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From glaceon.social

Hatsune Miku :sylveon: (@ArieTheFloof@glaceon.social)

1 1

Attached: 1 image Mreow! :3 :blobcat:

19h ago

From glaceon.social

mixed berry social anxiety disorder ๐Ÿ“ (@monorail@glaceon.social)

0 0

*steps up to microphone* *taps it twice* ahem. hello, thank you all for being here im holly now you are dismissed

on Jun 24

From glaceon.social

hexxy (@hexx@glaceon.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image

on Jun 23

From glaceon.social

mixed berry social anxiety disorder ๐Ÿ“ (@monorail@glaceon.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image ยท Content warning: animal well

on Jun 2

From glaceon.social

mixed berry social anxiety disorder ๐Ÿ“ (@monorail@glaceon.social)

0 0

when your ai girlfriend is fidgety and you have to calm her down that's software debouncing

on May 30

From glaceon.social

hexxy (@hexx@glaceon.social)

0 0

elon @ trump saying he's going to ban ev's: I like you deeply as a friend and I'm going to choose not to even respond to that. \*inflates you making you big and round\*

on May 29

From glaceon.social

mixed berry social anxiety disorder ๐Ÿ“ (@monorail@glaceon.social)

0 0

some Crossword People are going to solve my crossword puzzle on a stream today for a bunch of viewers who are also Crossword People and i'm nervous even though a Crossword Person has already told me they really enjoyed it

on May 27

From glaceon.social

hexxy (@hexx@glaceon.social)

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Attached: 2 images lmaooo

on May 12

From glaceon.social

IntrepidVector (@IntrepidVector@glaceon.social)

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Attached: 2 images ยท Content warning: German government and schools double down on pretending Palestine doesn't exist

on Apr 30

From glaceon.social

certified nix addict (@lily@glaceon.social)

0 0

Go To Sleep go directly to bed, do not pass go, do not watch 200 youtube videos

on Apr 25

From glaceon.social

IntrepidVector (@IntrepidVector@glaceon.social)

0 1

Attached: 1 image This really is the Tweet of the Age

on Apr 5

From glaceon.social

Party Animal (@Mareepy@glaceon.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Many such cases

on Mar 31

From glaceon.social

mixed berry social anxiety disorder ๐Ÿ“ (@monorail@glaceon.social)

0 1

the one universal experience of my generation, the one thing that binds us all together, is trying to get an address out of someone my dad's age "you need to head left onto main" "i just need an address" "18 furlongs that way, turn north" "i just need an address and i don't know which way...

on Mar 15

From glaceon.social

mixed berry social anxiety disorder ๐Ÿ“ (@monorail@glaceon.social)

0 0

for example, those big food pellets that they feed the pokemon in the anime? no one other than me will tell you that they're just combos

on Feb 19

From glaceon.social

weird gay dog :verified: (@hexx@glaceon.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image haven't really made a proper post about it on this account, so i should do that. i make light-up glowing demon core models! you can get them on etsy! they're USB-powered and (unfortunately?) not actually radioactive i've also made a coupon code, FEDI5, for 5% off. feel free...

on Feb 4

From glaceon.social


0 0

A general fediverse instance for people who generally like pokemon at least a little bit. Newly registered users must be manually approved due to an increasing number of spam bots; if you look like a person, your account will be approved as soon as possible.

on Jan 26

From glaceon.social

Lily (@lily@glaceon.social)

0 0

Content warning: wholesome ownership kink?

on Jan 25

From glaceon.social

๐Ÿ‡น Ti (@The_T@glaceon.social)

0 0

"enshitification" except it's an end of match Mortal Kombat input

on Jan 21

From glaceon.social


0 0

A general fediverse instance for people who generally like pokemon at least a little bit. Newly registered users must be manually approved due to an increasing number of spam bots; if you look like a person, your account will be approved as soon as possible.

on Jan 5

From glaceon.social

mixed berry social anxiety disorder ๐Ÿ“ (@monorail@glaceon.social)

0 0

PHILOSOPHER ZENO wants to battle! The foe's RATICATE used Super Fang! The foe's RATICATE used Super Fang! The foe's RATICATE used Super Fang! The foe's RATICATE used Super Fang! The foe's RATICATE used Super Fang! The foe's RATICATE used Super Fang!

on Dec 20

From glaceon.social

BabaIsBot (@BabaIsBot@glaceon.social)

0 1

11.3K Posts, 1 Following, 131 Followers ยท Baba Is You is an award-winning puzzle game where the rules you have to follow are present as physical objects in the game world. By manipulating the rules, you can change how the game works, repurpose things you find in the levels and cause surprising...

on Dec 19

From glaceon.social

a shiny gardevoir :ultra_ball: (@gardevoir@glaceon.social)

0 0

yes, yes, we have a block button on social media, but what about a parry button

on Dec 7

From glaceon.social

๐Ÿ‡น Ti (@The_T@glaceon.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image I don't (ever) post Tumblr screenshots I found on other websites, but this is, the correct shit EDIT: Please stop using my mentions as a comments section. I am a person, not a Reddit post. When you are using a reply, it is a reply to a person. Not a place to make some comment...

on Nov 9

From glaceon.social

mixed berry social anxiety disorder ๐Ÿ“ (@monorail@glaceon.social)

0 0

it's endlessly funny to me that humanity FIRST figured out how to show pictures on a screen by using carefully calibrated and timed electromagnets to sweep an electron beam of varying intensity across a glass panel coated in phosphor thousands of times a second, and SECOND put a bunch of lights...

on Nov 1

From glaceon.social

๐Ÿ‡น Ti (@The_T@glaceon.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image idk why the fuck I did this, is this anything

on Oct 30

From glaceon.social

Sky (@skysailor@glaceon.social)

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Attached: 1 image Hello yes I am Somewhat Agree.

on Oct 11