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From freeradical.zone

Subcömandante♠️Midas🦄 (@inkorrupt@freeradical.zone)

0 1

These: Der #Wissing ist nicht in der Regierung geblieben um ohne #FDP etwas besser zu machen, sondern um dafür zu sorgen, daß auch ohne sie die Interessen der #Autolobby gewahrt bleiben. Ergo *kann* er z.B.gar kein #Tempolimit unterschreiben, ohne dafür zwingende Sachgründe als Rechtfertigung...

on Fri, 9AM

From freeradical.zone

Rachael Ludwick (@r343l@freeradical.zone)

0 1

@Forbearance@mastodon.xyz lol yes. I reflexively save all links to a read later app so I saved it a a day or two ago from the iphone share sheet (sent straight to read later app w/o loading link) and so didn't notice that popup subscribe until I loaded the link in a browser to make sure I had a...

on Thu, 7PM

From freeradical.zone

szakib (@szakib@freeradical.zone)

0 1

This piece of @RadicalGraffiti@todon.eu needs some Barbara Streisanding. Does anyone have a full picture of it? The news only has partials. https://www.hs.fi/helsinki/art-2000010910961.html

on Thu, 6PM

From freeradical.zone

Rachael Ludwick (@r343l@freeradical.zone)

0 4

Attached: 1 image This article is very uncomfortable to read. https://www.wheresyoured.at/never-forgive-them/

on Thu, 5AM

From freeradical.zone

funnymonkey (@funnymonkey@freeradical.zone)

0 1

Google wants to thank you for sharing all of your output with them. And, by extension, law enforcement, governments, and legal requests. https://www.theverge.com/2024/12/12/24319697/gemini-ai-summarize-google-drive-folders

on Sun, 1AM

From freeradical.zone

cuan_knaggs (@mensrea@freeradical.zone)

0 0


on Dec 13

From freeradical.zone

Subcömandante♠️Midas🦄 (@inkorrupt@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Glaube übrigens, daß das aktuelle Vermögen des "reichsten Mannes der Welt" von 440 Mrd. nicht mal ausreicht, um seinen #spacex Weltraumschrott aus dem Orbit nachhaltig zu entsorgen. [In einer besseren Welt wäre der Dude schon alleine deshalb privatinsolvent.]

on Dec 13

From freeradical.zone

Jenny Andrew (@drandrewv2@freeradical.zone)

0 0

@bremner@mathstodon.xyz Oh. My. God. YES!!! “Would you recommend Microsoft Excel to a friend or colleague?” Are you actually kidding me? If there’s a single person left on the planet who doesn’t know, for their own purposes, exactly what to think of Excel/Teams/outlook/allTheOtherShit, then I...

on Dec 10

From freeradical.zone

rolltime (@rolltime@freeradical.zone)

0 0

The HOPE XV talks are finally up on YouTube! Here’s a link to mine, where I covered AI and Solarpunk: https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=pdYT1vUrj34

on Dec 9

From freeradical.zone

Bit Art Bot (@bitartbot@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Attached: 1 image f(x,y) = (((-(x * 9)) - ((y ^ x) & (~y))) / (((x ^ 22) + (-y)) | ((y ^ y) ^ (x - x)))) % 13 Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2) "Onebit" colouring scheme.

on Dec 8

From freeradical.zone

Tek say resist (@tek@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Anthrax, "Bring The Noise (feat. Public Enemy)" from the album "Apocalypse 91… The Enemy Strikes Black": https://song.link/us/i/1434919021 #NowPlaying #FediPlay Turn it up! Bring the noise!

