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From mcahalane.com

If you want to raise more money, tell me a story

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Tell me a story. Central to effective fundraising is the ability to move people's hearts. Storytelling has always been how to do that best.

#storytelling #appealwriting #donorcommunications

20h ago

From mcahalane.com

Can you build a relationship on paper?

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Can you build a relationship on paper? Yes, you can. But you'll need a good plan. Here are some ideas for you to use.

on Jan 14

From mcahalane.com

Transform New Donors into Lasting Partners: Start Here!

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Transform new donors into lasting partners now! Steps you can plan for this year to keep your donors in 2025.

on Jan 7

From mcahalane.com

You can put more heart into your fundraising today

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Fundraising is about using your heart as well as your head. Here are six things to consider if you want to fundraise better.

on Dec 18

From mcahalane.com

How to share the value of art

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Arts fundraising can seem difficult. The problem you're asking donors to solve is harder to define. And "art" can be so many things.

on Dec 10

From mcahalane.com

5 Donor relations tips for shy people

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Does a room full of people make you nervous? Are you an introvert who needs to build donor relationships? Here are some tips.

on Dec 3

From mcahalane.com

You can spread a little gratitude and feel happier

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Spread a little gratitude and feel happier. Being more thoughtful about how you say thanks to your donors will make everyone happier.

on Nov 26

From mcahalane.com

Thankology from Lisa Sargent - a must read

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Thankology is the long-awaited book from Lisa Sargent. Do you want to retain more donors and raise more money? Then you'll want this book!

on Nov 19

From mcahalane.com

Unlock your impact: try a donor survey today!

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Unlock your impact with a donor survey. Learning more about your donors means better donor relationships. What could you learn?

on Nov 5

From mcahalane.com

Why you need a great ask at year-end

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Why you need a great ask, especially at year-end. Creating a strong ask will lead to better results. Here's how to get there.

on Oct 29

From mcahalane.com

Why is it so damned hard to say thank you?

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Why is it so hard to say thank you? It really shouldn't be. Gratitude is important to strong relationships - and that's what you want!

on Oct 22

From mcahalane.com

Why fundraising communication is different

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Fundraising communication is different. It's unlike marketing communications in some important ways. Here's what you should know.

on Oct 17

From mcahalane.com

Mind the gap

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Mind the gap to create an effective fundraising ask. The more specific you can get, the more successful you'll be!

on Oct 1

From mcahalane.com

6 big fundraising mistakes small organizations make

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It's hard being a small organization. Here are 6 big mistakes fundraising mistakes small organizations make.

on Sep 24

From mcahalane.com

All about donor newsletters

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Are you wondering about a donor newsletter? Are they worth it? Can you create one? Do you really need to have one? Read on...

on Sep 17

From mcahalane.com

Is philanthropy "women's work"?

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Is philanthropy women's work? We know women are the vast majority of nonprofit workers. But are women taken less seriously? Is our sector?

on Sep 10

From mcahalane.com

How to Segment New Donors for Effective Communications

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Acquiring a new donor is only half the battle. Learn how to keep these supporters using new donor segmentation.

on Sep 3

From mcahalane.com

How do you handle the most emotional gift?

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As a fundraiser, a memorial gift is one of the most emotional gifts you are likely to receive. How you handle it matters!

on Aug 27

From mcahalane.com

Looking for new donors? 5 things to think about

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Looking for new donors? 5 things to think about. First, keep your current donors. Then try this to engage new people in your cause.

on Aug 13

From mcahalane.com

Empowering donors: measuring impact

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A Give.org report showed donors' perception of nonprofits' impact. We can improve the way impact is understood..

on Aug 6

From mcahalane.com

This is why you can't find a great development director

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Looking for a great development director? Finding one can be frustrating. Do you want to know why you can't find a great one?

on Jul 30

From mcahalane.com

How do you connect with donors? Show more.

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Connect with donors by using the power of imagery. An image is the fastest way into someone's brain. Here's how to use them.

on Jul 23

From mcahalane.com

Your donor retention how-to

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Donor retention: how to make sure your donors keep giving. It's not complicated. And it all comes down to relationships. Here's how.

on Jul 16

From mcahalane.com

Don't invoice me when you want a gift

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Recently I received a direct mail appeal for a gift that was created to look like an invoice. Here's why that's a bad idea.

on Jul 9

From mcahalane.com

If I was really your friend, you'd know my name

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If I was really your friend, you'd know my name. And if you want to hang on to your donors, you'll take the time to get their details right.

on Jul 9

From mcahalane.com

How to unearth the stories you need

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How to unearth the stories you need to raise money? We're made of stories... read on for tips on finding the ones you need.

on Jul 2

From mcahalane.com

Becoming a fundraiser

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Becoming a fundraiser is a journey so many of us take in our own way. Here's how I fell into fundraising and what I learned.

on Jun 26

From mcahalane.com

What sloppy data means to donors

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What sloppy data means to donors. Your donors are evaluating their giving decisions all the time. Getting details wrong can hurt.

on Jun 25

From mcahalane.com

Your work or a life: a painful choice no one should have to make

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Stress is an epidemic. More people are experiencing anxiety attacks and exhaustion. Must you choose between your work or a life?

on Jun 11

From mcahalane.com

Small organization with big dreams? 7 tips to help you grow

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Small organization fundraising is tough. Buty ou're not alone! Here are 7 tips to help you grow. