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From globalplantcouncil.org

Europe’s Forests at Risk: The Hidden Crisis of Tree Species Extinction - The Global Plant Council

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Europe's forests face a hidden crisis due to climate change, threatening tree species extinction. Research predicts only three out of 69 native species will thrive by 2090, impacting timber, carbon storage, and biodiversity. This calls for adaptable forest management to ensure future resilience...

on Fri, 9AM

From globalplantcouncil.org

New plant species robs underground fungi to survive - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers in Malaysia discovered Thismia malayana, a tiny plant species that parasitizes underground fungi for nutrients. This 2 cm-long mycoheterotroph thrives in low-light forest understories. Sensitive to environmental changes, it is classified as Vulnerable, emphasizing the need for...

on Thu, 8AM

From globalplantcouncil.org

A Week at the SPS-CEPLAS Summer School 2024 - The Global Plant Council

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The SPS-CEPLAS Summer School 2024, united young scientists and researchers to address climate change through plant science. The Global Plant Council led a workshop on science communication for emphasizing the importance of conveying complex research to broader audiences effectively.

on Wed, 10AM

From globalplantcouncil.org

Unveiling the role of AGO's post-translational modifications in plant gene regulation - The Global Plant Council

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A new study reveals that the N-terminal extension (NTE) of AGO proteins, crucial for RNA-associated gene regulation, interacts with PRMT5 to undergo symmetric arginine dimethylation. This modification alters small RNA loading and AGO1 functionality, highlighting the importance of...

on Tue, 9AM

From globalplantcouncil.org

Study shows climate change is moving tree populations away from the soil fungi that sustain them - The Global Plant Council

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A study reveals that climate change forces trees to migrate, often to soils lacking the necessary mycorrhizal fungi. This mismatch hinders forest growth and affects ecosystems relying on forests for clean air, water, and carbon absorption. Conservation efforts must address these crucial...

on Mon, 8AM

From globalplantcouncil.org

New resource pinpoints inner workings of sorghum plant cells for designing better bioenergy feedstock - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers have developed a new resource to better understand sorghum plant cells, enhancing its use as a bioenergy feedstock. By identifying gene expression patterns in sorghum stems, they aim to create more resilient, productive plants. This advancement could lead to improved biofuels and...

on Jun 28

From globalplantcouncil.org

A new study reveals key role of plant-bacteria communication for the assembly of a healthy plant microbiome supporting sustainable plant nutrition - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers found that specific molecules enable symbiotic bacteria to communicate with legume plants, influencing bacterial growth near roots. This signaling fosters beneficial partnerships for nutrient uptake and resilience, crucial for sustainable agriculture. The study highlights the role of...

on Jun 26

From globalplantcouncil.org

Increasing experimental efficiency in plant genome editing - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers have enhanced CRISPR/Cas9 efficiency for plant genome editing. By optimizing vector design, they achieved higher mutation rates with reduced complexity and cost. This advancement significantly improves large-scale genetic experiments, facilitating complex plant genome editing projects.

on Jun 26

From globalplantcouncil.org

Scientists discover primary wound signal that promotes plant regeneration - The Global Plant Council

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Scientists identified REGENERATION FACTOR1 (REF1) as the primary wound signal that initiates plant regeneration. REF1 binds its receptor PORK1 to activate SlWIND1, promoting cellular reprogramming and tissue repair. This breakthrough enhances crop transformation efficiency, offering a universal...

on Jun 26

From globalplantcouncil.org

Seaweed forests an overlooked component of oceanic carbon storage - The Global Plant Council

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A study reveals seaweed forests are crucial for oceanic carbon storage, transporting 10 to 170 million tonnes of carbon annually to deep ocean sinks. These findings highlight the importance of protecting and restoring seaweed forests, as they play a vital role in climate change mitigation and...

on Jun 26

From globalplantcouncil.org

How plants mate for life and repel other suitors - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers developed a two-photon microscope technique to observe pollen tube elongation in angiosperms. They discovered signals that attract and repel pollen tubes, ensuring one-to-one guidance for successful fertilization. This intricate regulation optimizes seed production, offering insights...

on Jun 26

From globalplantcouncil.org

Norway spruce in Finland is susceptible to European spruce bark beetle damage especially in the vicinity of new clear-cuts - The Global Plant Council

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A study reveals that Norway spruce forests near recent clear-cuts are highly susceptible to European spruce bark beetle damage. The beetle prefers mature forests in specific soil types. Increased monitoring and adaptive forest management are recommended to mitigate this threat, particularly in...

