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From gwennseemel.com

The Difference between Fine Art and Illustration

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What qualifies as fine art? And does it matter? Genderqueer artist Gwenn Seemel sounds off about why illustration is a good thing and talks about their mental health art project Everything’s Fine.

on Wed, 4PM

From gwennseemel.com

The Alchemy of Art in a Capitalist Society

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Money doesn’t equal love, but what’s less well understood is that when you give money to artists it becomes love. How to truly appreciate art, advice from the queer artist Gwenn Seemel.

on Tue, 8PM

From gwennseemel.com

Mom Cheetah and Two Kittens, Animated Art by Gwenn Seemel

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Three wild cats with pretty spots, painted boldly in acrylic, art GIF by Gwenn Seemel.

on Mon, 7PM

From gwennseemel.com

Working from Photos to Paint Portraits

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I always work from photos to paint my portraits, but I don’t usually show those photos, because I don’t like the idea of people comparing a painting to a photo as if the photo is somehow more true.

on Jun 27

From gwennseemel.com

Queer Planet Book: Crime Against Nature, A More Accurate Telling of What’s Natural

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Queer science children’s book for the child in all of us by Gwenn Seemel, written in 2012.

on Jun 26

From gwennseemel.com

Because I Was So Good at Math

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My father died last month at 98. I have complicated feelings about this (obvi), but one thing I know for sure is that I am who I am because of him.

on Jun 25

From gwennseemel.com

Coloring in Your Feelings

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The mental health workbook by Gwenn Seemel is now available! Buy Everything’s Fine here, and see the making of a coloring book page.

on Jun 24

From gwennseemel.com

Ajouter des Couleurs à Tes Ressentis

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Le cahier de colorage sur la santé mentale de Gwenn Seemel est maintenant disponible! Vous pouvez acheter Tout Va Bien et voir la réalisation d’un coloriage.

on Jun 12

From gwennseemel.com

What’s Been Going On

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This video explains why I moved again, from Virginia to New Jersey this time.

on Jun 3

From gwennseemel.com

Artist Quits Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

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Gwenn Seemel is an artist who’s not on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, and she talks about how to sell art without social media.

on Jun 3

From gwennseemel.com

Do-over, Art Video by Gwenn Seemel

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Sometimes, in order to make a painting, I need to make two.

on Jun 3

From gwennseemel.com

Magical Markers

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A few years ago, I had stopped drawing. Every time I went to put pencil to paper I lacked inspiration, and it was only by using colored markers that I started to love drawing again.

on Jun 3

From gwennseemel.com

A Field of Daffodils, Some Are Monsters, Illustration by Mental Health Artist Gwenn Seemel

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Belly-bouche twins with daffodil faces, holding hands and watching you, surrealist acrylic painting by Gwenn Seemel.

on Jun 1

From gwennseemel.com

Ce Que “They” Veut Dire Pour Moi

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L’artiste nonbinaire Gwenn Seemel explique pourquoi elle préfère qu’on utilise “they” quand on parle d’elle en anglais.

on May 30

From gwennseemel.com

Baby Sees ABCs, an Alphabet Book with a Focus on Community

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Part baby name book, part word search, this alphabet book by queer feminist artist Gwenn Seemel is full of unusual fauna and fun art.

on May 26

From gwennseemel.com

Fierce LGBTQIA Pride Art, Duck Illustration by Queer Lambertville Artist Gwenn Seemel

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Intersex inclusive progress pride flag duck, meme illustration by Gwenn Seemel.

on May 23

From gwennseemel.com

Books by American Artist Gwenn Seemel

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Books written by French artist Gwenn Seemel and exhibition catalogs featuring her art.

on May 22

From gwennseemel.com

Red Kangaroo Painting by Wildlife Artist Gwenn Seemel 2012

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Painting of a kangaroo with a baby in her pouch 2012.

on May 22

From gwennseemel.com

Why “They” Is the Best Gift You Can Give Me

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Nonbinary artist Gwenn Seemel explains why they prefer you use “they” pronouns when talking about them.

on May 22

From gwennseemel.com

10 Things Learned in 10 Years

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To celebrate a decade of professional art-making, Gwenn Seemel made a video full of things I wish I’d known from the beginning.

on May 16

From gwennseemel.com

Comment les Artistes Gagnent l’Argent

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vidéo par Gwenn Seemel 2016

on May 16

From gwennseemel.com

All the Ways That Artists Make Money

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art video by queer artist Gwenn Seemel 2016

on May 16

From gwennseemel.com

Erreur n°20: Ne Pas Apprécier Mes Erreurs

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L’artiste nonbinaire, Gwenn Seemel, parle de la beauté de faire des erreurs.

on May 16

From gwennseemel.com

Mistake #20: Failing to Appreciate My Mistakes

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Lambertville artist Gwenn Seemel talks about the beauty of making mistakes. Art blog by a nonbinary artist.

on May 16

From gwennseemel.com

Quand On Peint, On Ne Fait Que Réviser

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Comment rendre le processus d’une peinture un peu moins effrayant. Conseils de création artistique de l’artiste queer Gwenn Seemel.

