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From ku.dk

Coming soon – offline speech recognition on your phone

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More than one in four people currently integrate speech recognition into their daily lives. A new algorithm developed by a University of Copenhagen researcher and his international colleagues makes it possible to interact with digital assistants like “Siri” without any internet connection. The...

7h ago

From ku.dk

One of world's largest glacier floods triggered in Greenland

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For the first time, scientists have observed the release of a massive glacial lake outburst in East Greenland, where more than 3,000 billion liters of meltwater were unleashed in just weeks. This rare, natural flooding event, witnessed by University of Copenhagen researchers, provides new...

on Tue, 3AM

From ku.dk

One of world's largest glacier floods triggered in Greenland

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For the first time, scientists have observed the release of a massive glacial lake outburst in East Greenland, where more than 3,000 billion liters of meltwater were unleashed in just weeks. This rare, natural flooding event, witnessed by University of Copenhagen researchers, provides new...

on Dec 12

From ku.dk

Soldiers and Kings: Survival and Hope in the World of Human Smuggling

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Talk by Professor Jason De León from UCLA as part of the School of Archaeology Lecture Series.

on Nov 30

From ku.dk

Caste Differentiation in Ants

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Scientists from the University of Copenhagen have revealed how a specific hormone regulates ant caste differentiation by phenotypic measurements of organ-level developmental changes and matching transcriptome analyses. Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United...

on Nov 22

From ku.dk

Innovative phage therapy project to combat "flesh-eating disease"

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In a stride towards combating the rising global threat of Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections, also known as the “flesh-eating disease”, the Leo Foundation has granted 4 million DKK to a new innovative phage therapy project. 

on Nov 12

From ku.dk

Dance of electrons measured in the glow from exploding neutron-stars

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The temperature of elementary particles have been observed in the radioactive afterglow following the collision of two neutron stars and the birth of a black hole, and for the first time, made it possible to measure the microscopic, physical  properties in these cosmic events. 

on Oct 31

From ku.dk

High school students promoted to real researchers

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Besides helping to collect samples or spot butterflies for research projects — non-professionals can now conduct actual laboratory work alongside professional researchers. Together with Danish high schools, the University of Copenhagen has shown that "extreme citizen science" doesn’t just...

on Oct 28

From ku.dk

Seven New Frog Species Discovered in Madagascar: Sounds Like Something from Star Trek

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An international team of researchers have discovered seven new species of tree frogs that make otherworldly calls in the rainforests of Madagascar. Their strange, high-pitched whistling calls sound more like sound effects from the sci-fi series Star Trek. As a result, the researchers have...

on Oct 22

From ku.dk

Incredible bacterium can transfer its genes into plants and give them superpowers

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Humans have bred for desirable plant and animal traits for millennia by selecting and crossing their offspring. Now, researchers at the University of Copenhagen are taking a natural shortcut to promote beneficial changes using a special bacterium that can transfer its genes into plants.

on Oct 18

From ku.dk

PhD fellowship in Ice and Climate

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Deadline: November 3, 2024The section of Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in ‘Evolution of the Greenland ice sheet’.

on Oct 17

From ku.dk

The Nobel Prize

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In 1922, Niels Bohr received the Nobel Prize in Physics for "his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and the radiation emanating from them”.

on Oct 7

From ku.dk

The Vikings were part of a global network trading in ivory from Greenland

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DNA analyses reveal that the vikings brought walrus ivory from Greenland on to Europe and probably as far as the Middle East via extensive trade networks.

on Oct 5

From ku.dk

New study on September 2024 floods in Central Europe

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Researchers Emmanuel Raju and Nick Baumgart from the Global Health Section, University of Copenhagen have contributed to a new study on the mid-September 2024 floods in C. Europe, titled "Climate change and high exposure increased costs and disruption to lives and livelihoods from flooding...

on Oct 3

From ku.dk

Multipolyphonies, Vibrational Affects, and Deep Listening

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Presenter: Walter S. Gershon (Rowan University,USA).

on Sep 24

From ku.dk

Påskeøens legendariske kollaps skete aldrig

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Nu afslører forskning fra Københavns Universitet og l'Université de Lausanne, at den populære teori ikke passer.

on Sep 14

From ku.dk

New knowledge about a fungus that turns 60-80% of the flies in your home into zombies

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How can a fungus take over a fly's behavior? An international group of researchers with participation from the University of Copenhagen hopes to find out with the help of a new genetic map of a unique fungus that transforms 60-80 percent of the flies in your home into zombies. In the future, the...

on Sep 7

From ku.dk

Researcher: Seven billion newly hatched chicks are killed every year – but a ban is not the solution

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Annually, the global egg industry kills seven billion day-old male chicks because they don’t lay eggs and aren’t worth raising for meat. While several countries have banned the practice, neither bans nor other current solutions are sustainable, says a researcher at the University of Copenhagen.

