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From journeyman.cc

Resignation of Rosie Duffield MP

0 2

Duffield is not an unproblematic politician nor one I applaud. She was a key member of the witch-hunt against Jeremy Corbyn's alleged 'antisemitism' and is a member of Labour Friends of Israel.

on Sun, 9AM

From journeyman.cc

The Tricycle, take three

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I haven't got a clear impression yet of what the supposedly fatal flaws in the design are, but my hypotheses are:

on Sep 27

From journeyman.cc

More thoughts on tricycles

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Assuming the position of a pilot of a feet-first recumbent cycle, I find my body fits into a volume something like this (figures in millimetres):

on Sep 15

From journeyman.cc

Thoughts on bent cycles

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I'm getting old.

on Sep 12

From journeyman.cc

The election, and after

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In any election in a reasonably democratic voting system — such as that used for the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Senedd, for example, the number of seats in the resulting parliament assigned to a party is proportional to the number seats they won. So any party or coalition capable of...

on Jul 6

From journeyman.cc

Mad software

0 1

I was listening to Eric Normand's podcast this morning, as I was making breakfast and tidying my room; he was talking about semantics and data. It started a train of thought which I shall try to unroll.

on Jun 25

From journeyman.cc

The Triumph of the Mediocracy

0 2

[Yes, actually, the title of this essay was intended to be 'the triumph of mediocrity'. I mistyped. Sometimes, to err is divine.]

on Jun 9

From journeyman.cc

The Vision Thing

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We live, these days, mainly, in states which are constituted as 'representative democracies' — which is to say, most people get to vote, once every few years, for one of a limited range of candidates from a limited range of parties. Our information about these parties, their representatives and...

on May 28

From journeyman.cc

The Everyone Dies Event Class

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What happens when temperatures exceed the human body's ability to cool itself?

on May 27

From journeyman.cc

More maps of Scotland

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I've posted about maps of Scotland before; if you follow the different aspects of this blog you'll know I'm rather interested in maps. In June I posted the EU referendum results map. It sharply delineates Scotland. So too did maps of opinion on Europe prior to the vote.

on May 22

From journeyman.cc

Using, not losing, your head

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Cycle helmets are a good thing, aren't they? It's obvious. They protect your head. They must be a good thing: it's common sense. Why then is the cycling community, in the face of proposed mandatory helmet legislation, fighting internecine helmet wars?Don't panic

on May 15

From journeyman.cc

The Game Engine Problem

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So what are the game engines I could use? The candidates are, as I see it,

on Apr 25

From journeyman.cc

The Dogs of War

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The first two hours of Phantom Liberty are an utterly miserable experience, shockingly poor game design, which really do not encourage you to explore further. If you're caught in this trap, take comfort: it does get — much — better.

on Apr 24

From journeyman.cc

Things I miss

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This summer of homelessness — even if I chose it, even if it is a gamble which still may pay off with something wonderful — has been tougher than I expected. This essay is to acknowledge that, and to celebrate those aspects of our modern western lives which actually are to be valued. So here's a...

on Feb 8

From journeyman.cc

On Money

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I've been listening to an interview with Joe Ament on the Economics for Rebels podcast. In it, Joe claims that the origin of money cannot be in barter, because a fisher cannot catch fish until they have a fishing pole, and so, to obtain the fishing pole[^1] they must incur debt. Thus primitive...

on Jan 15

From journeyman.cc

Armistice means Ceasefire

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Tuesday 14 November 2023

on Nov 14