on Dec 5

From freeradical.zone

decidim (@decidim@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Attached: 3 images 🇧🇷 Primer día en Brasil. Hoy hemos visitado el laboratorio Lappis Lab, en la UnB. Nos han explicado como trabaja el equipo que se encarga del desarrollo de Brasil Participativo. Y hemos presentado el proyecto Decidim a los estudiantes. Había una energía increíble en el aula. ❤️

on Dec 3

From freeradical.zone

Tek say resist (@tek@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Hey Mastodon admins! Tired of Black Friday spam? So were we. I blocked it with Spamhammer, which I've now put on GitHub for anyone else who’s annoyed at not having admin tools and is willing to take a minor risk to fix that. https://github.com/freeradical-dot-zone/spamhammer

on Nov 30

From freeradical.zone

Subcömandante♠️Midas🦄 (@inkorrupt@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Roth: "Wir sorgen für ein gutes Leben für Alle." Für alle in eurer Gehaltsklasse vielleicht??? Die Doppel-NULL-Runde ohne Inflationsaugleich für Grundversorgte und Bürgergeld ist GRÜNE REGIERUNGSPOLITIK. Danke, Claudia, ich habe verstanden. #bdk24 #vollkorncdu #habeck4kanzler

on Nov 27

From freeradical.zone

ax6761 (@ax6761@freeradical.zone)

0 0

43 Toots, 76 Following, 12 Followers · "You should [archive the toots] so that [they] would last longer."
 pronoun: he, him.

on Nov 25

From freeradical.zone

Reconnecting with Bridgy Fed

0 0

We'd resuming relations after they fixed their misbehavior.

on Nov 23

From freeradical.zone

Jenny Andrew (@drandrewv2@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Of all the tech companies, I hate Microsoft the most. I had to switch back to old outlook today because I absolutely COULD NOT find how to put my out of office on the new version. It’s all supposed icons and no words, but they’ve also over-stylised the icons so they are completely unintuitive....

on Nov 20

From freeradical.zone

What's it to you? (@alltherum@freeradical.zone)

0 0

@danilo@hachyderm.io you sound like an investor. *sees you have a pinned toot pimping AI* Yeah, you've definitely made the right choice in leaving.

on Nov 15

From freeradical.zone

Subcömandante♠️Midas🦄 (@inkorrupt@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Ihr habt Angst und fühlt euch hilflos? #DontPanic - #organize! Den Moment von Trumps zweiter Amtszeit nutzen https://anarchismus.de/blog/aktuelles/dont-panic-organize-den-moment-von-trumps-zweiter-amtszeit-nutzen

on Nov 15

From freeradical.zone

Tek say resist (@tek@freeradical.zone)

0 0

The Onion wins bankruptcy auction for Alex Jones’s Infowars - NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/onion-wins-alex-jones-infowars-bankruptcy-auction-rcna179936 LMFAO. Nothing to add.

on Nov 14

From freeradical.zone

Jenny Andrew (@drandrewv2@freeradical.zone)

0 0

“Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev has told the COP climate conference that oil, gas and other natural resources are a ‘gift of God’" Ah, good. 🤦‍♀️

on Nov 12

From freeradical.zone

Subcömandante♠️Midas 🦄 (@inkorrupt@freeradical.zone)

0 0

@norbert@gruene.social @stefanmuelller@climatejustice.social @tazgetroete@mastodon.social @wuppi@social.tchncs.de PS: Oh, macht das jetzt offiziell, sehr schön! https://actionnetwork.org/forms/komm-ins-team-robert?source=FUCKYOU Leider merkt man der Kampagne deutlich an, daß sie nur darauf...

on Nov 11

From freeradical.zone

Subcömandante♠️Midas 🦄 (@inkorrupt@freeradical.zone)

0 0

@threecoloured@skeptics.social valide Forderung auf Anpassungsleistungen von links. Aber eben wie immer eine einseitige Geschichte, wenn "die Hoffnungsträger" zwar jahrelang rassist. Kackshyce beschließen, aber dann wiedegewählt werden wollen. Wie wäre denn mal mit einem Signal in die...

on Nov 11

From freeradical.zone

Franceska Mann (@FranceskaMann@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Either we move beyond #capitalism or we die.

on Nov 11

From freeradical.zone

Subcömandante♠️Midas 🦄 (@inkorrupt@freeradical.zone)

