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From hackaday.com

USB And The Myth Of 500 Milliamps

10 10

If you’re designing a universal port, you will be expected to provide power. This was a lesson learned in the times of LPT and COM ports, where factory-made peripherals and DIY boards alike h…

#News #usb3 #fresh #hacks #posts #科技 #hacking #hackaday #internet #projects

21h ago

From hackaday.com

The Workstation You Wanted In 1990, In Your Pocket

7 7

Years ago there was a sharp divide in desktop computing between the mundane PC-type machines, and the so-called workstations which were the UNIX powerhouses of the day. A lot of familiar names prod…

#hacking #projects #dec #ultrix #decstation #decwindows #retrocomputing

11h ago

From hackaday.com

FLOSS Weekly Episode 790: Better Bash Scripting With Amber

7 7

This week Jonathan Bennett and Dan Lynch chat with Paweł Karaś about Amber, a modern scripting language that compiles into a Bash script. Want to write scripts with built-in error handling, or pref…

#fresh #hacks #posts #hacking #hackaday #internet #projects #engineers #engineering #enthusiasts

20h ago

From hackaday.com

A Second OctoPrint Plugin Has Been Falsifying Stats

6 6

The ongoing story of bogus analytical data being submitted to the public OctoPrint usage statistics has taken a surprising turn with the news that a second plugin was being artificially pushed up t…

#fresh #hacks #posts #hacking #hackaday #internet #projects #engineers #engineering #enthusiasts

3h ago

From hackaday.com

Smartwatch Snitches On Itself And Enables Reverse Engineering

6 6

If something has a “smart” in its name, you know that it’s talking to someone else, and the topic of conversation is probably you. You may or may not like that, but that’s p…

#fresh #hacks #posts #hacking #hackaday #internet #projects #engineers #engineering #enthusiasts

7h ago

From hackaday.com

A Trip Down Electronic Toy Memory Lane

6 6

Like many of us, [MIKROWAVE1] had a lot of electronic toys growing up. In a video you can watch below, he asks the question: “Did electronic toys influence your path?” Certainly, for us…

#fresh #hacks #posts #hacking #hackaday #internet #projects #engineers #engineering #enthusiasts

14h ago

From hackaday.com

VHF/UHF Antennas, The Bad, The Ugly, And The Even Worse

6 6

When you buy a cheap ham radio handy-talkie, you usually get a little “rubber ducky” antenna with it. You can also buy many replacement ones that are at least longer. But how good are t…

#fresh #hacks #posts #hacking #hackaday #internet #projects #engineers #engineering #enthusiasts

16h ago

From hackaday.com

Responsive LCD Backlights With A Little Lateral Thinking

6 6

LCD televisions are a technological miracle, but if they have an annoying side it’s that some of them are a bit lacklustre when it comes to displaying black. [Mousa] has a solution, involving…

#fresh #hacks #posts #hacking #hackaday #internet #projects #engineers #engineering #enthusiasts

18h ago

From hackaday.com

Retrotechtacular: The Tools And Dies That Made Mass Production Possible

6 6

Here at Hackaday we’re suckers for vintage promotional movies, and we’ve brought you quite a few over the years. Their boundless optimism and confidence in whatever product they are adv…

#fresh #hacks #posts #hacking #hackaday #internet #projects #engineers #enthusiasts #goldstandard

23h ago

From hackaday.com

Peering Into The Black Box Of Large Language Models

3 7

Large Language Models (LLMs) can produce extremely human-like communication, but their inner workings are something of a mystery. Not a mystery in the sense that we don’t know how an LLM work…

#fresh #hacks #posts #Featured #hackaday #internet #research #engineers #engineering #enthusiasts

on Wed, 3PM

From hackaday.com

The ErgO Ring Makes Computer Interactions Comfortable

1 5

[Sophia Dal] brings us a project you will definitely like if you’re tired of traditional peripherals like a typical keyboard and mouse combo. This is ErgO, a smart ring you can build out of a…

#ring #smartring #wearables #wearablering #wearablehacks #ergonomicmouse #PeripheralsHacks #wearableelectronics

on Wed, 12PM

From hackaday.com

Google Drive Now Bootable

1 8

USB drives are incredibly useful, both storing files for transport between different computers and for creating bootable drives that let us use or install other operating systems on our computers. …


on Wed, 2AM

From hackaday.com

Fork! Ladybird Browser And SerenityOS To Go Separate Ways

0 7

In the monthly Ladybird Browser update video which we’ve placed below, SerenityOS founder [Andreas Kling] announced an interesting development. The browser has been forked from the OS that ha…

on Wed, 4PM

From hackaday.com

Lasers Al Fresco: Fun With Open-Cavity Lasers

0 4

Helium-neon lasers may be little more than glorified neon signs, but there’s just something about that glowing glass tube that makes the whole process of stimulated emission easier to underst…

