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From klebanoff.com

Wardlaw Museum, St. Andrews Aquarium, and More – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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Still in St. Andrews, Scotland, this afternoon I visited the Wardlaw Museum and the St. Andrews Aquarium and did some more wandering around. This was a side

#Travel #dundee #scotland #standrew

on Sep 5

From klebanoff.com

Return to St. Andrews (From Dundee) – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I booked a day more than I would otherwise would have in Dundee (if I'd have stopped there at all) to take a side trip to St. Andrews.

#Travel #dundee #scotland #saintandrews

on Sep 5

From klebanoff.com

Oban, Glen Coe, and More – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I left off this morning’s post about the full-day tour I took today by telling you that the tour's late lunch stop was in the town of Oban. But I didn’t tell

on Sep 17

From klebanoff.com

Trossachs, Inveraray, and More – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I got out of Glasgow again today, this time on a ten-hour, small-bus tour. The morning part of the tour took us to Trossachs National Park, Inveraray, and

on Sep 17

From klebanoff.com

Cruising Loch Lomond – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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Luckily, “Loch Lomond” lilts lovingly over the tongue, lovely language, like the lovely lake it is.

on Sep 15

From klebanoff.com

Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre and More – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I teased you with a mention of an event for this afternoon. That can now be revealed. I went to a performance at the Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre.

on Sep 14

From klebanoff.com

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Park – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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The weather forecast led me tI decide to stick with a rainy day activity for the morning in Glasgow. I chose the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum.

on Sep 14

From klebanoff.com

Glasgow Again – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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This is the first of my posts from Glasgow on this trip. So why is it titled “Glasgow Again,” you ask? I was in Glasgow about five years ago. It was the

on Sep 14

From klebanoff.com

Inverness Museum and Art Gallery; Down Ness – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I filled this afternoon in Inverness, Scotland by visiting the Inverness Museum and Art Gallery and then walking downstream beside the River Ness, and then

on Sep 13

From klebanoff.com

Upstream River Ness, Botanical Gardens – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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Once my morning muddle receded, I remembered that I consciously made no plans for the day. After breakfast, I decided to walk up the River Ness.

on Sep 12

From klebanoff.com

Loch Ness Cruise, More Fort Augustus, the Falls of Foyers – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I promised there’d be more of the tour of the Scottish Highlands and Loch Ness after lunch. I didn't lie. I went on a short cruise in the famous loch.

on Sep 12

From klebanoff.com

Loch Ness, Not Urquhart Castle, Etc. – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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Today out of Inverness, Scotland I went on a guided tour of Loch Ness and the Highlands. It was on a 32-seat bus that was just a person or two short of full.

on Sep 11

From klebanoff.com

Into Inverness – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I arrived in Inverness, Scotland from Perth just in time for lunch. My hotel room wasn’t ready yet, which was fine because I had lunch to occupy me.

on Sep 11

From klebanoff.com

An Inch of Black Watch Art – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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This afternoon in Perth, Scotland I visited the Perth Art Gallery, the Black Watch Castle and Museum, and South Inch Park. Clever title for the post, eh?

on Sep 10

From klebanoff.com

Scone Palace and Gardens – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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As the title of this entry subtly hints, I spent this morning of my day in Perth, Scotland at Scone Palace and Gardens. Scone is a medieval town in what is

on Sep 9

From klebanoff.com

Perambulating in Perth, Scotland – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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Onward, ever onward. I’m now in Perth, Scotland. I needed to put the “Scotland” in there because there’s a namesake city in Australia that I think is better

on Sep 8

From klebanoff.com

Church of the Holy Rude and More – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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In this morning's post, I mentioned that I visited a cemetery in a churchyard. I visited the church after lunch. It's called "Church of the Holy Rude.:

on Sep 7

From klebanoff.com

Storming Stirling Castle – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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Okay, I didn’t exactly storm Stirling Castle (click here for the castle's website). I showed the online ticket I bought yesterday and casually walked in. I

on Sep 7

From klebanoff.com

A Wander in Stirling – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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After leaving Dundee, my next stop on this Scottish adventure is Stirling. I arrived a little before lunchtime, so, after dropping my luggage at my hotel,

on Sep 7

From klebanoff.com

Verdant Works Jute Museum & Broughty Ferry (Dundee) – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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This afternoon in Dundee took me to the Verdant Works Jute Museum and Broughty Ferry, a suburb of Dundee. The Verdant Works Jute Museum is the sight I alluded

on Sep 4

From klebanoff.com

Discovery Point and V&A Museums (Dundee) – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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This morning in Dundee, Scotland I did some more wandering along the side of the Firth of Tay and visited a couple of museums, the Discovery Point Museum and

on Sep 4

From klebanoff.com

Arriving in Dundee – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I'm in Dundee, Scotland. If you read the last post from my previous trip, which was to Norway, you might remember that I said I didn't know where my next trip

on Sep 3

From klebanoff.com

Back to Oslo – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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Well, this is it. I’m back in Oslo. This is where I started this trip through some of southern Norway. Tomorrow, I’m scheduled to take two flights, with an

on Jul 16

From klebanoff.com

Gudvangen and Flåm – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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...As I noted in that post, I intentionally spent more than three-and-a-half hours in Gudvangen before catching a shuttle bus back to Flåm.

on Jul 14

From klebanoff.com

Nærøyfjorden Cruise – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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Yesterday I said that Flåm is at the end of the fjord called Aurlandsfjord. So why did I title this entry “Nærøyfjorden Cruise?”

