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From inphotos.org

Laughing and chatting

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Two women enjoying a chat while seated on a bench by a canal in Amsterdam. It was a lovely afternoon.

2h ago

From inphotos.org

Water flows into water

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The Mullinhassig waterfall flows in a long exposure shot, on a recent visit there with Blarney Photography Club.

on Fri, 10PM

From inphotos.org

Sky High Vantage Point

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A seagull resting on a very tall pole in Dingle, Co Kerry, with the setting sun lighting up the sky in wonderful colours.

on Thu, 6PM

From inphotos.org

Reach for the skies

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Figueres, in Catalonia, Spain is where Salvador Dali was born in 1904. You’ll find the Dalí Theatre and Museum in the town and some of his statues scattered around the place. Here’s one…

on Wed, 5PM

From inphotos.org

Mullinhassig waterfall in the shadows

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Visit the post for more.

on Tue, 6PM

From inphotos.org

Hang on in there

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Far above the waterfall at Mullinhassig, I found small shoots and leaves growing out of a tree trunk.

on Tue, 6PM

From inphotos.org

Photos at the Conor Pass

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A family stopped at the top of the Conor Pass to take photos of each other on a glorious July day in 2022.

on Mon, 3PM

From inphotos.org

Queuing for the train

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The metro station at Monastiraki Square in Athens, Greece, is rarely quiet, and we arrived just as people were getting on the train.

on Sun, 7PM

From inphotos.org

That’s a steep hill

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The Old Youghal Road takes a steep dive right next to Bell’s Field, but there’s a lovely view. No wonder he stopped for a moment to admire the view on a sunny evening a few years ago.

on Jun 29

From inphotos.org

The Rocks of Ballycotton

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The rocks of Ballycotton with the sea breaking on them reduced to a fog by a long exposure photo. Ballycotton Lighthouse is visible in the background on an island a few hundred metres offshore. I w…

on Jun 28

From inphotos.org

The homes of Athens

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From the fifth floor of an apartment block all the eye can see is apartment after apartment block. Balconies look out from most, but it’s a crowded city.

on Jun 28

From inphotos.org

Happy Gotcha Day, Diego!

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Diego, our chihuahua, came into our lives on this day many years ago. He’s a little older now, and maybe a little wiser too, especially when it comes to treats and getting cuddles. He loves p…

on Jun 26

From inphotos.org

Swinging on the Moon

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One of the statues at Castlemartyr Resort was this one of a woman swinging off the crescent Moon. It was quite striking and imaginative.

on Jun 26

From inphotos.org

Sheep’s Head Sunset

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Over the weekend I stayed in a B&B on Sheep’s Head in Co. Cork and of course I had to photograph the sunset from the headland. I shared another photo taken on the same night recently, but…

on Jun 26

From inphotos.org

Carrigdrohid on the Lee

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The castle at Carrigdrohid, as seen from across the river from my previous photo of the castle a few days ago. I was almost in the river taking this shot, following in the steps of Mark Gorman who …

on Jun 26

From inphotos.org

Passenger Bikes

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Motorbikes wait at the traffic lights at the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens. Bikes were popular in the city, with riders weaving in and out of slow-moving four wheeled traffic.

on Jun 26

From inphotos.org

buzz buzz buzz

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I’m not a huge fan of wasps, but these three were part of the exhibit of statues at Castlemartyr Resort in Co Cork. buzzzzz! Fly away!

on Jun 25

From inphotos.org

Cows at the sea

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Cows on the rocks near the sea on Sheep’s Head. Looks like one of them is enjoying the view of the water. Nice day for fishing ain’t it!

on Jun 25

From inphotos.org

Light from the cloud

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Light pours through a gap in the clouds, illuminating the waters between Sheep’s Head and the Beara Peninsula.

on Jun 25

From inphotos.org

Teampol na mBocht, Altar

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A Church of Ireland church near Schull, in Co. Cork, is set in scenic landscape beside Toormore Bay. We drove past, and I saw it was surrounded by a sea of wildflowers, mostly oxeye daisies, and al…

on Jun 25

From inphotos.org

Enjoy the sun in Schull

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Recently in Schull, when the sun was out and the whole world was bright and cheerful. The harbour was full of boats and people were enjoying the day.

on Jun 25

From inphotos.org

Sunset at Carrigadrohid

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The castle at Carrigadrohid stands on a rock in the middle of the River Lee, adjoining a bridge, giving the local village it’s name, after the Irish, Carraig an Droichid, meaning ‘rock …

on Jun 25

From inphotos.org

The Blackrock Terrace

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The skeleton of Páirc Úi Chaoimh before it was rebuilt reveals the Blackrock end of the stadium.