on Jul 23

From ku.dk

AI opdager flere tilfælde af brystkræft i hovedstaden

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Med AI-assistance findes der signifikant flere tilfælde af brystkræft og arbejdsbyrden er blevet mindre blandt radiologerne. Sådan lyder nogle af hovedkonklusionerne i et nyt evalueringsstudie fra Københavns Universitet og Region Hovedstaden efter snart tre års erfaringer med kunstig intelligens.

on Jul 7

From ku.dk

Fritflyvende sort hul opdaget i vores galakse for første gang

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Astronomer mener, at der kan være så mange som 100 millioner sorte huller, som flyver frit rundt i vores galakse, Mælkevejen. De er resterne efter supernova eksplosioner fra de sidste 10 milliarder år.

on Jun 26

From ku.dk

Complete Stellar Collapse: unusual star system proves that stars can die quietly

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University of Copenhagen astrophysicists help explain a mysterious phenomenon, whereby stars suddenly vanish from the night sky. Their study of an unusual binary star system has resulted in convincing evidence that massive stars can completely collapse and become black holes without a supernova...

on May 24

From ku.dk

Dialogen med de studerendes teltlejr på campus ophører fra Københavns Universitets side

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Man kan ikke true, chikanere eller ødelægge sig til en særligt ret på vores universitet.

on May 21

From ku.dk

Personer uden indre stemme har dårligere sproglig hukommelse

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Langt de fleste mennesker har en løbende samtale med sig selv, en indre stemme, som spiller en stor rolle i deres daglige liv. Men mellem 5-10 procent af befolkningen har ikke samme oplevelse af en indre stemme, og de har sværere ved at løse bestemte sproglige opgaver, viser ny forskning.

on May 15

From ku.dk

Ph.d. til morgenmad: Danskernes holdninger til klimakrisen – er vi virkelig splittede?

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Sidste event i serien Ph.d. til morgenmad med Andrea Veggerby Lind.

on May 14

From ku.dk

Serious Play in the City of Cyclists

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Talk by international guest and cultural anthropologist Rebecca Journey (UChicago).

on May 6

From ku.dk

Young researcher has created a sensor that detects errors in MRI scans

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Hvidovre Hospital has the world's first prototype of a sensor capable of detecting errors in MRI scans using laser light and gas. The new sensor, developed by a young researcher at the University of Copenhagen and Hvidovre Hospital, can thereby do what is impossible for current electrical...

on May 3

From ku.dk

CApE Talks: The Colour of Energy: A solarpunk story of wild green electricity

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Talk by Laura Watts, Visiting Professor, Center for Applied Ecological Thinking (CApE).

on Apr 22

From ku.dk

Internet can achieve quantum speed with light saved as sound

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Researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute have developed a new way to create quantum memory: A small drum can store data sent with light in its sonic vibrations, and then forward the data with new light sources when needed again. The results demonstrate that mechanical...

on Apr 16

From ku.dk

Democratic Representation in and by International Organizations

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Political Theory Seminar: Francis Cheneval, University of Zurich, “Democratic Representation in and by International Organizations“.

on Apr 15

From ku.dk

MOBILE – Mobility Law Open Lab with Federica Infantino

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Behind the “Corporate Veil”: How Private Companies Interact with Legal Infrastructures in International Migration Governance

on Apr 10

From ku.dk

Major study reports that people and environment both benefit from diversified farming, while bottom lines also thrive

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Mixing livestock and crops, integrating flower strips and trees, water and soil conservation and much more: Massive new global study led by the University of Copenhagen and University of Hohenheim, has examined the effects of diversified agriculture. The conclusion is abundantly clear – positive...

on Apr 6

From ku.dk

Major study reports that people and environment both benefit from diversified farming, while bottom lines also thrive

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Mixing livestock and crops, integrating flower strips and trees, water and soil conservation and much more: Massive new global study led by the University of Copenhagen and University of Hohenheim, has examined the effects of diversified agriculture. The conclusion is abundantly clear – positive...

on Apr 6

From ku.dk

Computer scientists show the way: AI models need not be SO power hungry

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The development of AI models is an overlooked climate culprit. Computer scientists at the University of Copenhagen have created a recipe book for designing AI models that use much less energy without compromising performance. They argue that a model’s energy consumption and carbon footprint...

on Apr 4

From ku.dk

Himantolophus groenlandicus Reinhardt, 1837 | NHMD Ichthyology Collection | Natural History Museum of Denmark

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Himantolophus groenlandicus Reinhardt, 1837 | NHMD Ichthyology Collection | Natural History Museum of Denmark, Natural History Museum of Denmark

on Apr 3

From ku.dk

DISTRACT Talk with Jelle Bruineberg

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"Attending in the attention economy" with Jelle Bruineberg, Center for Subjectivity Research, Department of Communication, Universtity of Copenhagen will 

on Mar 1

From ku.dk

Færre ukrainske flygtninge har symptomer på posttraumatisk stress

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En ny undersøgelse blandt ukrainske flygtninge i Danmark viser et markant fald i andelen, der beretter om tegn på posttraumatisk stress, PTSD. Men mange også usikre på fremtiden og ønsker at blive permanent i Danmark.