on Wed, 9AM

From hackaday.com

Everyone Needs A 1950s Signal Generator In Their Life

0 6

At Hackaday, we comb the world of tech in search of good things to bring you. Today’s search brought up something very familiar, [Jazzy Jane] has an Advance E1 tube signal generator, the same…

on Wed, 6AM

From hackaday.com

Instant Filament Drying Satisfies An Immediate Need

0 5

Most 3D printer filament soaks up water from the air, and when it does, the water passing through the extruder nozzle can expand, bubble, and pop, causing all kinds of mayhem and unwanted effects i…

on Wed, 1AM

From hackaday.com

Putting Some Numbers On Your NEMAs

0 5

It’s official: [Engineer Bo] wins the internet with a video titled “Finding NEMA 17,” wherein he builds a dynamometer to find the best stepper motor in the popular NEMA 17 frame s…

on Tue, 10PM

From hackaday.com

Make A Cheap Robot Mower Much Smarter

0 5

The Parkside range of tools as sold in European Lidl stores may be reasonably priced, but it contains some products of far better quality than their modest cost would suggest. This means that Parks…

on Tue, 8PM

From hackaday.com

Access To Fresh And Potable Water: An Ancient And Very Current Challenge

0 5

Throughout history, clean and potable water has been one of the most prized possessions, without which no human civilization could have ever sustained itself. Not only is water crucial for drinking…

on Tue, 7PM

From hackaday.com

USB PD On CH32V003 Teaches You Everything

0 5

How do you talk USB Power Delivery (PD)? Grab a PHY? Use a MCU with one built-in? Well, if you’re hardcore enough, you can do it with just a few resistors and GPIOs. [eeucalyptus] shows you t…

on Tue, 6PM

From hackaday.com

Keebin’ With Kristina: The One With The Tasty Snacks Board

0 6

[MakerM0]’s LangCard is an entry into our 2024 Business Card Challenge that just so happens to fit the Keebin’ bill as well. You might label this a pocket cyberdeck, and that’s ju…

on Tue, 4PM

From hackaday.com

Meccano-based Hellschreiber Machine

0 6

[ZXGuesser] has pulled off a true feat of Meccano engineering: building a Meccano Hellschreiber machine. The design is a close replica of the original Siemens Feld-Hell machine as documented here. …

on Tue, 9AM

From hackaday.com

So Much Going On In So Few Components: Dissecting A Microwave Radar Module

0 6

In the days before integrated circuits became ubiquitous, providing advanced functionality in a single package, designers became adept at extracting the maximum use from discrete components. They&#…

on Tue, 6AM

From hackaday.com

SIMD-Accelerated Computer Vision On The ESP32-S3

0 6

One of the fun parts of the ESP32-S3 microcontroller is that it got upgraded to the newer Cadence Xtensa LX7 processor core, which turns out to have a range of SIMD instructions that can help to si…

on Tue, 3AM

From hackaday.com

A DIY Proximity Sensor, Using Just Scrap Parts And Software

0 7

[mircemk] shows how to create a simple non-contact proximity sensor using little more than an Arduino Nano board, and a convenient software library intended to measure the value of capacitors. The …

on Tue, 1AM

From hackaday.com

Split A USB-C PD Port Into Three Port-ions

0 6

There’s no shortage of USB-C chargers in all sorts of configurations, but sometimes, you simply need a few more charging ports on the go, and you got a single one. Well then, check out [bluep…

on Mon, 8PM

From hackaday.com

Casting Concrete With A 3D-Printed Mould

0 5

We’re accustomed to covering the use of 3D printing in casting, usually as a lost-PLA former in metal casting. That’s not the only use of the technique though, and perhaps one of the si…

on Mon, 6PM

From hackaday.com

FreeCAD Foray: Shells For All Our PCBs

0 8

Are you the kind of hacker who tries to pick up FreeCAD, but doesn’t want to go through a tutorial and instead pokes around the interface, trying to transfer the skills from a CAD suite you&#…

on Mon, 6PM

From hackaday.com

Modeling Home Heating Systems With Circuit Simulation Software

0 7

Electricity flow is generally invisible, silent, and not something that most humans want to touch, so understanding how charge moves around can be fairly unintuitive at first. There are plenty of a…

on Mon, 4PM

From hackaday.com

A Brief History Of Perpetual Motion

0 7

Conservation of energy isn’t just a good idea: It is the law. In particular, it is the first law of thermodynamics. But, apparently, a lot of people don’t really get that because histor…

on Mon, 2PM

From hackaday.com

An IBM M2 Keyboard Lives Again

0 6

There’s a mystique in old keyboard circles around the IBM Model M, the granddaddy of PC keyboards with those famous buckling spring key switches. The original Model M was a substantial affair…

on Mon, 11AM

From hackaday.com

ChatGPT And Other LLMs Produce Bull Excrement, Not Hallucinations

0 7

In the communications surrounding LLMs and popular interfaces like ChatGPT the term ‘hallucination’ is often used to reference false statements made in the output of these models. This …