on Jun 25

From globalplantcouncil.org

Orchids support seedlings through 'parental nurture' via shared underground fungal networks - The Global Plant Council

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Orchids nurture seedlings through shared underground fungal networks, researchers found. Orchids transfers sugars to seedlings via these networks, aiding their growth near mature plants. This discovery, solving a long-standing mystery, highlights the crucial role of fungal networks in orchid...

on Jun 25

From globalplantcouncil.org

Some Varieties of Annual Flowers Have a Place in Pollinator-Friendly Gardens - The Global Plant Council

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Annual flowers, typically considered poor for pollinators, can support bees and insects if the right varieties are chosen. A study found significant variation in pollinator attractiveness among 25 cultivars of popular annuals like begonias and impatiens. This research highlights the potential...

on Jun 24

From globalplantcouncil.org

Scientists unlock key to breeding 'carbon gobbling' plants with a major appetite - The Global Plant Council

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Scientists have uncovered how the enzyme carboxysomal carbonic anhydrase (CsoSCA) works in cyanobacteria. This discovery could lead to engineering crops that capture carbon dioxide more efficiently, boosting yields and resilience to climate change.

on Jun 24

From globalplantcouncil.org

Understanding plant breathing: Identification of the key protein interplay behind rhythmic stomatal movements  - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers discovered the interaction between proteins PIF and KAT1, essential for stomatal rhythmic movements in plants. This mechanism controls stomata opening in the day and closing at night, vital for photosynthesis and water regulation. This knowledge aids in enhancing crop resilience...

on Jun 24

From globalplantcouncil.org

Study: While most of the world trusts climate scientists, a skeptical minority can lead to climate inaction - The Global Plant Council

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A study reveals that while most people trust climate scientists, a skeptical minority can impede climate action. Researchers stress that even minority distrust can have significant political consequences, emphasizing the need for scientists to maintain credibility and transparency to bolster...

on Jun 24

From globalplantcouncil.org

Gene could unlock big wheat yields for a growing population - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers identified molecular pathways regulated by the Photoperiod-1 (Ppd-1) gene to boost wheat yields. By editing the ALOG1 transcription factor, they increased branching in wheat and barley, potentially enhancing grain yield. Field trials are underway to test these gene-edited lines,...

on Jun 23

From globalplantcouncil.org

From Roots to Resilience: Investigating the Vital Role of Microbes in Coastal Plant Health  - The Global Plant Council

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Biologists uncovered crucial microbial processes in Georgia's saltwater marshes. Their study reveals that bacteria in cordgrass roots detoxify sulfides and fix nitrogen, boosting plant health and resilience. These findings, facilitated by advanced genomic technology, underscore the vital role of...

on Jun 14

From globalplantcouncil.org

Study finds what gets plant roots to grow strong - The Global Plant Council

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Scientists discovered that autophagy, a cellular clean-up process, is crucial for plant root growth. This mechanism, also found in fasting humans, optimizes the "heartbeat" of root tips, aiding water and nutrient absorption. Better understanding this process could enhance crop resilience to...

on Jun 7

From globalplantcouncil.org

Climate change is most prominent threat to pollinators - The Global Plant Council

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Climate change is the top threat to pollinators like bees and butterflies, crucial for biodiversity and food security, according to a new review paper. The study highlights how climate-induced habitat changes and human activities harm pollinators, urging integrated conservation strategies to...

on Jun 5

From globalplantcouncil.org

Mosaic grassland landscapes are the most beneficial - The Global Plant Council

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Like forests, grassland provides numerous ecological, economic and social benefits. Researchers have investigated ways to maintain and improve these benefits.

on Jun 4

From globalplantcouncil.org

How ‘Glowing’ Plants Could Help Scientists Predict Flash Drought - The Global Plant Council

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"Glowing" plants may predict flash droughts by emitting solar-induced fluorescence (SIF), detected by NASA satellites. Increased plant productivity before a drought reduces soil moisture, indicating risk. These early signals, visible from space, could provide up to three months' warning, aiding...

on Jun 3

From globalplantcouncil.org

Fine Roots Make the Difference in Metabolomes and Microbiomes - The Global Plant Council

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Fine roots from four tree species in a 26-year common garden study showed distinct microbiome and metabolome differences. Sequencing revealed that bacteria and fungi on root surfaces and surrounding soil differ significantly between absorptive and transportive fine roots. This emphasizes the...

on May 31

From globalplantcouncil.org

Long-term study finds organic farming leads to adaptations in the genetic material in plants - The Global Plant Council