on May 2

From gwennseemel.com

Painting Is Just Editing

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How to make the painting process a little less intimidating. Art-making advice from the queer artist Gwenn Seemel.

on May 2

From gwennseemel.com

Commission Gwenn Seemel to Paint or Draw Me

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Price list for custom paintings by American artist Gwenn Seemel.

on Apr 26

From gwennseemel.com

Gwenn Seemel’s Sticker Club for Art Lovers and Stickerphiles

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Get special gifts and discounts on Gwenn Seemel’s custom art when you purchase through her Patreon community!

on Apr 25

From gwennseemel.com

Mistake #19: Being Afraid to Start

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Gwenn Seemel talks about the idea that everything needs to be perfect before you get to work on a project.

on Apr 22

From gwennseemel.com

Erreur n°19: Avoir Peur de Commencer

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Gwenn Seemel parle de l’idée que tout doit être parfait avant de commencer à travailler sur un projet.

on Apr 22

From gwennseemel.com

Portraits of Women Before and After, Painted by Feminist Artist Gwenn Seemel from 2006 and 2007

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Paintngs of women going through changes painted a year’s interval.

on Apr 21

From gwennseemel.com

Learning from Copying

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Why it’s okay to imitate other artists work, article by queer artist Gwenn Seemel.

on Apr 13

From gwennseemel.com

Why Artists Hate Putting a Price on Their Art

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There’s all this advice for how to price your art, but very little discussion of why it’s so hard, and that’s too bad, because, if you can’t figure out what to charge, it actually says good things about you and your work.

on Apr 12

From gwennseemel.com

Painted Portrait on a Canvas Bag Depicting Smiley and Amanda Devecka-Rinear 2018

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cColorful acrylic double portrait of a lesbian couple painted on a canvas tote in 2018.

on Apr 12

From gwennseemel.com

How to Love Artists

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Talking about artists does them and their work a world of good. Art business video by Gwenn Seemel.

on Apr 10

From gwennseemel.com

“The People Who Don’t Get It Can Catch Up.”

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Amy Sherald is an inspiration.

on Apr 10

From gwennseemel.com

Child Portraits by Oregon Artists Gwenn Seemel and Becca Bernstein

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Paintings by Gwenn Seemel and Becca Bernstein.

on Apr 9

From gwennseemel.com

The Creeping Fascism in My Town and the Depressive Donkey in My Heart

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In this post, Gwenn Seemel talks about the creeping fascism in her town, so, if you don’t like hearing about unhappy things, please skip this article. (But if you love Eeyore, maybe check it out without reading, because there's some pessimistic donkey fan art in the mix too!)

on Apr 9

From gwennseemel.com

Traduit en Russe

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Il existe une nouvelle traduction du livre de Gwenn Seemel sur la biologie queer, Le Crime Contre Nature, et elle arrive juste au moment où la Russie intensifie ses attaques contre les droits LGBTQ.

on Apr 8

From gwennseemel.com

Translated into Russian

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There’s a new translation of Gwenn Seemel’s children’s book about queer biology, Crime Against Nature, and it comes right as Russia amps up its attacks on LGBTQ rights.

on Apr 8

From gwennseemel.com

Great White Shark Painting by American Artist Gwenn Seemel 2012

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Painting of a great white shark 2012.

on Apr 5

From gwennseemel.com

The Snake Philosopher and the Madness of Meaning

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This piece is special because it’s the first one that I both started and finished after the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders began in the US, and it’s directly inspired by the crisis.

on Apr 2

From gwennseemel.com

Celebrating Our Queer Planet and Shad Fest 2022

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Too many people hold these truths to be self-evident: that males are always larger, more aggressive, and more powerful than females. But when you look at nature, it’s simply not the case. Art vlog by Lambertville artist Gwenn Seemel.

on Apr 1

From gwennseemel.com

Happy 100th Birthday, Surrealism!

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To celebrate, tell all the high school art teachers you know about the free lesson plan for surreal self-portraiture by painter Gwenn Seemel!

on Mar 25

From gwennseemel.com

Joyeux 100e Anniversaire, Surréalisme!

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Pour fêter ça, parlez à tous les profs d’art du secondaire que tu connais du plan de cours gratuit sur l’autoportrait surréaliste que la peintre Gwenn Seemel a développé!

on Mar 25

From gwennseemel.com

Painting of Jesus with a Gun 2018

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Illustration of a blond Jesus shooting thoughts and prayers out of a gun, painted in 2018.

on Mar 23

From gwennseemel.com

Gwenn Seemel’s Humanist Art

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Acrylic paintings and marker drawings by Lambertville artist Gwenn Seemel.

on Mar 20

From gwennseemel.com

Religious Freedom and the Friends We Need Right Now

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James Baldwin famously said “Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” Lambertville artist Gwenn Seemel would like to invite you to learn more about where that quote comes from and what artists need in a year when Trump is up for reelection.

on Mar 20

From gwennseemel.com

Fierce LGBTQIA Pride Art, Tiger Illustration by Queer Lambertville Artist Gwenn Seemel

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Intersex inclusive progress pride flag tiger, meme illustration by Gwenn Seemel.

on Mar 11