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From mailchi.mp

Sign up for Jeff's Brand of TMI

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I'm not doing great.

on Jun 26

From mailchi.mp

NimblePros' June 2024 Webinar - Proxy Patterns

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Join us on June 20 as we show you the many use cases for the Proxy Pattern!

on Jun 25

From mailchi.mp

Sign up to Dee Dee's mailing list

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Want to be in on tiberi, necropants and Dee Dee's latest courses, books and offerings? You know what to do!

on May 31

From mailchi.mp

ADMIN Focus Guide: Open Source Databases

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In this focus guide, we’ll bring you up to speed on the open source database ecosystem.

on May 30

From mailchi.mp

Sign up to my email list!

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Want a free ebook? Sign up now to keep up with my exploits and releases!

on May 25

From mailchi.mp

Apúntate al boletín de Civio

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Recibe información precisa y útil sobre lo público, lo que te afecta, para conocer tus derechos y actuar en consecuencia.

on May 22

From mailchi.mp

عين على السودان

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أهلًا بكم في عين على السـودان؛ نشرة «مدى مصر» البريدية عن أهم القصص الجارية في السودان. يحصل فريق مدى المتخصص في الشأن السوداني على أدق تفاصيل الأحداث الجارية وينقلها مباشرة إلى بريدك الإلكتروني.

on Apr 16

From mailchi.mp

Claudie's Newsletter Landing Page

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Sign up for key updates and Deep (TM) inner thoughts!

on Apr 14

From mailchi.mp

TRIF Newsletter Signup

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Signup for the latest football news from Gary, Alan, and Micah.

on Mar 24

From mailchi.mp

Jason Fink Photography - Newsletter Signup

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Join my newsletter if you enjoy great Lehigh Valley Photography. Every Sunday you can receive my newsletter filled with beautiful imagery captured in the Lehigh Valley and Pocono Mountain areas. No strings attached.

on Mar 23

From mailchi.mp

join the tribe

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please join my mailing list for information about nexttime sounds

on Mar 6

From mailchi.mp

Retales de Poesía

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Si te apetece recibir poesía cada domingo, haz clic aquí y deja tu correo electrónico

on Mar 3

From mailchi.mp

Cat Guide & Instructions

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A laugh-out-loud illustrated comedy gift book about cats, a cross between feline IKEA assembly instructions and a Mr. Coffee user guide for your furry friend.

on Jan 23

From mailchi.mp

2024 Pattern Grading Warm-Up

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Learn to grade knit and crochet patterns with confidence. Expand your size range and discover the true meaning of inclusive design.

on Jan 20

From mailchi.mp

Suscripción | Boletín de ACCIUMRed

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Gracias por estar aquí. Celebrando el pensamiento crítico y a personas fascinantes haciendo cosas fascinantes.

on Jan 4

From mailchi.mp

Twelve Days of Knitmas MKAL 2023

0 1

Would you like to participate in the world's merriest Knit-Along? Sign up for free!

on Dec 26

From mailchi.mp

Pig Welfare Inquiry Submission Guide Sign Up Page from Vegan Australia

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Sign up here for a free step by step guide on how to make a meaningful submission to the Victorian Pig Welfare Inquiry.

on Dec 22

From mailchi.mp

ThinkWINTER for epic mountain adventures

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Inspiration | Advice | Safety | Skills

on Dec 12

From mailchi.mp

Civio en bruto | Apúntate

0 0

Recibe nuestra newsletter quincenal sobre los trajines, cabreos y obsesiones del equipo. Lo que no se ve de Civio, cada 15 días y solo en tu email. Desde la trastienda, a cascoporro y al oído.

on Nov 27

From mailchi.mp

World VFX Day

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Sign up to our newsletter for exclusive news and events!

on Oct 25

From mailchi.mp

Typostammtisch Hamburg – Newsletter

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Alle zwei Monate: Schriftfachsimpeln für alle – in bester Gesellschaft!

on Oct 13

From mailchi.mp

Sign Up

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Join our mailing list community for first access to events, discounts, tickets and exclusives in the run-up to release of 'God Intentions', our 3rd studio album on Fuzz Club.

on Oct 11