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A 23-year study found that barley grown under organic farming conditions developed unique genetic adaptations, enhancing resilience to nutrient and water deficiencies. Unlike conventionally farmed barley, which became genetically uniform, organic barley maintained genetic diversity, aiding...

on May 30

From globalplantcouncil.org

Researchers breed tomato plants that contain the complete genetic material of both parent plants - The Global Plant Council

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Scientists developed a system to create tomato plants with the full genetic material of both parents. By replacing meiosis with mitosis, they produced clonal sex cells, enabling offspring with complete parental genomes. This technique promises more robust, high-yield crops, potentially...

on May 29

From globalplantcouncil.org

Global meta-analysis quantifies benefits of cover crop use - The Global Plant Council

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A global meta-analysis shows cover crops, particularly legumes, boost crop yields by 2.6%. The study highlights significant benefits under nutrient-limited conditions and for crops like corn and barley. Findings suggest that cover crops can improve yields while addressing soil degradation and...

on May 27

From globalplantcouncil.org

Free-forming organelles help plants adapt to climate change - The Global Plant Council

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Scientists have discovered how free-forming organelles in plant cells, known as photobodies, help plants sense light and temperature. Researchers revealed these structures are crucial for plants' adaptation to climate change. This breakthrough could inform strategies for enhancing crop...

on May 24

From globalplantcouncil.org

Research team develops fast-track process for genetic improvement of plant traits - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers developed a web-based tool for rapidly identifying genes regulating plant traits without experiments. Using machine learning on vast datasets, the tool predicts transcription factors that control traits like seed oil biosynthesis. This approach can be applied to various crops,...

on May 23

From globalplantcouncil.org

Plants utilise drought stress hormone to block snacking spider mites - The Global Plant Council

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Plants utilize the drought hormone abscisic acid (ABA) to block spider mites, a major pest, by closing stomata within hours of infestation. This response, typically for water conservation, also prevents mites from accessing nutrients. These findings, using the ABACUS2 biosensor, may guide future...

on May 22

From globalplantcouncil.org

International team cracks genomic code for earliest forms of terrestrial plant life - The Global Plant Council

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An international team has sequenced the genomes of Zygnema algae, the closest relatives of land plants. This breakthrough illuminates how early plants adapted to terrestrial environments 550 million years ago, paving the way for all land-based life, including humans. The findings offer insights...

on May 21

From globalplantcouncil.org

Scientists Discover Mechanism of Sugar Signaling in Plants - The Global Plant Council

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Scientists have discovered how a sugar-sensing protein, KIN10, controls plant growth and oil production by acting as a molecular switch. When sugar levels are high, KIN10 activates pathways for growth and oil production. Understanding this mechanism could help engineer plants for increased oil...

on May 20

From globalplantcouncil.org

Novel Genetic Plant Regeneration Approach Without the Application of Phytohormones - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers have devised a plant regeneration method by manipulating gene expression to control cell differentiation, eliminating the need for external growth regulators. This innovation promises simpler and more cost-effective development of genetically modified plants, potentially...

on May 17

From globalplantcouncil.org

Pioneering plant science research paves the way for deeper understanding of how the plant immune system functions - The Global Plant Council

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Pioneering research delves into plant immune system mechanics, spotlighting the role of callose in intercellular communication via plasmodesmata (PD). Their study, comparing detection methods for callose accumulation, sheds light on plant defense strategies. These findings promise standardized...

on May 16

From globalplantcouncil.org

Uncovering a 'parallel universe' in tomato genetics - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers have uncovered a genetic anomaly in tomato plants, revealing a "parallel universe" where sticky defense sugars, called acylsugars, are found in both leaves and roots. This discovery not only sheds light on plant evolution but also offers insights for developing natural pesticides.

on May 15

From globalplantcouncil.org

Enhanced CRISPR method enables stable insertion of large genes into the DNA of higher plants - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers have enhanced CRISPR, enabling precise insertion of large gene segments into higher plant DNA efficiently. By adding an exonuclease to CRISPR, they prevent DNA repair enzymes from interfering, increasing successful gene insertions. This method promises advanced plant breeding and...

on May 14

From globalplantcouncil.org

Barley plants fine-tune their root microbial communities through sugary secretions - The Global Plant Council

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Barley plants orchestrate their underground microbial entourage by secreting a tailored blend of sugars, shaping distinct communities around their roots. A. new study reveals how modern and traditional barley types summon unique microbial allies, highlighting potential for optimizing crop health...