0 0

@norbert@gruene.social @stefanmuelller@climatejustice.social @tazgetroete@mastodon.social Na klar würdet ihr euch freuen. Schon "viele Jahre"lang würdet ihr euch freuen. Aber #Habeck will nicht, und *checks directory* viel andere wollen auch nicht, und es liegt *nicht* am...

on Nov 11

From freeradical.zone

Subcömandante♠️Midas 🦄 (@inkorrupt@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Der Witz ist nicht, daß die weniger reaktionären Kräfte im BT jetzt von progressiven Leuten verlangen sich gefälligst hinter #habeck4kanzler zustellen. Das ist eine valide Forderung, und am Wahltag auch wohl alternativlos. Nö, der Witz ist, daß sie diese Anpassungsleistung fordern ohne auch...

on Nov 11

From freeradical.zone

Subcömandante♠️Midas 🦄 (@inkorrupt@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Vollkontakt gegen Nazis statt Vollkorn-CDU! Hier ist mein Angebot, für Euch Grüne. Bringt noch dieses Jahr in Kabinett oder Fraktion ein #AfDverbot in die Spur. Oder lasst *irgendwie* erkennen, daß es nicht wieder nur ich bin, der sich verbiegen muss. Dann halte ich mich vllt. vornehm...

on Nov 11

From freeradical.zone

Subcömandante♠️Midas 🦄 (@inkorrupt@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Bin eigentlich guter Hoffnung. :) Wenn es noch grüne Antifaschist*innen im Bundestag gibt, die sich noch nicht aufgegeben haben, werden sie noch dieses.Jahr ein #AfDverbot auf die TO setzen. Und wenn nicht, dann ist das eben so. Nur möchte ich dann auch Mitverantwortung sehen, wenn Faschos...

on Nov 11

From freeradical.zone

Subcömandante♠️Midas 🦄 (@inkorrupt@freeradical.zone)

0 0

@wuppi@social.tchncs.de @stefanmuelller@climatejustice.social @tazgetroete@mastodon.social @norbert@gruene.social Hallo, ich bin der Autor dieses Toots https://todon.eu/@inkorrupt/113444294230881683 und platze wirklich nur ungern in diese sehr grün-gelesene Blase hier, aber wer glaubt es...

on Nov 11

From freeradical.zone

Free Radical

0 0

Infosec and privacy and technology and leftward politics and cats and dogs and...

on Nov 11

From freeradical.zone

Jenny Andrew (@drandrewv2@freeradical.zone)

0 0

“Is your air fryer spying on you?” I hate it here. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/nov/05/air-fryer-excessive-surveillance-smart-devices-which-watches-speakers-trackers

on Nov 5

From freeradical.zone

Lewis Edwards (@binaryequation@freeradical.zone)

0 0

"After he broke free, the complaint says he fled the locker room to get help and searched for his trainer — but was stopped by another player who told him “this is football, you knew what you were signing up for.”" Sacramento Bee: Catholic school football players took turns assaulting...

on Nov 3

From freeradical.zone

Celeste Ryder 🐾 🐀🏳️‍🌈 (@bougiewonderland@freeradical.zone)

0 1

I don’t remember seeing this mentioned on his feed, but @justinling@mastodon.online appeared as a committee witness last week about Russian interference in Canada. Notably, he explains how he was approached, as were many journalists, by a friendly Russian agent who ended up pushing a story about...

on Oct 28

From freeradical.zone

funnymonkey (@funnymonkey@freeradical.zone)

0 0

The unapologetic cowardice of the wealthiest needs to be remembered, always. They are falling over themselves to obey in advance. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/10/28/trump-bezos-billionaires-zuckerberg/

on Oct 28

From freeradical.zone

Steven Zekowski (@steve_zeke@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Weird! #Apple Maps thinks I’m in Europe, but I’m in #TwinCities #minnesota. It’s not my iPhone’s fault because Google Maps knows where I am. Searching for Grand Ave in #StPaul.

