These celebrities cause 10,000 times more carbon emissions from flying than the average person
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Lund University. By Stefan Gössling
on Thu, 1PM
Diskriminering försämrar arbetsmiljön för personer med utländsk bakgrund
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Lunds universitet. Studien, som gjordes på uppdrag av Myndigheten för arbetsmiljökunskapsynliggör diskriminering i arbetslivet som baseras på etnisk tillhörighet, hudfärg eller religion. Särskilt drabbade är personer med rötter från Afrika och Mellanöstern. Även personer med annan religion än...
on Oct 23
Vegetariskt blir universitetets norm vid möten och konferenser
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Lunds universitet. Livsmedel är en hållbarhetsfråga som engagerar och ofta uppmärksammas på campus och på olika evenemang.Universitetsledningen har beslutat om nya riktlinjer för inköp av livsmedel och catering med skarpare skrivningar om vilka livsmedel som ska köpas in och vilka märkningar som...
on Oct 22
Early interactions between Europeans and Indigenous North Americans revealed
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Lund University. "On a more human level these remarkable encounters, framed within the vast and intimidating landscapes of the High Arctic, would probably have involved a degree of curiosity, fascination and excitement"
on Oct 2
Beetles cooperate on tricky dung moves
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Lund University. Dung beetles live in and on animal droppings. By breaking down organic substances, the tiny insects play an invisible yet important role in nature. Researchers have now discovered another task dung beetles excel at.
on Sep 19
Injectable heart stimulator for emergency situations
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Lund University. Arrhythmia occurs when there are disturbances in the heart’s electrical signals, causing it to beat too fast, slow, or irregularly. Often, arrhythmia can be treated with medication, but it is also possible to alter the heart's rhythm using electrical signals with, for example, a...
on Aug 30
Errors detected in several historical consumer price indices
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Lund University. Jonas Ljungberg needed access to different European countries' consumer price indices (CPIs) for the last 150 years to calculate real exchange rates for a research project. But when he looked at the CPIs listed in popular databases, he found that several of the figures were not...
on Jun 26
Possible association between tattoos and lymphoma revealed
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Lund University. Our knowledge regarding the long-term health effects of tattoos is currently poor, and there is not a lot of research within this area. Now a research group at Lund University has investigated the association between tattoos and lymphoma.
on May 26
Research Seminar in Sociology of Law with Foluke Adebisi
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Lund University. Click here to join the seminar online on Zoom Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge: Reflections on Power and PossibilityInformation about the seminar will be posted when it has been made available.Foluke Ifejola Adebisi is a Professor at the Law School, University of Bristol...
on Mar 12
Tejpning mot skoskav orsakade kontaktallergier hos rekryter
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Lunds universitet. Under cirka tio år har försvaret rekommenderat sina rekryter profylaktisk tejpning av fötterna, för att förebygga skoskav under långa marscher. Men under de senaste tre åren har det uppmärksammats att soldater blivit allergiska mot de klistertejper som rekommenderas. På ett av...
on Mar 3
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Lunds universitet. 2024 hålls kursen endast för Lunds universitets anställda. Vi hoppas kunna erbjuda kursen även till externa deltagare längre fram.Kursen genomförs i centrala Köpenhamn. Kursen ger deltagarna baskunskaper i danska och är anpassad till svenskspråkiga deltagare. Målet är att...
on Mar 1
The brain is 'programmed' for learning from people we like
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Lund University. Memory serves a vital function, enabling us to learn from new experiences and update existing knowledge. We learn both from individual experiences and from connecting them to draw new conclusions about the world. This way, we can make inferences about things that we don't...
on Feb 19
Scandinavia’s first farmers slaughtered the hunter-gatherer population
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Lund University. The extensive study has been published as four separate articles in the journal Nature. An international research team, of which Lund University in Sweden is a member, has been able to draw new conclusions about the effects of migration on ancient populations by extracting DNA...
on Feb 15
LU researcher receives Ig Nobel prize for alligator helium study
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Lund University. “I am extremely happy and grateful for this prize. As we all know, 2020 has been a year of bad news, so when I heard about this, it actually took some time for it to sink in”, says Stephan Reber. For his doctoral thesis at the University of Vienna, Reber asked the question...
on Jan 26
Epigenetic changes can cause type 2 diabetes
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Lund University. We inherit our genes from our parents, and they seldom change. However, epigenetic* changes that arise due to environmental and lifestyle factors can affect the function of genes.
on Dec 14, 2023
Astronomers determine the age of three mysterious baby stars at the heart of the Milky Way
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Lund University. The study, which has been published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, examined a group of stars located in the nuclear star cluster that makes up the heart of the galaxy. It concerns three stars that are difficult to study because they are extremely far away from our solar...
on Dec 8, 2023
LU Open Science Days – Program and registration
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Why should we engage in Open Science and how? What are the benefits and challenges? Open Science is ascribed increased importance by multiple actors in the research community for facilitating dialogue between academia and society. It enables interdisciplinary research, enhances transparency and...
on Nov 20, 2023
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Lunds universitet. Den 20 november 2023 disputerar Katt Hernandez, doktorand i konstnärlig forskning i musik vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö. Schema
on Nov 18, 2023
Så har Nobelpriset omformat litteraturvärlden – ny forskning
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Lunds universitet. Nobelpriset i litteratur var det första litteraturpriset för hela världen. Tillsammans med den höga prissumman och status från de övriga Nobelprisen etablerade det sig fort som det mest prestigefyllda. En plats det lyckats behålla från det första delades ut 1901 fram till...
on Oct 15, 2023