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Search for keywords, #hashtags, $sites, add a dash to exclude, e.g. -$theonion.com

From indieweb.org


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Pronouns: he/him

on Jun 28

From indieweb.org


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Bellingham is a city in the US state of Washington, was the site of IndieWebCamp Bellingham 2017, and ran a Homebrew Website Club meetup from 2016-06-15 through 2017-10.

on Jun 27

From indieweb.org


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on Jun 26

From indieweb.org


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OpenWebAuth is the authentication protocol utilized by Zot6; making use of Webfingers, HTTP Signatures and token generation for headless authentication. Projects like Hubzilla make use of it for authentication.

on Jun 24

From indieweb.org


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Front End Study Hall #004 was an IndieWeb popup on Zoom held on 2024-06-06.

on Jun 9

From indieweb.org

Front End Study Hall

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Front End Study Hall is an HTML and CSS focused IndieWeb popup meeting focused on markup, styling, design, layout, and accessibility in a loose format where participants come to learn and teach.

on Jun 7

From indieweb.org


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JavaScript (JS) is a popular programming language due to its nearly ubiquitous availability in web browsers, and growing web server availability in the form of node.js.

on May 31

From indieweb.org

Internet Archive

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The Internet Archive is a non-profit organization that is building a digital library, including archival copy of much of the public web, and since 2019 is the primary location the IndieWeb community hosts videos of IndieWebCamp and Summit sessions.

on May 31

From indieweb.org

static site generator

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A static site generator or SSG is software that developers can use (typically requiring command line access) to setup a personal site that uses a set of text content files typically stored on a server, and transforms them into a set of static HTML files for a website.

on May 31

From indieweb.org


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rel=canonical is a way to indicate that a hyperlink links to the original and canonical version of the current page.

on May 30

From indieweb.org


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Spiderpig is a web crawler for archiving a website as static HTML files.

on May 30

From indieweb.org


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HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the language used to create web pages, one of the building blocks of the IndieWeb.

on May 30

From indieweb.org

GitHub Pages

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GitHub Pages (aka gh-pages) is a static content hosting service offered by GitHub where you can host static sites. They offer pre-built web page templates, as well as the ability to build and host Jekyll websites.

on May 30

From indieweb.org

service worker

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service workers are scripts that run in the background, separate from tabs with the site open, and are commonly used for offline functionality and push notifications.

on May 30

From indieweb.org


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IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2024, the eighth IndieWebCamp in Düsseldorf, is scheduled for 2024-05-11…12, the weekend before btconf Düsseldorf 2024, Saturday at The City Library, and Sunday at the Niu Tab hotel lobby.

on May 19

From indieweb.org


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IndieAuth is an identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749], primarily used to obtain an OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token [RFC6750] for use by [Micropub] clients. End-Users and Clients are all represented by URLs. IndieAuth enables Clients to verify the identity of an End-User, as...

on May 18

From indieweb.org


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♺ A repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another (typically someone else’s) post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, and sometimes across sites.

on May 7

From indieweb.org


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A webring is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure.

on May 7

From indieweb.org


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There are many communities and groups that are adjacent to and overlap with the IndieWeb community that many of us participate in, have participated in, that may interest you as well.

on May 3

From indieweb.org

personal library

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on Apr 30

From indieweb.org


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Read Posts / indiebookclub was a session at IndieWebCamp Austin 2020.

on Apr 30

From indieweb.org

admin tax

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on Apr 24

From indieweb.org


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A colophon is a page or section, like a footer, of a site that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies.

on Apr 18

From indieweb.org


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✅ IndieMark is an in-progress developer guide that organizes IndieWeb features into related clusters based on implementation trends within the community. Features that build on other features are ordered accordingly within clusters to provide developers with a step-by-step approach to...

on Apr 16

From indieweb.org


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The sidefile-antipattern is a violation of the DRY principle by the use of secondary files (typically in some one-off XML format) to provide information that is a duplicate of information available in primary files on a website (in HTML), and is an antipattern due to typical DRY violation...

