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From islandinthenet.com

Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) on Island in the Net

2 2

The Millstone Aqueduct supports two footbridges and allows the waters of Carnegie Lake to flow beneath the Delaware and Raritan Canal and into the Millstone River. Here, the Millstone River resembl…

#birds #heron #birding #wildlife #lensartists #birdwatching #ardeaherodias #greatblueheron #birdphotography #millstoneaqueduct

19h ago

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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How awesome would it be to have an all British front grid at Silverstone for the #BritishGP? #F1

18h ago

From islandinthenet.com

Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) on Island in the Net

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Turning around from the Sparrow, I focused on the dozen or so birds flying around the nearby metal footbridge. The birds were moving too quickly and erratically for me to get a good picture. Merlin…

on Fri, 3PM

From islandinthenet.com

Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) on Island in the Net

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The term "seagull" is a misnomer, as there are about 50 distinct gull species worldwide, inhabiting various environments beyond the sea.

on Fri, 2PM

From islandinthenet.com

Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) on Island in the Net

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After spending several weeks in Institute Woods and the Charles H. Rogers Wildlife Refuge, I thought it might be fun to try another location. After looking at eBird I decided on the Millstone Aqued…

on Thu, 3PM

From islandinthenet.com

Video on Island in the Net

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#hurricane #beryl

on Wed, 10PM

From islandinthenet.com

Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) on Island in the Net

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I wanted several seconds for the rabbit to calm down.

on Wed, 3PM

From islandinthenet.com

Video on Island in the Net

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Space Beams (Are Made of This) #TakeASongOutOfThisWorld #HashtagGames

on Wed, 2PM

From islandinthenet.com

Video on Island in the Net

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This is what Carriacou looked like before #Hurricane #Beryl

on Wed, 1PM

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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1Password for iOS app updates: improved recovery, search, localisation, and accessibility. Bug fixes for import, sync, and UI issues. #1Password #infosec #iOS

on Wed, 1PM

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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App updates: recovery codes, import banner, localisation, device enrolment, file import fixes, item metadata preservation, UI improvements, and bug fixes. #1Password #infosec

on Wed, 11AM

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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Others also just don’t want to invest the effort to search for the respective Mastodon, Threads, or other handles of the person who wrote the post every time they share a link. And that’s okay, I g…

on Wed, 4AM

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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Good point! Now what is the next thing you will do?

on Wed, 2AM

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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Mom was at the family house in St. Vincent when the hurricane struck. She uses WhatsApp and the power is out. #Hurricane #Beryl #Grenada #Bequia

on Tue, 9PM

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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#wordpress #infosec

on Tue, 9PM

From islandinthenet.com

American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) on Island in the Net

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When I was ready to leave I turned around to see a small group of birders talking excitedly and staring at the ground. I asked if they were looking for the bullfrog I had heard earlier. They answer…

on Tue, 4PM

From islandinthenet.com

Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) on Island in the Net

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Purple Martins were not the only birds I found at the southwestern edge of the swamp marsh.

on Mon, 3PM

From islandinthenet.com

What’s in my camera bag on Island in the Net

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I haven’t posted about my photography kit in quite some time, but I thought it would be fun to respond to Jan Erik Moström’s (@jemostrom@social.lol) My mini camera bag post. My digital camera bag s…

on Sun, 7PM

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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MOG! OMG! Edge of the seat! #F1 #AustrianGP

on Sun, 3PM

From islandinthenet.com

Female Purple Martin (Progne subis) on Island in the Net

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On World Series of Birding Day, I photographed a female Purple Martin collecting twigs at Charles H. Rogers Wildlife Refuge.

on Sun, 3PM

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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I am visibly shaking! What excitement at the front! Lando! Lando! Lando! #F1 #AustrianGP

on Sun, 3PM

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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Excellent opportunistic driving by George. Well done. Mercedes, McLaren and Ferrari are all on the podium. #F1 #austriangp

on Sun, 2PM

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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The Haas cars are going to get some good points. #F1 #austriangp

on Sun, 2PM

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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The adrenaline is back! Let’s go Lando. #F1 #AustrianGP

on Sun, 2PM

From islandinthenet.com

Sunday Paper on Island in the Net

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Hack The Box is urging businesses to prioritise mental well-being to boost cybersecurity performance, following its latest research. Cybersecurity professionals face significant burnout due to batt…

on Sun, 11AM

From islandinthenet.com

House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) on Island in the Net

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On World Series of Birding day, I explored Charles H. Rogers Wildlife Refuge, photographing House Finches and observing diverse bird species.

