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From lidarnews.com

Tesla Autopilot vs. Lidar Autonomous Vehicle | In the Scan

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Mark Rober tests Tesla’s camera-only Autopilot against a lidar-equipped Luminar vehicle, revealing key limitations in Tesla’s approach.

on Mon, 4PM

From lidarnews.com

Navigation Doppler Lidar on the Moon | In the Scan

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NASA Navigation Doppler Lidar (NDL) is revolutionizing lunar exploration with real-time, high-precision navigation for safe lunar landings.

on Mar 10

From lidarnews.com

What Are Cloud Optimized Point Clouds (COPCs)? | In the Scan

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Cloud Optimized Point Clouds (COPC) improve LiDAR data storage and access by enabling efficient streaming and hierarchical indexing.

on Feb 20

From lidarnews.com

World's Oldest 3D Map Discovered in France | In the Scan

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Discover the world's oldest 3D map, found at the Ségognole 3 rock shelter in France. This 13,000-year-old Palaeolithic model depicts hydrology and landscape features, showcasing early human ingenuity.

on Jan 16