on May 13

From globalplantcouncil.org

“Tree of Life” for flowering plants - The Global Plant Council

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Bioscientists contribute to a global study, creating a comprehensive "tree of life" for flowering plants, including crucial insights into the evolution of cruciferous plants. Drawing from extensive botanical collections and genetic analyses, researchers shed light on plant origins and...

on May 9

From globalplantcouncil.org

Unveiling the molecular functions of lipid droplet proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves - The Global Plant Council

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In Arabidopsis thaliana leaves, lipid droplets (LDs) are not just storage units but hubs for essential molecular functions. Research unveiled proteins crucial for intracellular movements and furan fatty acid biosynthesis within LDs, hinting at novel roles beyond mere lipid storage. This study...

on May 8

From globalplantcouncil.org

Buzzing decline: landscape is losing insect-pollinated plants - The Global Plant Council

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Research spanning nearly nine decades reveals a decline in insect-pollinated plant species across the Netherlands. Analyzing datasets, scientists highlight the pivotal role of these plants in biodiversity and food security, with 75% of crops reliant on insect pollination. Urgent conservation...

on May 7

From globalplantcouncil.org

Plant sensors could act as an early warning system for farmers - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers have developed sensors using carbon nanotubes to detect plant signaling molecules like hydrogen peroxide and salicylic acid. These sensors could serve as an early warning system for farmers, detecting stresses like heat, light, insect attacks, or bacterial infections in crops.

on May 6

From globalplantcouncil.org

Biofortified rice to combat deficiencies - The Global Plant Council

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Vitamin B1 is an essential micronutrient for human beings. Its deficiency is the cause of numerous diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Researchers have achieved a significant advance in the fight against vitamin B1deficiency, frequently associated with a rice-based diet.

on Apr 30

From globalplantcouncil.org

Pea plants that flower for longer - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers have pinpointed a gene, FUL, governing flower and fruit production in legumes, potentially revolutionizing agriculture. By extending the reproductive phase in peas, chickpeas, lentils, and beans, using FUL as a biotechnological tool, yields could double without altering nutritional...

on Apr 29

From globalplantcouncil.org

An Inside Look at How Plants and Mycorrhizal Fungi Cooperate - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers collaborated on a study investigating the symbiotic relationship between legume plants and mycorrhizal fungi, crucial for nutrient exchange. Using advanced sequencing techniques, they identified key genes facilitating this interaction, offering insights for genetic engineering and...

on Apr 26

From globalplantcouncil.org

Understanding how fire shapes plants will help protect them  - The Global Plant Council

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Understanding how fire influences plant life is crucial for safeguarding biodiversity. By predicting plant responses to fire, scientists aid conservation efforts. Through traits like resprouting and seed germination, plants adapt to fire-prone ecosystems. With accurate predictions, land managers...

on Apr 24

From globalplantcouncil.org

New sunflower family tree reveals multiple origins of flower symmetry - The Global Plant Council

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The sunflower family's intricate evolutionary history, unveiled through genetic analysis, showcases the fascinating phenomenon of convergent evolution. Flower symmetry, a key trait, has independently evolved multiple times within this diverse plant group. Insights gleaned may aid in breeding...

on Apr 23

From globalplantcouncil.org

Botanists analyze the role of pollinators in the evolution of flowers with various sexual forms - The Global Plant Council

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Botanists explore Darwin's theory on precise pollination in flowering plants. Their study reveals correlations between heterostyly, floral traits, and pollinators, supporting Darwin's hypothesis. This macroevolutionary analysis sheds new light on the role of ecology in plant reproductive mechanisms.

on Apr 19

From globalplantcouncil.org

New satellite dataset sheds light on Earth's plant growth - The Global Plant Council

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A groundbreaking satellite dataset, derived from TROPOMI's observations, revolutionizes our understanding of Earth's plant growth. The Comprehensive Mechanistic Light Response (CMLR) Gross Primary Production (GPP) dataset utilizes solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence to accurately quantify...

on Apr 18

From globalplantcouncil.org

Researchers identify microbes that help sorghum plants thwart parasite - The Global Plant Council

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Researchers have discovered soil bacteria that help sorghum plants fight off the damaging effects of witchweed, a parasitic plant prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. By altering root structure and degrading chemical signals, these microbes could serve as a natural solution to improve sorghum...

on Apr 17

From globalplantcouncil.org

Seagrass meadows face uncertain future, scientists say - The Global Plant Council

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Seagrass meadows worldwide are facing escalating threats, according to a study. These vital ecosystems, crucial for coastal protection and biodiversity, are highly vulnerable to climate change. Urgent action, including enhanced management strategies and global cooperation, is needed to safeguard...

on Apr 16