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From iucn.org

IUCN WCPA Technical Note No. 17: The role of OECMs for inland water biodiversity outcomes

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In response to achieving the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Target 3, specifically for conserving at least 30 per cent of inland water areas through a combination of protected areas and OECMs, while recognizing Indigenous and traditional territories, the inlands water community...

2h ago

From iucn.org

Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

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Despite previous policies and actions to support biodiversity, the drivers of biodiversity loss have worsened and biodiversity continues to decline. Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity have therefore adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework as a global strategy...

3h ago

From iucn.org

CBD COP16 Live

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From 21 October to 1 November, IUCN will host over 40 official side events and a rich programme of events taking place in the IUCN pavilion in the Blue Zone, under the banner “Unite for Nature, Home of Union”.

#cop16 #Colombia

7h ago

From iucn.org

IUCN flagship report calls on countries to rethink agricultural and conservation policies to help protect biodiversity and deliver food for humanity

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A new flagship report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature - on the interplay between agriculture and conservation - argues that better designed and targeted policies could benefit both biodiversity and agriculture and should be considered and implemented by countries across the world.

on Fri, 3PM

From iucn.org

IUCN Leaders Forum to harness innovative solutions to global challenges

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Geneva, Switzerland, 8 September 2024 –The third edition of the IUCN Leaders Forum opened today in Geneva, Switzerland, under the theme “harnessing innovation, enabling conservation”. The event is unique as experts in environmental science and conservation meet directly with business leaders to...

on Oct 10

From iucn.org

On World Rhino Day 2024, a mixed story for the world’s five species of rhinos

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Africa’s total rhino count has continued to increase despite poaching, while certain species in Asia face an existential threat.  

on Sep 24

From iucn.org

IUCN Red List of Ecosystems

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The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems is a tool to assess the conservation status of ecosystems. It is based on scientific criteria for performing evidence-based analyses of the risk of ecosystem collapse, including changes in geographical distribution and the degradation of the key elements of ecosystems.

on Aug 26

From iucn.org

Sustainable land management in rangeland and grasslands

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This participatory grassland and rangeland assessment (PRAGA) methodology was developed for the assessment of rangelands and grasslands in selected project countries. It was developed through the project 'Participatory assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management in grassland...

on Aug 13

From iucn.org

Living in Harmony with Nature - Application of Nature-based Solutions in the Meghna river basin

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A film produced by IUCN on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) [1] in the Meghna river basin showcases the various ecosystem services it provides, and highlights community- and government-led efforts to address climate, water and food security issues through its application.  

on Aug 9

From iucn.org

Enhancing Water Governance in the Ruvuma River Basin

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The Ruvuma River Basin is a vital water source for communities, agriculture, and industries in Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique. Learn how Southern African Development Community (SADC) Member States, in collaboration with IUCN through BRIDGE 5, are strengthening water cooperation in the region.

on Jul 31

From iucn.org

Uniting for tigers: special Global Tiger Day events spark action and awareness across Asia

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Global Tiger Day is a powerful reminder of the urgent need to protect tigers and their habitats. Born from the ambitious goals set at the 2010 Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit to double the wild tiger population, this day is a pivotal occasion to honour conservation efforts, rally communities...

on Jul 30

From iucn.org

Solutions bleues de l'Afrique

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Cette publication est un résultat du troisième Forum régional pour les océans, les côtes et le bien-être humain en Afrique de Blue Solutions qui s’est tenu au printemps 2016. Elle compile 32 solutions bleues de l’Afrique dont la plupart ont été présentées pendant l’événement. Les solutions...

on Jul 30

From iucn.org

NAbSA Dialogues: The Importance of Biodiversity

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During the first session of the NAbSA Dialogues, participants from the Partnering for Climate (P4C) initiative and experts beyond this community discussed the integral role of biodiversity in climate resilience and adaptation. This session was designed to offer technical insights into how...

on Jul 27

From iucn.org

More than half of all mangrove ecosystems at risk of collapse by 2050, first global assessment finds

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Gland, Switzerland, 22 May 2024 (IUCN) – More than half of the world’s mangrove ecosystems are at risk of collapse, according to the first global mangrove assessment for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Ecosystems.   

on Jul 27

From iucn.org

Closing the Caribbean Plastic Tap: propelling Caribbean SIDS towards a plastic-free future

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Initiative funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and aimed at addressing recyclable and nonrecyclable plastic waste and plastic leakage in five Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS), kicks off with national inception workshops in Saint Lucia and Saint Kitts and Nevis.

on Jul 24

From iucn.org

Iberian lynx rebounding thanks to conservation action - IUCN Red List

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Gland, Switzerland, 20 June 2024 (IUCN) – The Iberian Lynx has improved from Endangered to Vulnerable on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™, continuing its dramatic recovery from near extinction thanks to sustained conservation efforts.

on Jun 26

From iucn.org

Iberian lynx rebounding thanks to conservation action - IUCN Red List

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Gland, Switzerland, 20 June 2024 (IUCN) – The Iberian Lynx has improved from Endangered to Vulnerable on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™, continuing its dramatic recovery from near extinction thanks to sustained conservation efforts.

