubious CVE about my npm package, and then I started getting messages from all people getting warnings from...

on Mon, 10AM

From fosstodon.org

Fedor Indutny (@indutny@fosstodon.org)

0 1

For that dicer bug in particular, I don't think it is reproducible as described in the advisory's PoC: https://gist.github.com/indutny-signal/9602403f5b0a946d139398e9bad8222c Furthermore the PoC doesn't seem to involve dicer at all: https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-DICER-2311764 What's...

on Mon, 9AM

From fosstodon.org

Fedor Indutny (@indutny@fosstodon.org)

0 1

It looks like there are entities that in theory should fill the void in OSS community and provide resources for managing security reports for overloaded maintainers. (I'm looking at you SNYK) However, the verification process of vulnerability reports doesn't involve maintainer at all, and it...

on Mon, 9AM

From fosstodon.org

Fedor Indutny (@indutny@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Update: GitHub got back to me and decided to lower the vulnerability rating in response to my feedback. Furthermore, they advised me to enable Private Vulnerability Reporting feature so that I could get a chance at tackling the reports before they hit all package users next time. Great...

on Mon, 9AM

From fosstodon.org


0 1

Fosstodon is a Mastodon instance that is open to anyone who is interested in technology; particularly free & open source software.

on Sun, 10PM

From fosstodon.org

AkaSci 🛰️ (@AkaSci@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 1 image Beryl is now officially a Cat 1 Hurricane, with sustained wind speeds of 80 mph. Predicted to strengthen to 120 mph in 48 hours. B​eryl is the easternmost hurricane to form in the tropical Atlantic during the month of June, beating out a 90 year old...

on Sun, 10PM

From fosstodon.org

nullr0ute (@nullr0ute@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 1 image And I have the camera on the #Qualcomm #lenovox13s working on @fedora! This is using #libcamera 0.3 softisp with some fixes for #Fedora. It's not a great photo but it's the first time I've got the MIPI complex #camera stack up and running. Next camera devices will be the...

on Sun, 6PM

From fosstodon.org

Kev Quirk (@kev@fosstodon.org)

0 3

I was posting my usual waffle over on Fosstodon yesterday, and someone asked a question about having a personal site vs just using social media. So I naturally decided to write a post on my personal site about it. https://kevquirk.com/blog/why-have-a-personal-site-instead-of-social-media

on Sun, 5PM

From fosstodon.org

Ryan Finnie (@foo@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 4 images This is the project I’ve been working on, a Sun Ultra 20 from 2005. It has a first generation AMD Opteron, namely the Opteron 144, in lieu of a SPARC processor from previous generations of Sun workstations. 2GB RAM (I will be upgrading to max 4GB), onboard graphics (I have a...

on Sun, 4PM

From fosstodon.org

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee) (@hongminhee@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Wait, was I the only one reading FEP as ef-e-pee? Was everyone else reading it as fep?

on Sun, 1PM

From fosstodon.org

bert hubert 🇺🇦🇪🇺 (@bert_hubert@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 1 image I'm a huge @duckdb@mastodon.social fanboy, but even so it keeps amazing me. This is a 282 GB database of all bacterial genes & protein products. Here I ask DuckDB to find proteins *similar* to a specific one. It takes 9 seconds. Over 282GB w/o indexes.

on Sun, 12PM

From fosstodon.org

Carlton Gibson 🇪🇺 (@carlton@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Just a few links to add, and this month's #TheStackReport is ready to go. I'll be expanding on the points about Locality of Behaviour from my talk at #DjangoConEurope. Going out this afternoon: https://buttondown.email/carlton

on Sun, 11AM

From fosstodon.org

Pamela Fox (@pamelafox@fosstodon.org)

0 1

TIL: the hypothesis package has a "ghostwriter" functionality that'll write your tests for you: https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ghostwriter.html It includes autodetection of "roundtrip" functions, like compress/decompress: https://zhd.dev/ghostwriter/?q=gzip.compress Here's the...

on Sun, 5AM

From fosstodon.org

Allan Chow (@grumpasaurus@fosstodon.org)

0 1

@unusual_whales@masto.ai I hope an engineer wrote maybe 2 scripts that run nightly on CSV's and SAID it was AI to get their promotion

on Sun, 4AM

From fosstodon.org

:arch: XeroLinux :kdelight: (@XeroLinux@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Happy Weekend everyone.. I was recently requested to do a somewhat detailed write up on the whole #AMD vs #nVidia situaton on #Linux. So I have, check it out and let me know what y'all think... #FOSS #OpenSource https://xerolinux.xyz/posts/nvidia-vs-amd-linux/

on Sun, 1AM

From fosstodon.org

Murat (@muratk5n@fosstodon.org)

0 1

@emilygorcenski@indieweb.social US democracy is corporate owned. "Tolerence for immig" is corp speak for "cheap workers". Last time there were this many foreign born in US was the Gilded Age.

on Sat, 10PM

From fosstodon.org

MattPounsett (@MattPounsett@fosstodon.org)

0 4

This is an absolutely metal business decision made by OpenDNS (Cisco). Court orders in France and Portugal are requiring the big open DNS resolvers (Google, OpenDNS, CloudFlare, etc.) to block resolution of a small list of domains for anyone in those countries. OpenDNS seems to have decided...

on Sat, 10AM

From fosstodon.org

EyeInHand (@eyeinhand@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Attached: 1 image This little guy was making a raucous racket by the window. Gray Treefrog. They change color and patterns to match their surroundings. Do an excellent rendition of lichen on tree bark. #photography #amphibian #nocturnalanimals #nature

on Fri, 8PM

From fosstodon.org

Ryan Makes, Dreamscaper (@ryancoordinator@fosstodon.org)

0 1

@foosel@chaos.social please take a little time to process and cleanse these feelings. You are succeeding. Your work is powering my practice, and many others too. I can hear my printer running now, and you are to thank. This jank episode is a fruit of your success. As your success grows,...

on Fri, 7PM

From fosstodon.org

Chris Miller (@grueproof@fosstodon.org)

0 1

Say it with me now: “A Bad Mood Yields No Special Insights.”

on Fri, 5PM