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From kmcd.dev

If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?

1 1

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

#writing #dailyprompt #softwareengineering

18h ago

From kmcd.dev

What's your favorite way to spend a rainy day?

0 1

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Fri, 4PM

From kmcd.dev

What's your favorite way to unwind after a long day?

0 1

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Thu, 4PM

From kmcd.dev

Take a walk outside and describe the most interesting thing you see.

0 1

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Wed, 5PM

From kmcd.dev

What's a skill you've been meaning to learn, but haven't found the time for?

0 1

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Tue, 5PM

From kmcd.dev

gRPC: The Good Parts

0 2

Not perfect, but still pretty awesome.

on Tue, 6AM

From kmcd.dev

What's a goal you'd like to accomplish this month?

0 2

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Mon, 5PM

From kmcd.dev

What's the most used app on your phone, and why do you think that is?

0 1

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Sun, 4PM

From kmcd.dev

Describe a recurring thought or worry that's been on your mind lately.

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Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 29

From kmcd.dev

What's the most interesting conversation you've had recently?

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Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 28

From kmcd.dev

What is on the top of your mind at this exact moment (besides reading this)

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Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 28

From kmcd.dev

If you could work at any tech company in the world, which would it be and why?

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Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 26

From kmcd.dev

Describe a memorable summer experience related to coding or technology.

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Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 26

From kmcd.dev

Do you have any projects that you consider a failure? What happened?

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Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 26

From kmcd.dev

What do you like to do on your birthday?

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Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 26

From kmcd.dev

Why do you code?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 26

From kmcd.dev

gRPC: The Bad Parts

0 1

gRPC isn't perfect but who is?

on Jun 26

From kmcd.dev

Write a haiku.

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 25

From kmcd.dev

Pick a small side project you've been meaning to code. Dedicate a specific amount of time each day to work on it, even if it's just a little bit.

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Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 25

From kmcd.dev

What bad habits are hindering your personal growth?

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Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 25

From kmcd.dev

How do you stay motivated when learning a new skill that feels challenging?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 25

From kmcd.dev

Leaving Texas for Greener Pastures

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Why I left my life behind.

on Jun 25

From kmcd.dev

If all code vanished tomorrow, what would you build first to rebuild the digital world?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 25

From kmcd.dev

What's one fear you have? How can you overcome it (or at least manage it)?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 25

From kmcd.dev

Create a "gratitude list." What are you thankful for in your life (skills, experiences, people)?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 24

From kmcd.dev

Take a moment to appreciate something small but wonderful in your life.

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 24

From kmcd.dev

Unit Testing ConnectRPC Servers

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Learn how to test your ConnectRPC services.

on Jun 24

From kmcd.dev

What skill would you like to master in the next year?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 24

From kmcd.dev

Who inspires you and why?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 23

From kmcd.dev

What's the funniest thing that happened to you this recently?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 23

From kmcd.dev

Write a letter to your future self as a senior software engineer. What advice would you give?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 23

From kmcd.dev

What's something you learned that you haven't used as much as you thought you would?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 21

From kmcd.dev

Step outside your comfort zone and try something new today.

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Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 19

From kmcd.dev

What's a skill you've been meaning to learn, and what's one step you can take towards it today?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 11

From kmcd.dev

How much do you read?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 6

From kmcd.dev

How do you show gratitude to your colleagues?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 6

From kmcd.dev

If you were put in charge of the internet for a day, what changes would you make?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 5

From kmcd.dev

Daily Prompts

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Kickstart your creative juices with a daily writing prompt.

on Jun 4

From kmcd.dev

How do you decide which technology or programming language to learn next?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 3

From kmcd.dev

Do you take your work laptop on vacation?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 2

From kmcd.dev

What are your goals for this month?

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Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on Jun 1

From kmcd.dev

What projects are you proud of?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on May 31

From kmcd.dev

What are you working on this month?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on May 30

From kmcd.dev

What is something that you think is a 'solved problem' that your field just hasn't caught onto yet?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on May 29

From kmcd.dev

What interview questions do you think are more effective at evaluating a programmer's real-world skills?

0 0

Depth-first search into networking, programming, web development and random tech topics by a bored software engineer.

on May 28

From kmcd.dev


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Welcome! Hi, I'm Kevin McDonald. I'm a backend software engineer from Texas, living and working in Copenhagen, Denmark. You can find me as sudorandom on most platforms. Get updated on new posts by following me on Mastodon or with RSS. Find out more about /me here This blog is a depth-first...

on May 28

From kmcd.dev

Adding chart.js to Hugo

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Let's find out how to add chart.js to your static website built with Hugo.

on May 28

From kmcd.dev

Why I'm Rebranding

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Find out why the name of this website changed

on May 23

From kmcd.dev

Benchmarking gRPC (golang)

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Let's so how fast gRPC can go in Go.

on May 21

From kmcd.dev

Visualizing the Internet (2024)

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Journey into the depths of the Internet with this incredible map showcasing undersea cables and internet exchanges.

on May 19