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From kitchen-garden.be

February winter weather - Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden

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A lot of gardeners hold that a wintery February month is a good sign for a later spring, boding well for March and April.

on Feb 21

From kitchen-garden.be

Starting Chillis - Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden

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Chilli peppers are fun to grow. Better suited to pots than soil (damp & cold). Starting indoors now they should be ready to move outdoors in May or June.

on Feb 10

From kitchen-garden.be

February: Strange gardening weather - Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden

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February & March aren't good gardening months. In the old days there would be a slow transition from proper winter weather into cold dry days before spring.

on Feb 7

From kitchen-garden.be

Start onion sets - Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden

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It is not too late to get an early start on onions. Mid February to mid March is the ideal time to plant all of the Allium family, leeks, onions and garlic

on Feb 3

From kitchen-garden.be

Feeding the garden - Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden

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Making your own compost in the garden requires the space for a compost bin, with space beside it to turn over the compost (2 square metres). Using a simple process a compost bin can provide half a cubic metre of rich humus each year, excellent for feeding a raised bed or for filling pots and containers.

on Jan 31

From kitchen-garden.be

New Year Gardening - Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden

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New Year Gardening: January hardly seems like a time to be gardening. Indeed, November and December are better for starting garlic, broad beans and onion sets. These crops benefit from a cold snap once they are in the ground. However it does no harm to plant these into January for a mid summer harvest.

on Jan 24

From kitchen-garden.be

January: Starting Chilli Peppers - Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden

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January is the quiet month outdoors. The winter crops (garlic, broad beans and onions) are in the pots and beds and waiting for the big frost and snow.

on Jan 20

From kitchen-garden.be

Garlic new 2017 - Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden

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Garlic requires good draining soil to grow well. It does not like wet heavy soils which can be a problem in Belgium. However, it does grow well in pots.

on Jan 17

From kitchen-garden.be

January gardening - Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden

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With temperatures forecast under 5 degrees for the next week or so there is not much opportunity for starting new plants in the garden.

on Jan 13

From kitchen-garden.be

Planting early Russian tomato seeds - Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden

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While it is still still too early to start summer tomatoes from seed indoors (end of February), it is well worth starting some Russian and Eastern European tomato seeds. These are early tomatoes that need 8 weeks indoors before slowly moving outside. As their names (eg Sub-Arctic Plenty) these...

on Jan 7

From kitchen-garden.be

Starting chilli peppers - Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden

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With the recent hot summers it's worth starting chilli pepper plants now. Plants started now will be ready for moving outside in about 8 weeks time.

on Jan 6