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From indailyqld.com.au

Labor rushes tax cuts laws in pre-election wedge - News | InDaily, Inside Queensland

1 1

Labor has rushed its budget plans for tax cuts into federal parliament, as the window for calling the election narrows.

#auspol #indaily #taxcuts #taxation

3h ago

From indailyqld.com.au

Drenched: furthest town from sea flooded by record rain - News | InDaily, Inside Queensland

1 1

Record rainfall has cut roads and isolated communities, ensuring Australia's furthest town from the sea is surrounded by water.

#qld #indaily #qldnews #weather #flooding #australia

3h ago

From indailyqld.com.au

Peter Dutton claims interest rates ‘always’ lower under Coalition - News | InDaily, Inside Queensland

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Peter Dutton has falsely claimed that interest rates are always lower under the Coalition because it manages the economy better than Labor

on Thu, 3AM

From indailyqld.com.au

Sara Storer will be among the Legends of Country at a festival coming to the Scenic Rim - InReview | InDaily, Inside Queensland

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Sara Storer is one of the legends of country music performing at a new festival in May on the Scenic Rim. Do not miss it!

on Mar 19

From indailyqld.com.au

Homeless given 24 hours to move on from Brisbane parks - News | InDaily, Inside Queensland

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Brisbane is cracking down on homeless camps in the city's parklands after Moreton Bay introduced fines to stop occupation in public areas.

on Mar 13

From indailyqld.com.au

Two major rail projects in doubt ahead of 2032 Games - News | InDaily, Inside Queensland

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The state government has conceded two rail projects promised to transport 2032 Olympics goers are at risk from major cost blowouts.

on Jan 30

From indailyqld.com.au

Treasures From the British Library and National Portrait Gallery opens soon at HOTA Gallery - InReview | InDaily, Inside Queensland

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Literary and art treasures from the British Library and National Portrait Gallery will soon to be on show at HOTA Gallery.

on Jan 15

From indailyqld.com.au

EV batteries last far longer than lab tests show, study finds - News | InDaily, Inside Queensland

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“We’ve not been testing EV batteries the right way,” says Associate Professor Simona Onori, a researcher at Stanford University.

on Dec 16

From indailyqld.com.au

Penny Wong says critique of Israeli government 'not anti-Semitism' - News | InDaily, Inside Queensland

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Penny Wong has used a major speech at UniSA to call for tolerance and respect in the public debate about the war in Gaza.

on Dec 10