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From janerationx.com

Advice for Joe Biden

0 1

Joe Biden has to stop taking Trump's bait and be the adult in the room.

on Tue, 1AM

From janerationx.com

It's the Dewpoint, Silly

0 1

The reason why a hot day with relatively low humidity can still feel like ass.

on Jun 9

From janerationx.com

21 Cats and One Dog

0 0

A friend asked me how many pets I've had. That list is pretty long.

on Jun 2

From janerationx.com

Doctor Who, What Are You?

0 0

Doctor Who was a beautiful thing. It wasn't meant to be a caricature of itself punctuated by a fart joke.

on May 25

From janerationx.com

The Invisibility Factor

0 0

I'm either a ghost or living multiple timelines.

on May 17

From janerationx.com

Stupid NFL

0 0

People will consume what they like, and they will not pay for what they don't like, don't care about, can't easily access, or can't afford.

on May 14

From janerationx.com


0 0

Back on my blogging bullshit. I'll bet you're all so excited.

on May 12

From janerationx.com

About Mother's Day

0 0

Mother's Day is a contrived holiday that feeds on obligation and guilt. It's also a slap in the face to those of us who didn't have good moms.

on May 12

From janerationx.com

JanerationX - Take the Points

0 0

The 2023 Detroit Lions season ended on the turf at Levi's Stadium, frustratingly leaving the team one game short of the Super Bowl. It was totally avoidable.

on Jan 30

From janerationx.com

JanerationX - Let People Enjoy Things

0 0

No, as a matter of fact, nobody cares about your politics right now. Please STFU.

on Jan 26

From janerationx.com

Lions 31, Bucs 23

0 0

OMFG y'all! The Detroit Lions won their SECOND playoff game and are going to the NFC Championship Game! Did anyone And isn't it glorious?

on Jan 24

From janerationx.com

What Am I?

0 0

When you're almost 60, you should not be wondering what your place in the world is. Right? You should know and be working toward something worthwhile.

on Jan 20

From janerationx.com

Oh Shit. I'm Blogging Again.

0 0

Blogging was originally about personal expression. Not likes, clicks, reposts, and ridiculous demands for attention. It was human. That's what it needs to get back to.

on Jan 19