on Jun 29

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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NIST Special Publication 800-63B, states: "Verifiers SHOULD NOT require memorized secrets to be changed arbitrarily (e.g., periodically)." None of the organisation I have worked at in the last ten …

on Jun 28

From islandinthenet.com

Mallery's Grazin’ Meats Grand Opening on Island in the Net

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This afternoon Mallery's Grazin' Meats celebrated its grand opening in Montgomery Township, drawing an unexpectedly large crowd. The store, owned by Mark and Lynne Faille of Simply Grazin' Organic …

on Jun 28

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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Sometimes ... sometimes feels like this.

on Jun 28

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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I feel old.

on Jun 28

From islandinthenet.com

Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) on Island in the Net

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Spotted a new bird, later identified as a Northern Mockingbird, on the grassy field near Institute Woods after a productive photography outing.

on Jun 27

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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Holy MOG! What a fantastic start to the #F1 #SpanishGP! Woot!

on Jun 26

From islandinthenet.com

Understanding the Shutter Options of my Fujifilm X-T3 on Island in the Net

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The Fuji X-T3 has an electronic and mechanical shutter. There are trade-offs to using one over the other.

on Jun 26

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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“Cybersecurity professionals are at the forefront of a battle they know they are going to lose at some point, it is just a matter of time. It’s a challenging industry and businesses need to recogni…

on Jun 26

From islandinthenet.com

Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia) on Island in the Net

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After weeks without a proper sighting, I finally saw a Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia) foraging in the top branches of the trees near the observation deck at Charles H. Rogers Wildlife Refuge. …

on Jun 26

From islandinthenet.com

Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus) on Island in the Net

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I discovered a Red-eyed Vireo during an early morning visit to Institute Woods, where sunlight finally broke through the overcast sky.

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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Still have no proof, denial or confirmation. #cybersecurity #federalreserve #infosec

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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Is "cybersecurity" one or two words? Some prefer "#cybersecurity" as one word, while some, like me, often use two words while others hyphenate it as "cyber-security." However, both the Merriam-Webs…

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) on Island in the Net

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This one looks a bit freaky, like it’s possessed by a demon.

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

Black-shouldered Spinyleg (Dromogomphus spinosus) on Island in the Net

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Not all of the dragonflies I saw at Van Horne Park were lazing around on the concrete wall.

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia) on Island in the Net

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I saw what I initially thought were two distinct dragonflies. However, using iNaturalist, I later learned that I had photographed both the male and female Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia).

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

Little Wood Satyr (Megisto cymela) on Island in the Net

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I was out "chasing dragons" and found this.

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

Sir Alphonso Mango on Island in the Net

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I love watching our cat, Sir Alphonso Mango, be a cat. The Alphonso mango is Bhavna’s favourite varietal. The Alphonso mango is named after Afonso de Albuquerque, a Portuguese general and military …

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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Perfect weather all weekend! What shall I do?

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) on Island in the Net

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It was another overcast and foggy morning but I awoke early and rushed over to Institute Woods hoping that I would find warblers. I walked around for several minutes listening to birds sing from th…

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) on Island in the Net

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They have a distinctive "po-ta-to-chip" call.

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

Magnolia Warbler (Setophaga magnolia) on Island in the Net

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While I waited , a female Common Yellowthroat dropped in briefly.

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

American Robin (Turdus migratorius) on Island in the Net

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They are a common sights in woods and meadows in the neighbourhood.

on Jun 25

From islandinthenet.com

Female Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) on Island in the Net

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It’s a stocky bird with plain brown plumage.

on Jun 24

From islandinthenet.com

on Island in the Net

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Snörkel by Jester King is a Gose inspired farmhouse ale with smoked sea salt and oyster mushrooms. #Beer #CraftAle #JesterKing #FarmhouseAle

on Jun 24