on Jul 14

From klebanoff.com

Journey to Flåm – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I left beautiful Bergen, Norway on a train this morning and made my way to Flåm, still in Norway. The journey required two trains, Bergen to Myrdal and Myrdal

on Jul 13

From klebanoff.com

Bergen Maritime Museum. Nygårdsparken. – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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On this, my last afternoon in Bergen, Norway I visited the Bergen Maritime Museum and a park, Nygårdsparken.

on Jul 12

From klebanoff.com

Mostraumen Fjord Cruise – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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The more astute among you likely deduced from the subtle clue I cleverly hid in the headline on this post, that the activity was a Mostraumen Fjord Cruise.

on Jul 12

From klebanoff.com

Norwegian Fisheries Museum, Aquaculture Visitor Centre – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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.. That's not the fish I'm talking bout. For my afternoon in Bergen, Norway, I visited the Norwegian FIsheries Museum and the Aquatic Visitor Centre.

on Jul 12

From klebanoff.com

Bergen Aquarium and Cathedral – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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Today, I decided to make it a trifecta of activities my most loyal reader enjoys by visiting an aquarium, the Bergen Aquarium, to be specific.

on Jul 11

From klebanoff.com

Bergenhus Fortress, Kode Museums – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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This afternoon I visited the Bergenhus Fortress (Festning) and sort of three small art galleries under the Kode Museum umbrella.

on Jul 11

From klebanoff.com

Bryggen’s and Hanseatic Museums, St. Mary’s Church – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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This morning in Bergen, Norway, I visited three tightly clustered sights: The Bryggen’s Museum, the Hanseatic Museum and St. Mary’s Church.

on Jul 10

From klebanoff.com

Historic Bergen Walking Tour – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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This afternoon, I went on a guided walking tour of some of historic Bergen.

on Jul 10

From klebanoff.com

Mount Fløyen – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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This morning, I took a funicular (called the Fløibanen) up roughly 300 metres, about 1,000 feet up to near the top of Mount Fløyen. By a miracle ...

on Jul 10

From klebanoff.com

Journeying to Bergen – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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A little before noon, I boarded a bus in Stavanger for a bus ride to Bergen, Norway scheduled to take a little over four and a half hours. At least, it was

on Jul 9

From klebanoff.com

Iddis Museum and Wandering Stavanger – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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After visiting four of the MUST museums this morning, I visited one more in the afternoon, Iddis. I then did a little more wandering around in Stavanger.

on Jul 7

From klebanoff.com

4 MUST Museums – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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In the title of this entry, “4 MUST Museums,” the all-caps on "must" is not for emphasis. I’m not suggesting that they are must-see museums. MUST, with the

on Jul 7

From klebanoff.com

Norsk Oljemuseum and More Stavanger Wandering – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I decided to start with the number-one-rated attraction in Stavanger, Norsk Oljemuseum. I also had some time after that to do a little more wandering around

on Jul 6

From klebanoff.com

Lysefjord Cruise – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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For this morning’s activity I cruised Lysefjord, reputed to be one of Norway’s most beautiful of the fjords that’s reasonably easily accessible.

on Jul 6

From klebanoff.com

Arriving in Stavanger – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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A light rain greeted me as I arrived by train a little past noon in Stavanger from Kristiansand, my previous stop on this Norwegian journey. I walked the

on Jul 5

From klebanoff.com

The Otra. Kunstsilo. – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I decided to put off the rainy-day activity suggested by the hotel clerk this morning, Kunstsilo, and took a walk, saving Kunstsilo for later.

on Jul 4

From klebanoff.com

Kristiansand Domkirke, Christiansholm Festning, Odderøya – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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This morning alone I visited Kristiansand Domkirke (Cathedral), walked to Christiansholm Festnig (fortress), and perambulated around Odderoya.

on Jul 4

From klebanoff.com

Stopping in Kristiansand – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I took a bus from Oslo to Kristiansand this morning. I prefer trains to buses, and there's normally a train from Oslo to Kristiansand, but there's trackwork

on Jul 3

From klebanoff.com

Ekeberg Sculpture Park – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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This post about my afternoon in Oslo will probably be short because it consists primarily of only visiting one park, Ekeberg Sculpture Park.

on Jul 2

From klebanoff.com

Karl Johans Gate. History Museum. – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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Remember that pedestrianized shopping street I stumbled on when out for a walk on my first day here in Oslo? It’s called Karl Johans Gate. Both the guidebooks

on Jul 2

From klebanoff.com

Akershus Fortress Complex. Botanical Gardens. – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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I mentioned in this morning’s post about the cruise I took on Oslo Fjord that I’d be visiting Akershus Fortress. It’s now afternoon. That’s what I did.

on Jul 1

From klebanoff.com

Oslo Fjord Cruise – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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As I mentioned in the post on my arrival in Oslo, Oslo is on a fjord. In English, it’s called Oslo Fjord or Oslofjord. In Norwegian it’s Oslofjorden. I’m

on Jul 1

From klebanoff.com

Norwegian Folk, Kon-Tiki, and Flam Museums – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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This afternoon I took a short city bus ride to the peninsula where the sights I saw this afternoon, the Norwegian Folk, Kon-Tiki, and Flam museums.

on Jun 30

From klebanoff.com

Frogner Park, Vigeland Sculpture Park, Vigeland Museum – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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First, a bit of geography about the title of this post. Vigeland Sculpture Park is a section within Frogner Park. I primarily went to see the sculpture park

on Jun 30

From klebanoff.com

Oslo: National Museum, Opera House, Munch Museum – Joel's Journeys & Jaunts

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The National Museum in Oslo is almost beside the Nobel Peace Center where I ended my morning, so that made for a good place to start my afternoon. Plus, it

on Jun 29