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From linuxmatters.sh

A Textual Rummage With Jason

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We discuss exploring JSON data, joining the Fediverse for real, and listening to looong audiobooks.

#sbc #bash #nixos #tusky #backup #feditext #instance #fediverse #instances #gotosocial

on Dec 10

From linuxmatters.sh

Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub

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Alan uses vhs to make beautiful terminal recordings, Mark builds a presentation in MarkDown, and Martin uses pueue to manage all his mainframe jobs.

on Nov 26

From linuxmatters.sh

Somewhere Over the Keybow

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Martin monitors a new server, Alan makes gifs of the terminal, and Mark plays with a tiny macro pad.

on Nov 12

From linuxmatters.sh

Punch Up in the Garden

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Martin has secrets, Mark plays with powerline, and Alan bought a Dualup.

on Oct 29

From linuxmatters.sh

The Reply Guys

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Alan, Martin, and Mark catch up with your wonderful feedback.

on Oct 17

From linuxmatters.sh

Rock Around the Underclock

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Martin introduces tools for overclocking and underclocking GPUs, Alan has been discovering new music with the joy of Python, and Mark has a new audiobook server.

on Oct 1

From linuxmatters.sh

A Pair of Comfortable GPUs

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Mark has tried some Android apps, Martin has used some top-likes, and Alan has connected a Spectrum emulator to Mastodon.

on Sep 18

From linuxmatters.sh

Contact Us

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If you want to get in touch with the hosts of the show you can email show@linuxmatters.sh. Alternatively, if you’d like to hang out with other listeners and share your feedback with the community you can join: The Linux Matters Chatters on Telegram. The #linux-matters channel on the Late Night...

on Sep 11

From linuxmatters.sh

Lipstick on a Font

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Alan snapped some things, Martin could have saved his time and used a proper font, and Mark went looking for self-hosted music management.

on Sep 3

From linuxmatters.sh

Mark Was Right, Twice

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Martin gets the right note taking app and monitor, Alan contributes to some distros, and Mark plugs a phone into a TV.

on Aug 6

From linuxmatters.sh

All of a Flutter

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Alan gets with the times and starts a self-hosted email newsletter, Mark updates the Flutter-based Quickemu frontend Quickgui, and Martin quietly smashes some hardware together.

on Jul 24

From linuxmatters.sh

Welcome Homepage

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Martin create a homepage dashboard, Mark composes Bass with Tux Guitar, and Alan visualises source code with Gource

on Jul 9

From linuxmatters.sh

Quick, Quicker, Quickest

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We discuss the latest in Quickemu, QuickGUI, and Quicktest

on Jun 25

From linuxmatters.sh

Searching for a New Voice

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Alan starts work on cloning himself (again), Martin gives up on Google Search, and Mark judges a coding contest.

on Jun 24

From linuxmatters.sh

Quickemu Rising From the Bashes

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Martin is rebooting his Quickemu project. Alan tells us about open source at his new job with Anchore. Mark explains using ntfy for push notifications.

on May 28

From linuxmatters.sh

Desktop of the Gods

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Martin has a new favourite desktop, Alan experiences the Joy of Go, and Mark is playing a game with rogue-like elements.

on May 14

From linuxmatters.sh

Wake-on-LAN for Preschoolers

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Why Mark hasn’t migrated Plex to his shiny new server, Martin goes to the end of the alphabet, and Alan explains why he flipped the Linux Matters Podcast logo upside down.

on Apr 30

From linuxmatters.sh

If I Could Just Interject

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It’s been six months since we did a feedback episode. So here it is, the highlights from your wonderful feedback via email, Telegram and Discord.

on Apr 16

From linuxmatters.sh

Snappy Snap Snapshots

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Alan has all the GPUs and needs your help. Martin finds three chat client improvements. Mark is migrating data on his new home server.

on Apr 2

From linuxmatters.sh

The Joy of Linux Torture

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Mark’s been migrating servers, Martin’s been stressing Linux, and Alan’s been experiencing the joy of code

on Mar 19

From linuxmatters.sh

A Mini Swap Adventure

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Driving an electric Mini for two years, migrating to a new home server, and using a modern version of swap.

on Mar 5

From linuxmatters.sh

An Exodus of Bitcoin

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Martin goes all in with bcachefs. Alan helps someone with an Exodus of Bitcoin. Mark gets an unusual home server.

on Feb 29

From linuxmatters.sh

Support Us

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Linux Matters is part of the Late Night Linux group of podcasts and there are several ways you can support us. The show hosts are paid for their time and effort, so any support you can give is greatly appreciated. Patreon You can support Late Night Linux on Patreon. Patrons have the option to...

on Feb 20

From linuxmatters.sh

Magazines Reloaded

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We discuss reading magazines, building Telegram for Asahi, and running Linux Machines

on Feb 6

From linuxmatters.sh

Fetch Is Going to Happen

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We discuss emulating SoundBlaster cards in FreeDOS on bare metal, home server hardware lifecycle management, and all the fancy fetch tools.

on Jan 24

From linuxmatters.sh

Unfold Your Coding Potential

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We discuss Using AI to complete a Rust project, listening to audiobooks on Linux, and using NextCloud for real.

on Jan 20

From linuxmatters.sh

This Is How I Roll

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We discuss playing Baldur’s Gate 3, reviving the Ubuntu UK LoCo and running Snaps on NixOS

on Dec 26

From linuxmatters.sh

Snap, Crackle and Desktop

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Giving Ubuntu Core Desktop Preview a shake, developing AWS Lambdas on Linux and creating an open alternative to Apple AirDrop.

on Dec 12, 2023

From linuxmatters.sh

Bottom Is the New Top

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Our modern Unix journey continues with Bottom, first impressions of Asahi Ubuntu, and continued adventures with blogging on the Fediverse.

on Nov 28, 2023

From linuxmatters.sh

Blogging to the Fediverse

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Publising blog posts to the Fediverse, writing a Rust program without knowing Rust, and resurrecting a NextCloud Box.

on Nov 14, 2023

From linuxmatters.sh

Mish Mash Mesh

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Improving wireless networking for students, gaming with toddlers, and building a solid-state NAS with NixOS

on Oct 31, 2023

From linuxmatters.sh

One Hundred Percent Colombian

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Running OBS Studio built for Ubuntu on NixOS. Updating dozens of Snap to modern standards. J2ME retro-gaming on Android.

on Oct 17, 2023

From linuxmatters.sh

Um, Actually

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We go over the feedback from the first 12 episodes

on Oct 3, 2023