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From k8vsy.radio

My Thoughts on Bluesky vs Mastodon

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I recently signed up for Bluesky, with the username @k8vsy.radio. As it seems like the “new thing” to do, so to speak.

#blog #hamr #bluesky #Mastodon #hamradio #AmateurRadio

on Sat, 3PM

From k8vsy.radio

My Awards

0 0

I have received the following awards: DXCC, DX Century Club [LoTW], 160 confirmed entities out of 179 worked entities) WAS, Worked All (US) States [LoTW] United States Counties [QRZ] DXCC (LoTW) # Confirmed number of entities on each band (digital) via LoTW:

on Dec 3

From k8vsy.radio

Makeshift Antenna Mast

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What is a ham to do when they have an antenna that is too close to the ground?

on Sep 22

From k8vsy.radio

Joint POTA Activation With W8LT and W8YX

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On Saturday, April 13, 2024 the amateur radio clubs from The Ohio State University (W8LT) and The University of Cincinnati (W8YX) held a joint Parks on the Air (POTA) activation at Cowan Lake State Park in Ohio.

on Sep 9

From k8vsy.radio

Raspberry Pi Clock Display and Connecting to Existing X11-Session

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I recently bought a new Raspberry Pi 5 (RPi5) and I’ve been looking for something to do with my Raspberry Pi v3.

on Dec 23, 2023

From k8vsy.radio

QSL Cards

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K8VSY amateur/ham radio blog

on Nov 6, 2023