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From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

Protecting Applications with Kong security plugins and using StatsD to monitor system states — A healthy camera story

1 1

How can we monitor our application with StatsD and could be the setup to allow that to happen? Find out in this article and how to use that in a Kong plugin

#jvm #oss #kong #kotlin #statsd #gateway

13h ago

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

Configurable Kong API Gateway with Micronaut Services in Kotlin — A very odd Yucca tribute concert

0 1

What is an API Gateway and how can we use it? Kong offers that and in open-source form as well. Find out how the OSS version works!

on Sun, 8PM

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

Learning AWS with Localstack and Reactive Kotlin — A stamps and coins implementation

0 1

Working with Localstack can help us understand AWS a bit more because we can run an environment that acts in a similar way to AWS Cloud Services

on Sat, 9PM

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

Coroutines, Distributed Cache, Resilience, and Replication in Kotlin — Making a VMA’s application

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We talk a lot about reactive, but reactive is also meant to make our applications resilient as possible, but what does that mean?

on Dec 9

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

From Paris to Berlin — Creating Circuit-Breakers in Kotlin

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What are circuit-breakers? The stop a circuit when something wrong is happening right? But how can we control that?

on Dec 8

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

NewsCast — Using Sagas with Choreography and Orchestration Patterns — Kotlin example

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The Saga design pattern has amazing benefits in terms of resilience. We can do that with the Eventuate libraries and Kotlin. Here is how!

on Dec 7

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

The streaming bridges — A Kafka, RabbitMQ, MQTT and CoAP example

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How can we use data stream and what does that mean? Does Kotlin really offers an alternative?

on Dec 6

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

Deploying Mancala with Minikube — A beginners guide

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What is minikube and how is it related to Kubernetes, which we frequently name k8s?

on Dec 4

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

Comparing WebFlux and Spring MVC with JMeter, Kotlin and Spock

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Can WebFlux be better than the tradition MVC? Why and why not? This is your test to clear that up!

on Dec 3

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

Reactive Programming applied to Legacy Services — A WebFlux example

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Is there a reason to keep using legacy services? Probably not! But this is one way to do it and bring it to Reactive!

on Dec 3

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

Hexagonal Architecture — A Favorite Lyrics Spring Boot — Java Example

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How to use Hexagonal Architecture and which role does it already plays in Software development?

on Dec 2

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

João Filipe Sabino Esperancinha's IT Homepage

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João Filipe Sabino Esperancinha's IT Homepage

on Nov 26

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

Implementing a Geo Location module using the Haversine formula

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On the 2020/06/06 I published my first Python module. It's a Geo Location calculator which uses the Haversine formula to calculate distances.

on May 2

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

How to make the best of a slow machine running on limited resources with a Windows environment as a Java Engineer

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When we get into the job market, not always we get the best machines to work with and to make the things we love. Having a Windows machine isn't necessarily bad news, but the machines that usually come with it, either have limitations or you end up needing more tools than the ones that Windows...

on May 1

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

Kuma Meshes Head-On - A beginners guide

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Creating a cluster with kuma and a local Docker registry from the ground up to be able to test policies and feature Kuma has to offer

on May 1

From joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl

Decoding Kotlin - Your guide to solving the mysterious in Kotlin

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5 lessons learned about seemingly strange things with Kotlin on the Job

on May 1