on Jun 25

From inphotos.org

Red Valerian on the Bridge

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On South Gate Bridge last summer, I spotted flowers growing from between the stones of the structure. Google Images says they’re Red Valerian, but I don’t know. They were thriving in th…

on Jun 24

From inphotos.org

Hungry Horse

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The horses in the field adjoining Castlemartyr Resort were a curious bunch when Blarney Photography Club visited last week, when they came over to us for a chat and a sniff of our cameras. This one…

on Jun 24

From inphotos.org

Not Sleeping in Ardmore

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I have an orange t-shirt, but it’s not this lovely bright orange. I love that it matches the orange of the building, and then I noticed afterwards that he’s wearing light blue shorts! I…

on Jun 24

From inphotos.org

A cat in the shadows

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Two buckets are no match for an ephemeral cat in the shadows as it played with the light of the setting sun at Castlemartyr Resort last week. The shadow of the cat is courtesy of the cat statue I p…

on Jun 24

From inphotos.org

The seaweed bicycle

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I spotted a bike for hire that must have been dumped in the river for quite some time before being returned to the lock area. It was underwater so long that seaweed grew on it and tiny seashells gr…

on Jun 23

From inphotos.org

A cat on the roof

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Hey! There’s a cat on the roof! Just one of the statues displayed at the Art+Soul exhibition in the Castlemartyr Resort was one of a cat standing on a large key. I thought it might be nice to…

on Jun 23

From inphotos.org

The Pacific Park in the Sea

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Santa Monica Pier stretches out into the sea, but halfway out is a funfair including a roller coaster and ferris wheel, of all things. On a sunny day it’s a sight to behold. The place is thro…

on Jun 20

From inphotos.org

The Castlemartyr Resort Waterfall

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When you visit the Castlemartyr Resort in Co. Cork, you cannot miss the waterfall in the river next to the entrance road. It’s a beautiful spot and well worth visiting!

on Jun 20

From inphotos.org

At the Olympics

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The Panathenaic Stadium was not very crowded when we visited, but I immediately noticed a small group of young people taking photos of each other and added them to a photo of my own. :)

on Jun 9

From inphotos.org

The Atlantic Manor Hotel Demolished

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The Atlantic Manor Hotel Demolished The Atlantic Manor Hotel stood for many a year at Garrettstown in Co. Cork and is even still listed on a travel website but it is gone now. Ryan visited there a …

on Jun 7

From inphotos.org

Precious Things

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Sometimes you’re just minding the precious things in life, like a handbag for someone special.

on Jun 6

From inphotos.org

Stuck in their own moment

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A moped rider, a shopper with a bag and two people looking in a shop window all in their own worlds together on the street.

on Jun 5

From inphotos.org

Excited for a walk

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A woman walks her dog on a street in Amsterdam. The little doggy is so excited. :)

on Jun 4

From inphotos.org

Dressed for a party

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When I walked past this little dog and snapped a photo of him with my phone, I didn’t realise I was photographing a celebrity dog. Thanks to Google Images, I found out the dog is Ali the Rast…

on Jun 2

From inphotos.org

The Ginger Guardian needs a rest

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Being a guardian of the alley is tiring work and when they can, the guardians take a break. The lovely ginger cat I photographed in yesterday’s post jumped into this flower bed/shrubbery to r…

on Jun 1

From inphotos.org

Guardians of the Alley

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Two cats protect a narrow street in Athens, Greece. Tourists were milling around, talking loudly, enjoying their food and drink on a warm afternoon. Cars drove past nearby, but the cats didn’…

on May 31

From inphotos.org

A Renault 4 at the Panathenaic Stadium

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Cars weren’t going anywhere fast in front of the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens, Greece, the day we visited. A traffic jam extended far off in every direction. An old Renault 4 caught my eye. …

on May 30

From inphotos.org

A moment at a French Café

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In parts of Paris, they have such wide footpaths that café and restaurants have seating outside. The city where I live has done likewise, sometimes successfully, but more often, impeding pedestrian…

on May 29

From inphotos.org

Awesome Statues

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A young tourist listens to the audio tour of the Musée d’Orsay in Paris while the statue of Tarcisius, a Christian martyr, lies next to him.

on May 28

From inphotos.org

Hey! What’s that?

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I have no idea what was so interesting. On a bench in Bishop Lucey Park in 2019.

on May 27

From inphotos.org

Watch the sunset in Lisbon

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The setting sun casts a lovely glow on the Igreja Paroquial da Graça in Lisbon. People up on a balcony in the church get a great view of the city and the sun.

on May 26

From inphotos.org

A dog in the bookshop

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One of the wonderful things about other places is when dogs are allowed in. I had just left the American Book Center in Amsterdam when a man and a dog walked towards me and into the shop! There&#82…

on May 25

From inphotos.org

No Parking Here

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Parking in front of a no parking cone must have seemed like a good idea at first. I bet the rider was just popping into the nearby duck shop. The bike was soon taken away and chopped up for parts a…

on May 24

From inphotos.org

Speaking to the crowd

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At a rally for Gaza on the Grand Parade last February, a large crowd listens to someone speak.

on May 23

From inphotos.org

Have a seat on the street

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Have a seat. Here’s one. I don’t know where it came from, maybe a local office or flat, but it was gone again in the morning. Be famous, seat.

on May 22

From inphotos.org

The late Frank Flaherty

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Frank Flaherty, the Cork Birdman, who passed away earlier this month, pictured sitting on the wall of The Outdoor Adventure Store in 2021. His dog sits underneath, waiting patiently.

on May 21

From inphotos.org

Christian Radich In Cork

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The beautiful full-rigged ship, the Christian Radich, was docked at Custom House Quay on a foggy morning in October, 2016.

on May 21