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From heritageireland.ie

Newgrange Winter Solstice | Heritage Ireland

0 1

Newgrange is one of 40 passage tombs in Brú na Bóinne (meaning the bend of the Boyne River) in County Meath. During sunrise on the

on Fri, 7PM

From heritageireland.ie

Sherkin Franciscan Friary | Heritage Ireland

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WARNING: It should be noted that these sites are unguided and a level of care and caution should be maintained during all stages of your visit. The Office Of Public Works (OPW) will not be held responsible for any damages, injuries, or losses that occur

on Dec 9

From heritageireland.ie

Samhain: The Roots of Halloween | Heritage Ireland

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Every Halloween, people around the world dress up and take part in festivities, yet few are aware of its roots in the ancient festival of

on Oct 31

From heritageireland.ie

Aghowle Church | Heritage Ireland

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WARNING: It should be noted that these sites are unguided and a level of care and caution should be maintained during all stages of your visit. The Office Of Public Works (OPW) will not be held responsible for any damages, injuries, or losses that occur

on Oct 26

From heritageireland.ie

Irish National War Memorial Gardens | Heritage Ireland

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These gardens in Islandbridge, a Dublin suburb, are one of the most famous memorial gardens in Europe. They are dedicated to the memory of the

on Oct 19, 2023

From heritageireland.ie

Jerpoint Abbey | Heritage Ireland

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Founded in the 12th century, Jerpoint Abbey is one of the best examples of a medieval Cistercian Abbey in Ireland. The architectural styles within the

on Oct 3, 2023