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From j-nelson.net

The other meaning of “A Charlie Brown Christmas”

1 1

Why did Charlie Brown pick such a bad tree for Christmas?

#holidays #Christmas #charliebrown

on Dec 25

From j-nelson.net


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He took on Sherlock Holmes and lost. Now he wants revenge. AVAILABLE FOR KINDLE AND PAPERBACK Download a free sample for your e-readerView sample chapters in your browserDownload a Kindle sample from Amazon In 1888, Sherlock Holmes slayed the spectral hound haunting the Devonshire moor, thereby layi...

on Nov 18, 2023

From j-nelson.net


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Two brothers. One murder. And a mystery as old as mankind. According to Cain is an interactive fiction game where you are tasked with solving one of the oldest recorded mysteries in Western literature: What is the Mark of Cain? You are a medieval investigator sent back in time to learn the...

on Nov 16, 2023

From j-nelson.net

IFComp 2021: Scoring and review rubrics

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This year I'm participating in the 2021 Interactive Fiction Competition (IFComp 2021). Over the next month or so, I'll play as many of the entries I can manage and post mini-reviews here and at intfiction.org. If you want to join in, all are welcome to judge! Go to ifcomp.

on Nov 15, 2023

From j-nelson.net

Sarah Dessen & the Internet’s new literary feud

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Sarah Dessen(Larry D. Moore, CC-BY-SA 4.0) Last week a dust-up on Twitter grew into a Category 5 hurricane. Young Adult author Sarah Dessen learned her name was mentioned in a small-town university newspaper. The article was a feature piece on the university's successful campus-wide reading program.

on Oct 23, 2023