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From lazysoci.al

This Week in Self-Hosted (5 July 2024) - lazysoci.al

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Quite a few breaking changes this week.

on Fri, 5PM

From lazysoci.al

The World Depends on 60-Year-Old Code No One Knows Anymore - YouTube - lazysoci.al

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Summary: According to the video, Cobal is a 60-year-old programming language that is still widely used in banking, finance, and healthcare. The speaker of the video discusses why Cobal is still relevant even though it is a not a popular language to learn.

on Fri, 8AM

From lazysoci.al

They scared now - lazysoci.al

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I was just thinking. In the UK government every cabinet minister, which are those with specific jobs like head of education, or health, also has an opposite “shadow” person from the other main party whose job is to argue with the other. Imagine you had the job of Shadow head of education. Must...

on Thu, 10PM

From lazysoci.al

Release v1.107.2 · immich-app/immich · GitHub - lazysoci.al

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Image backup and management.

on Wed, 8AM

From lazysoci.al

Release 29.0.3-ls328 · linuxserver/docker-nextcloud · GitHub - lazysoci.al

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Contacts, Calendars and Files Based on https://github.com/nextcloud/server/releases/tag/v29.0.3 [https://github.com/nextcloud/server/releases/tag/v29.0.3]

on Wed, 7AM

From lazysoci.al

Here’s how Michelin plans to make its tires more renewable - lazysoci.al

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I feel this is a bit disingenuous. Especially as Michelin are working on airless tires. We all know that tires as we know them have planned obsolescence as a fundamental part of their design. They’re already a blight on our environment, the only good thing to do now is to ensure that as few new...

on Tue, 11PM

From lazysoci.al

Release v1.39.0-1 · zigbee2mqtt/hassio-zigbee2mqtt · GitHub - lazysoci.al

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Based on https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/releases/tag/1.39.0 [https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/releases/tag/1.39.0]

on Tue, 8AM

From lazysoci.al

Release n8n@1.47.2 · n8n-io/n8n · GitHub - lazysoci.al

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Node centric automations. Polyfill hotfix. It’s marked at a pre-release, but it’s the RTM.

on Tue, 8AM

From lazysoci.al

Release Apprise API Release v1.1.4 · caronc/apprise-api · GitHub - lazysoci.al

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Apprise is a self hosted notification bridge

on Mon, 12PM

From lazysoci.al

Release v27.0.3 · moby/moby · GitHub - lazysoci.al

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Another update to Docker, get it while it’s hot.

on Mon, 11AM

From lazysoci.al

I Made My Smart Home Presence Sensor Even Better! - YouTube - lazysoci.al

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They’ve improved the Everything Presence Lite.

on Jun 26

From lazysoci.al

Autonomous Vehicles - Futurology Today - lazysoci.al

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I would like to introduce !avs@futurology.today [/c/avs@futurology.today] a place to discuss self driving cars, self driving technology and the technology and people that bring us autonomous vehicles. So check out !avs@futurology.today [/c/avs@futurology.today] Voted, community with the best...

on Jun 26

From lazysoci.al

This is What Prime Air Drone Delivery Looks Like - Core77 - lazysoci.al

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Why is this still so funny to me?

on Jun 25

From lazysoci.al

Had Something Interesting Happen Yesterday - lazysoci.al

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So yesterday I was posting up a storm, posts that would’ve gone down as the best posts of all time! But randomly my home instance reset and the posts and replies I made in the ten minutes before, all got orphaned. They’re still there, but replies to them don’t get sent to me. Anyway, it’s one of...

on Jun 25

From lazysoci.al

Elon Musk bets Tesla on Optimus, says over 1,000 robots working in factories next year - lazysoci.al

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Elon is the gift that keeps on giving. He’s decided that because it’s Friday, we should all have a pile in. On a less scornful and more serious note. If he could get a working prototype up, it would be a good thing. Though I suspect that he along with all the other stupidly rich people would go...

on Jun 25

From lazysoci.al

SponsorBlock (and DeArrow): "YouTube is currently experimenting with server-si…" - Fosstodon - lazysoci.al