on Mon, 9AM

From hackaday.com

Hackaday Links: June 30, 2024

0 6

A couple of weeks back we featured a story (third item) about a chunk of space jetsam that tried to peacefully return to Earth, only to find a Florida family’s roof rudely in the way. The 700…

on Mon, 6AM

From hackaday.com

Almost Google Glass In 1993

0 5

You might think Google Glass was an innovative idea, but [Allison Marsh] points out that artist [Lisa Krohn] imagined the Cyberdesk in 1993. Despite having desk in the name, the imagined prototype …

on Mon, 2AM

From hackaday.com

An Open XBOX Modchip Enters The Scene

0 7

If you’ve ever bought a modchip that adds features to your game console, you might have noticed sanded-off IC markings, epoxy blobs, or just obscure chips with unknown source code. It’s…

on Sun, 8PM

From hackaday.com

A Vintage AC Bridge Teardown

0 7

If you ever encounter a British engineer of a certain age, the chances are that even if they use a modern DMM they’ll have a big boxy multimeter in their possession. This is the famous Avo 8,…

on Sun, 6PM

From hackaday.com

Root Your Sleep Number Smart Bed, Discover It Phoning Home

0 11

Did you know you can get a “smart bed” that tracks your sleep, breathing, heart rate, and even regulates the temperature of the mattress? No? Well, you can get root access to one, too, …

on Sun, 2PM

From hackaday.com

3D Printing With A Twist

0 7

When we think about sending an STL off on the Internet for processing, we usually want someone to print it for us or we want mesh repair. But [Chuck] found an interesting project on GitHub from [An…

on Sun, 11AM

From hackaday.com

Building The First Ternary Microprocessor

0 1

Your computer uses ones and zeros to represent data. There’s no real reason for the basic unit of information in a computer to be only a one or zero, though. It’s a historical choice th…

on Sun, 9AM

From hackaday.com

Swapping Vinyl For Cardboard With This ESP32 Turntable

0 7

Cardboard is a surprisingly durable material, especially in its corrugated form. It’s extremely lightweight for its strength, is easy to work, can be folded and formed into almost any shape, …

on Sun, 8AM

From hackaday.com

Try Out MCUs With This Jumperable TSSOP20 Adapter

0 7

There are so many new cool MCUs coming out, and you want to play with all of them, but, initially, they tend to be accessible as bare chips. Devboards might be hard to get, not expose everything, o…

on Sun, 5AM

From hackaday.com

Apple May Use Electrical Debonding For Battery Replacement

0 8

As a result of the European Union’s push for greater repairability of consumer devices like smartphones, Apple sees itself forced to make the batteries in the iPhone user-replaceable by 2027.…

on Sun, 2AM

From hackaday.com

Go Forth With This Portable Programmer

0 7

When choosing a low-level language, it’s hard to beat the efficiency of Forth while also maintaining some amount of readability. There are open source options for the language which makes it access…

on Sun, 1AM

From hackaday.com

Building A Hydraulic System With 3D Printed SLA Resin Parts

0 7

Hydraulics are incredibly versatile, but due to the pressures at which they operate, they are also rather expensive and not very DIY-friendly. This isn’t to say that you cannot take a fair sh…

on Sat, 8PM

From hackaday.com

Solar Energy Plant Creates Fuel

0 7

Normally, when you think of solar power, you think about photovoltaic cells or using the sun to generate steam. But engineers at Synhelion — a spin off from ETH Zurich — had a crazy ide…

on Sat, 6PM

From hackaday.com

Danger Is My Middle Name

0 7

Last week, [Al Williams] wrote up a his experience with a book that provided almost too much detailed information on how to build a DIY x-ray machine for his (then) young soul to bear. He almost ha…

on Sat, 2PM

From hackaday.com

Long-Term OctoPrint Stat Manipulation Uncovered

0 9

Developing free and open source software can be a thankless experience. Most folks do it because it’s something they’re passionate about, with the only personal benefit being the knowle…

on Sat, 11AM

From hackaday.com

Can We Ever Achieve Fusion Power?

0 7

Fusion power has long held the promise of delivering near-endless energy without as many unfortunate side effects as nuclear fission. But despite huge investment and some fascinating science, the o…

on Sat, 8AM

From hackaday.com

Hosting Your Own PixMob Party Made Easy

0 7

Over the last few years, it’s been increasingly common for concertgoers to be handed a light-up bracelet from PixMob that synchronizes with the others in the crowd to turn the entire audience…

on Sat, 5AM

From hackaday.com

8MM Digitization For Anyone

0 7

There’s a pleasing retro analogue experience to shooting Super 8 film, giving as it does the feel of a 1970s home movie to your work. But once you’ve had the film developed, there&#8217…

on Sat, 2AM