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From learncodethehardway.com

C++ Is An Absolute Blast

2 23

Where I try to explain why I feel like C\+\+ is so much fun, and to correct some misinformation.

on Mon, 4PM

From learncodethehardway.com

Rogue is the Best Project

0 1

My pitch for Rogue being the best for both beginners and old crusty coders like me.

on Tue, 3AM

From learncodethehardway.com

Very Deep Not Boring Beginner Projects

0 0

A list of projects that anyone with basic programming knowledge can do in any language, but have a lot of depth and aren't boring to do.

on Nov 4

From learncodethehardway.com

Just Use MSYS2 You Say?

0 0

Debunking idiots on HackerNews who think a total beginner can just 'Use MSYS2' on Windows.

on Jul 18

From learncodethehardway.com

How Long Does it Take to Learn to Code?

0 0

My standard answer when people ask me how long it will take for them to become competent enough to get a job.

on Jul 13

From learncodethehardway.com

Solving the Worst Problem in Programming Education: Windows

0 0

I've created a set of install scripts for Windows that helps people install many different programming languages using standard tools.

on Jul 13