on Apr 15

From indieweb.org


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on Mar 22

From indieweb.org

original post link

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An original post link (or original post permalink / OPP) is a hyperlink from a POSSE copy to its original indieweb post.

on Mar 16

From indieweb.org


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This Week in the IndieWeb is a weekly digest of activities of the IndieWeb community. It contains recent and upcoming events, posts from IndieNews, and a summary of wiki edits, sent out Fridays at 3pm Pacific time.

on Mar 16

From indieweb.org


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on Mar 13

From indieweb.org


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The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the “corporate web”.

on Mar 13

From indieweb.org


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2024/Brighton/Schedule is an hour-by-hour schedule and table of 14 sessions held across three rooms during IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024.

on Mar 13

From indieweb.org


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2024/Brighton/Demos was a session at the end of day 2 of IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024 where participants took turns demonstrating and talking through what they did, made, created on or using their personal website or for the community.

on Mar 13

From indieweb.org

Create Day

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Create Day is an IndieWeb event, the second day of a typical IndieWebCamp or its own virtual event, where community members gather to share what they’re creating for their site that day, get inspired, collaborate when their projects overlap, and wrapping up with a show & tell demos session.

on Mar 13

From indieweb.org

test in production

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test in production is (AKA testing in production) deploying code changes to a web site or service typically visible to the public as part of checking to see if the code changes function as expected, and is practiced by some IndieWeb creators especially with their own projects as a form of eating...

on Mar 10

From indieweb.org


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microformats are extensions to HTML for marking up notes, people, organizations, events, locations, blog posts, products, reviews, resumés, recipes etc. Sites use microformats to publish a standard API that is consumed and used by search engines, aggregators, and other tools.

on Mar 3

From indieweb.org

#social 2015-10-21

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jasnell: 3) Drop the Question activity/object

on Mar 2

From indieweb.org


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A blogroll is a list of other sites that you read, are a follower of, or recommend.

on Mar 2

From indieweb.org


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2024 homepage is a series of initiatives to update the homepage.

on Feb 17

From indieweb.org


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JSON (abbreviation for JavaScript Object Notation) is a data serialization format often used by HTTP APIs, growing in popularity instead of XML, and also the canonical output of microformats2 parsers.

on Feb 16

From indieweb.org

progressive enhancement

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progressive enhancement is the web development practice of building web pages, sites, apps so they are at least readable, and preferably allow for most if not all interactions, from any kind of browser, and optionally take advantage of additional capabilities (like various CSS & JS features)...

on Feb 16

From indieweb.org


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Mastodon is an open source social network project that supports some IndieWeb building blocks like rel-me and (prior to version 4.0) microformats2, and has a federation of many instances, including https://indieweb.social/ for IndieWeb fans.

on Feb 16

From indieweb.org


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ccTLD is an abbreviation for country code top-level domain, a top-level-domain that is specific to a particular country, thus governed by its additional laws, and often more restrictive and/or fragile than non-country-specific domains; used by some in the IndieWeb community for short-domains.

on Feb 16

From indieweb.org


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A curlable URL is one where you can use the curl command line tool to request the URL via http(s), and receive back HTML with visible contents. [1]

on Feb 16

From indieweb.org


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on Feb 16

From indieweb.org


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Longevity is the goal of keeping your data as future-friendly and future-proof as possible; it is one of the indieweb principles.

on Feb 16

From indieweb.org

robots txt

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robots.txt is a file used to inform web crawlers what parts of a site should or should not be crawled.

on Feb 16

From indieweb.org


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IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024 will be the seventh IndieWebCamp in Brighton, England, on the weekend of 9-10 March 2024.

on Feb 5

From indieweb.org

rename to IndieWeb

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Renamed to IndieWeb was a proposal from the 2016 Leaders Summit, to change our primary identity from "IndieWebCamp" to "IndieWeb". This will help differentiate the IndieWeb community from individual IndieWeb events (i.e. Homebrew Website Club or IndieWebCamp)

on Feb 5

From indieweb.org


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Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels.

on Feb 5

From indieweb.org


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on Feb 5