on Jun 25

From iucn.org

Stakeholders Meeting to Review, Negotiate and Finalise the Bilateral Agreement for the Angololo Water Resources Development Project

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Nairobi, Kenya: In April 2024, senior government officials from the Ministries and Agencies responsible for Water, Energy, Agriculture, Legal Affairs and Finance from Kenya and Uganda, in addition to staff from NELSAP-CU and IUCN met to action the next steps in the Sio-Malaba-Malakisi (SMM)...

on Jun 24

From iucn.org

Plastic pollution

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Over 460 million metric tons of plastic are produced every year for use in a wide variety of applications.  An estimated 20 million metric tons of plastic litter end up in the environment every year. That amount is expected to increase significantly by 2040. Plastic pollution affects all land,...

on Jun 24

From iucn.org

Launch of the Technical Report Series guideline ‘A framework for monitoring biodiversity in protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures’

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Webinar recording: https://youtu.be/ArMzCNysRaI Report download link: https://doi.org/10.2305/HRAP7908 Protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures are critical for protecting biodiversity and ecosystems.  For many sites, developing a suitable biodiversity monitoring...

on Jun 23

From iucn.org

Red List of Mangrove Ecosystems

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This is the first global assessment of a full ecosystem functional group across the planet using the Red List of Ecosystems and raises concerns about the risk of collapse of mangrove ecosystems. Here is an overview of the results.

on May 24

From iucn.org

IUCN metric to help quantify progress towards global ocean biodiversity targets

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In partnership with other organisations, scientists and experts from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have developed a metric that will give governments, businesses, civil society, and financial institutions the ability to measure whether their actions can help halt...

on May 14

From iucn.org

Freshwater fish highlight escalating climate impacts on species - IUCN Red List

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 11 December 2023 (IUCN) – Climate change threatens a growing number of species, from Atlantic salmon to green turtles, today’s update to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ reveals. The update, released at the COP28 UN climate conference in the United Arab...

on May 14

From iucn.org

Better production practices key to minimising impact of vegetable oils – IUCN report

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Gland, Switzerland, 7 May 2024 (IUCN) – A new report from the IUCN Oil Crops Taskforce, released today, assesses the future environmental, economic and social impact of the production, trade and the consumption of vegetable oils. The Task Force was established by the IUCN Secretariat, the IUCN...

on May 14

From iucn.org

Marine plastic pollution

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Over 400 million tons of plastic are produced every year for use in a wide variety of applications. At least 14 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year, and plastic makes up 80% of all marine debris found from surface waters to deep-sea sediments. Marine species ingest or are...

on May 1

From iucn.org

Light pollution

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The use of artificial light at night has expanded and intensified over past decades, and recent advances in LED technology have accelerated those trends. Light pollution severely disrupts nocturnal ecosystems, interferes with the natural rhythms of plants and animals, mars the wilderness...

on Apr 13

From iucn.org

The Framework Signatories

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The Sports for Nature Framework was launched on 16 December 2022. Today, there are 40 signatories that have committed to take significant action for nature under the Framework's four principles, and report on their progress annually.  The list below was updated on 20 September 2023.

on Apr 6

From iucn.org


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From 26 February to 1 March, IUCN will participate in the sixth session of the UN Environment Assembly, which takes place at UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi. 

on Mar 7

From iucn.org

We must conserve the right places to halt extinction and reduce biodiversity loss

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The world's countries are conserving more places. But in some cases, what's being protected isn't what would make the biggest difference for biodiversity. As Andrew Plumptre writes, we need a clearer definition of what it is we truly should be conserving. 

on Jan 29

From iucn.org

Global initiative to conserve 30% of the planet guided by Indigenous knowledge launches at COP28

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates, December 1, 2023 – Countries across the world are being encouraged to join a ground-breaking new conservation initiative, which brings together governments, Indigenous peoples, and local communities, to help achieve the global goal of preserving 30% of the planet’s...

on Dec 4

From iucn.org

Indigenous young Kichwa woman's high-level address at COP28 calls on world leaders to uphold Indigenous Peoples rights

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At the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) World Climate Action Summit Presidency event, hosted by H.E. Razan Al Mubarak, IUCN President and UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP28, the Indigenous Peoples address called for the respect of their land rights and full participation in...

on Dec 3

From iucn.org

A Unique Coexistence of an Indigenous Tribe (Adivasi) with Tigers in the Western Ghats of India

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A new article was co-written by Kamaljit Sangha, Co-Chair of the CEESP Local Economies, Communities, and Nature Specialist group. "Expert Corner: A Unique Coexistence of an Indigenous Tribe (Adivasi) with Tigers in the Western Ghats of India" 

on Dec 2

From iucn.org

Marine and Coastal Program Officer, IUCN Thailand

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Thailand Country Programme. Asia Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand

on Oct 27

From iucn.org

Over one third of hoverflies threatened with extinction in Europe - IUCN Red List

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Brussels, Belgium, 11 October 2022 (IUCN) – Thirty-seven per cent of all hoverfly species in Europe are threatened with extinction, according to the first continent-wide assessment of this essential pollinator group on the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM, which was requested and funded by...

on Oct 26