on Mar 1

From ku.dk

Fødende kvinder overbehandles, og det har store konsekvenser

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Globalt behandles for mange kvinder med vestimulerende drop og kejsersnit. Det udsætter både mor og barn for unødvendig fare, viser ny analyse i førende medicinsk tidsskrift. Forekomsten af overbehandling er chokerende, siger forskere bag analysen.

on Feb 17

From ku.dk

WHAT SOUNDS DO - Online Launch Event with Listening Sessions & Conversations with Contributors

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Presenters: Vita Zelenska, Emery Petchauer & Ruth Nicole Brown, Morten Poulsen, Francisco Mazza together with the co-editors Giada Dalla Bontà, Ania Mauruschat, Jenny Gräf Sheppard & Holger Schulze (KU).

on Feb 13

From ku.dk

Ig Nobel Prize

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[ Foredrag med VIN & VIDENSKAB ]

on Feb 6

From ku.dk

Asparagus and orchids are more similar than you think

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How is a beech leaf constructed? What determines the appearance of an asparagus? A new 'encyclopaedia’ created by researchers at the University of Copenhagen helps us learn more about the building blocks of plants. The encyclopaedia, probably the largest of its kind, could be used to improve...

on Jan 31

From ku.dk

DANEMO Symposium 2024 and Nordic EMBL Partnership Workshop

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The DANEMO symposium 2024 "Dynamics and modelling of biological systems" and the Nordic EMBL Partnership workshop "Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Approaches in Molecular Medicine" on 24-26 Jan.

on Jan 27

From ku.dk

New study pinpoints the weaknesses in AI

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ChatGPT and other solutions built on Machine Learning are surging. But even the most successful algorithms have limitations. As the first in the world researchers from University of Copenhagen has proven mathematically that apart from simple problems it is not possible to create algorithms for...

on Jan 21

From ku.dk

Joachim Mathiesen new head of Niels Bohr Institute

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Professor Joachim Mathiesen will take up his position as the new head of the Niels Bohr Institute from 1 December 2023. He will be responsible for leading an institute in rapid national and international development.

on Jan 20

From ku.dk

Book Reception: Post-Truth, Fake News and Democracy: Mapping the Politics of Falsehood

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Reception for the new book, “Post-Truth, Fake News and Democracy: Mapping the Politics of Falsehood” (2nd Edition), written by Johan Farkas (Department of Communication, UCPH) and Jannick Schou, published by Routledge.

on Jan 12

From ku.dk

Kunstig intelligens kan spotte unges selvmordstendenser

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Stadig flere unge mennesker forsøger at taget livet af sig selv. Mens gamle metoder til at vurdere risikofaktorer har begrænset effekt, kan kunstig intelligens hjælpe med at spotte de vigtigste faresignaler. Det viser et nyt forskningsprojekt fra Københavns Universitet.

on Dec 22, 2023

From ku.dk

A delicious surprise: Vertically farmed greens taste as good as organic ones

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But the first scientific taste test from the University of Copenhagen and Plant Food & Research, New Zealand shows that respondents rate greens grown vertically and without soil as just as good as organic ones.

on Dec 2, 2023

From ku.dk

Sprogligt fralægger politikerne sig ansvaret for den grønne omstilling

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Klimarådet anklager politikerne for at fokusere for meget på teknologiske løsninger i stedet for gennem politiske beslutninger at bidrage til den grønne omstilling. Nu får de opbakning fra så uventet en kant som sprogforskningen.

on Nov 29, 2023

From ku.dk

DAN; Litteraturen i praksis: Litteratur og bæredygtighed - 2023/2024

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Københavns Universitet er med cirka 40.000 studerende og 9.000 medarbejdere en af Nordens største forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner.

on Nov 29, 2023

From ku.dk

Virus snyder og afvæbner bakteriers immunforsvar med RNA-”lokkeduer”

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Bakterieangribende virus, kendt som fager, bruger små RNA-stykker til at afvæbne bakteriers immunforsvar. Det har forskere ved Københavns Universitet, som de første dokumenteret. De hæmmende RNA-stykker, navngivet ’Racrs,’ kan blive et betydeligt gennembrud i bestræbelserne på at kontrollere...

on Nov 24, 2023

From ku.dk

New beetle species has bottle-opener shaped genitalia: Now that calls for a Carlsberg!

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Six new beetle species have been discovered in South America by researchers at the University of Copenhagen. Among them is one with a distinctively shaped sexual organ that has led the researchers to name it after global beer powerhouse Carlsberg. According to the researchers, more attention...

on Nov 13, 2023