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From goingtoseed.org

Going to Seed

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Going to Seed inspires a shift in agriculture towards adaptation, community, and diversity. Adaptation Agriculture or Adaptation Gardening allows the ecosystem to select the best plants, rather than relying on the farmer or gardener to supply inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, and plastics.

#seed #farming #seedswap #foodsovereignty #seedsovereignty #landracegardening #adaptiveagriculture

on Feb 16

From goingtoseed.org

2025 US Seed Collection

0 1

Grow these seeds without pampering them, and save seeds from the tastiest, earliest, and healthiest plants. Send some of those seeds back to the program, in order to help other growers access diverse, resilient seed, and earn early access to the next year's collection. Packets contain a generous...

on Feb 2