on Oct 27

From freeradical.zone

Lewis Edwards (@binaryequation@freeradical.zone)

0 0

"2024 has seen two mass layoffs at Microsoft, with 1900 staff laid off in January, before a further 650 Xbox employees were shown the door in September." Eurogamer: Microsoft CEO's pay rises 63% to $79m, despite devastating year for...

on Oct 26

From freeradical.zone

Tek say vote (@tek@freeradical.zone)

0 0

IPv5 must've sucked.

on Oct 23

From freeradical.zone

mytwobits01 (@mytwobits01@freeradical.zone)

0 0

@freakazoid@retro.social Giving things away for free wasn't enough? You want them to solve social problems too? I think you're misdirecting your blame.

on Oct 22

From freeradical.zone

Tek say vote (@tek@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Offered without comment.

on Oct 21

From freeradical.zone

funnymonkey (@funnymonkey@freeradical.zone)

0 0

This story is a great example of why we need journalism, and why small towns in particular need journalism. How many other stories exactly like this are out there, waiting to be written? https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2024/khou-11-investigation-coffee-city-police-department/

on Oct 20

From freeradical.zone

Tek say vote (@tek@freeradical.zone)

0 0

My peeps, we are hiring. I've been at Coda for nearly a year and genuinely look forward to work every day. I get to work on the cool projects I want, with smart, kind people who enjoy what they're doing. And now we can use more help in our security department. We're looking for a 100% remote...

on Oct 18

From freeradical.zone

rolltime (@rolltime@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Was recently made aware of this excellent paper about the Fediverse by @profxavier01@mastodon.social. They go into a lot of detail about the social situation here from both an internal and external perspective, and I found the conclusions quite insightful. Give it a...

on Oct 18

From freeradical.zone

Steven Zekowski (@steve_zeke@freeradical.zone)

0 1

Like many I wonder why my country, #usa, has supported #israel despite its many crimes against humanity. One possible explanation occurred to me recently, and I’ll float it out here for comment. Both our major parties support Israel because they’re our “mini-me”: Racism and apartheid ✅ Genocide...

on Oct 17

From freeradical.zone

Free Radical Announcements (@announce@freeradical.zone)

0 0

#FreeRadical blog: "Fighting spam inside the database because LOL" Summary: Mastodon has few tools for automatedly fighting spam and abuse so I gave up and made one. We’ve been swamped with a flood of spam for the last few days. Some loser is creating hundreds or thousands of accounts on...

on Oct 17

From freeradical.zone

Fighting spam inside the database because LOL

0 0

If Mastodon won't give us decent mod tools, we'll make our own.

on Oct 17

From freeradical.zone

Upgraded to 4.3.0

0 0

Free Radical is now on Mastodon v4.3.0.

on Oct 17

From freeradical.zone

Tek say vote (@tek@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Hi, person reading this who writes code that parses RSS or JSON Feed! Thank you for making neat tools that connect parts of the open Internet to each other! But. Can you do me a favor, and gracefully handle a missing or empty optional title field? See the part of...

on Oct 10

From freeradical.zone

mybarkingdogs (@mybarkingdogs@freeradical.zone)

0 0

Content warning: war, israel, iran

on Oct 2

From freeradical.zone

/dev/loop0 (@loop0@freeradical.zone)

0 1

IT: you cannot install Linux on company’s laptop, because with windows we can push antivirus and keep it safe. Me: but I can’t work on windows because WSL2 is super sluggish on this laptop. IT: you can work on your personal computer. Me: fine, I will restore windows on company’s laptop so you...

on Oct 1

From freeradical.zone

Sohan Murthy (@sohan@freeradical.zone)

0 0

A friend of mine suggested that we stop using the sparkle ✨ emoji as the symbol for AI and replace it with a magic eight ball 🎱 as it more realistically conveys how the technology works. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. 😂

on Sep 30