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cross-posted from: https://lazysoci.al/post/14579120 [https://lazysoci.al/post/14579120] > > YouTube is currently experimenting with server-side ad injection. This means that the ad is being added directly into the video stream. > > > > This breaks sponsorblock since now all timestamps...

on Jun 24

From lazysoci.al

Benjamin Sesko set to sign new RB Leipzig contract amid Premier League transfer interest - The Athletic - lazysoci.al

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cross-posted from: https://lazysoci.al/post/14539671 [https://lazysoci.al/post/14539671] > Looks like this one’s over

on Jun 24

From lazysoci.al

What Am I Doing Wrong? - lazysoci.al

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If I run this #!/bin/bash ARCH=$(python fetch_architecture.py) if [ $ARCH == "aarch64" -o $ARCH == "armv71" ] ; then export PATH=/opt/local/llvm/bin:${PATH} cd /app RUSTFLAGS="-C linker=lld" wasm-pack build --target web --release plume-front else wasm-pack build --target web --release...

on Jun 24

From lazysoci.al

Video: girl tells Starmer family so poor they can’t afford heat. Starmer: ‘My son needs a big onesie’ – SKWAWKBOX - lazysoci.al

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“Most disgusting thing” is a stretch, but yeah, he could and should do better.

on Jun 24

From lazysoci.al

Rust Toolchain Question - lazysoci.al

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Morning all! Okay, let me start out by saying that I know absolutely sweet F.A. about Rust. There’s simply something I’m trying to get working and it’s required me to make a few changes. And with every change, it’s getting closer to building successfully… or so I hope. Anyway, I’m here to bother...

on Jun 23

From lazysoci.al

Labour: Change planning laws to boost prison places - BBC News - lazysoci.al

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Right Jesus doing what people on the right do best, build up the systems that disproportionally impact people of colour. But he helped a black woman across the road once.

on Jun 23

From lazysoci.al

Report: Apple isn’t paying OpenAI for ChatGPT integration into OSes - lazysoci.al

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If Apple aren’t paying OpenAI and OpenAI aren’t playing Apple, it means that consumers are paying both.

on Jun 14

From lazysoci.al

Would a 1.40pm Friday finish stop teachers quitting? - BBC News - lazysoci.al

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They really wanna do everything except pay them properly. Teachers, doctors and nurses should be getting paid like bankers.

on Jun 8

From lazysoci.al

Federated Blogging Platforms - lazysoci.al

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Just trying to check and make sure I never missed any. Is it just writefreely and plume right now?

on Jun 6

From lazysoci.al

AI Ruined My Year - YouTube - lazysoci.al

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cross-posted from: https://lazysoci.al/post/14269084 [https://lazysoci.al/post/14269084] > Summary: According to the video, AI safety is a complex and important topic that the creator, Robert Miles, finds interesting. He discusses a recent development in AI called GPT-4, a large language model...

on Jun 3

From lazysoci.al

dansup: "Pixelfed Discovery is about to get supercharged! …" - Mastodon - lazysoci.al

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> Pixelfed Discovery is about to get supercharged! > > Install a new server, and it will fetch trending posts and accounts, populate hashtags and synchronize followers/following lists and counts using our new service! > > Already have a server? Opt-in to many discovery feeds, profile and hashtag...

on Jun 2

From lazysoci.al

Shocked Brits react to rise in cost of living under Conservative government - lazysoci.al

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Summary: The video discusses the rising cost of living in the UK over the past 14 years, from 2010 to 2024. People in the video express their shock at how expensive everyday items and services have become. The video opens with a discussion about the price of a pint. In 2010, the average cost of...

on Jun 2

From lazysoci.al

Release v1.38.0-1 · zigbee2mqtt/hassio-zigbee2mqtt · GitHub - lazysoci.al

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Based on https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/releases/tag/1.38.0 [https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/releases/tag/1.38.0]

on Jun 2

From lazysoci.al

dansup: "Still working hard to ship Groups this weekend! …" - Mastodon - lazysoci.al

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Looks like PixelFed Groups are coming along nicely.

on Jun 2

From lazysoci.al

I Create Better Automations Using These Hidden Principles - YouTube - lazysoci.al

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Summary: > This video is about creating better smart home automations. The video introduces 6 heuristics that the creator uses to evaluate automations. These heuristics are: > > * Insider Knowledge: Automations should not require users to have any special knowledge to use them. > *...

on May 27

From lazysoci.al

Blogging in the AI era - lazysoci.al

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Is it possible to blog in the AI era? I write short stories every now and then and I throw them online. I also have a tech blog, where I moan about the decisions software I use make and with my “infinite wisdom”, I tell them what they should be doing instead. I used to host both on Medium, but...

on May 27

From lazysoci.al

Extra long images are unreadable - lazysoci.al

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Sync grabs images using an option for max length of 1500px, so the super long images are just a smattering of pixels that barely represent the original image. I can’t find a way in the app to get a better quality version. I end up opening a web browser to view.

on May 22

From lazysoci.al

Amapiano - lazysoci.al

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Introducing !amapiano@lemmy.studio [/c/amapiano@lemmy.studio] Not sure how many people love this genre of music, but if there’s more than one, there’s now somewhere to meet.

on May 19

From lazysoci.al

Deezer doesn't load with uBlock enabled - lazysoci.al

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If I disable uBlock, Deezer loads just fine, despite NextDNS and Pi-Hole doing their thing. Anyone know how to troubleshoot or fix things?

on May 18

From lazysoci.al

Yet another SELF-HOSTED community - lazysoci.al

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I would like to introduce a new self-hosted community !selfhosted@libretechni.ca [/c/selfhosted@libretechni.ca] As it says in the sidebar > Self-hosted is a community for people who believe in taking things into their own hands. The only thing that I ask of members of this community is to be...

on May 15

From lazysoci.al

Pixwox Videos and Buffering - lazysoci.al

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Is it just me or do Instagram videos loaded via Pixwox always buffer for you too?

on May 15

From lazysoci.al

The Ability To Mute A Post/Thread - lazysoci.al

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Sometimes you post on Lemmy and it gets a level of traction that you were unprepared for. Right now, that just ends up filling your inbox. It would be nice if we could mute posts and then no responses would be sent to the inbox and everyone else can continue their discussions.

on May 15

From lazysoci.al

Release 29.0.0-ls319 · linuxserver/docker-nextcloud · GitHub - lazysoci.al

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cross-posted from: https://lazysoci.al/post/13565476 [https://lazysoci.al/post/13565476] > The systemd of self hosted services. Files, calendar, contacts, etc.

on May 15

From lazysoci.al

Postgres Updated - lazysoci.al

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cross-posted from: https://lazysoci.al/post/13565893 [https://lazysoci.al/post/13565893] > Apologies, I haven’t figured out how to link to the changelog for this. But it’s worth noting that Postgres, the database software updated today.

on May 15

From lazysoci.al

Release v1.105.1 · immich-app/immich · GitHub - lazysoci.al

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cross-posted from: https://lazysoci.al/post/13565484 [https://lazysoci.al/post/13565484] > Critical bugfix to the photo management service.

on May 15

From lazysoci.al

Release Paperless-ngx v2.8.5 · paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx · GitHub - lazysoci.al

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cross-posted from: https://lazysoci.al/post/13565540 [https://lazysoci.al/post/13565540] > Document archiving

on May 15

From lazysoci.al

QWERTY Keyboards on a touch screen are still the stupid! - lazysoci.al

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Whether you, like me, beleive that QAZWSX keyboards make far more sense, especially in a machine learning world, I think we all agree a layout designed to circumvent jamming typewriter keys doesn’t make sense in modern society on modern devices.

on May 15

From lazysoci.al

What Are Your Recurring Costs? - lazysoci.al

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I know it’s a rude question, but it’s been on my mind… I’m wondering roughly what I should be expecting to outlay when I finish my set-up? So I’m assuming it includes things like domain names, hosting for backups, email providers, VPN, etc. What’s a good budget to set?

on May 14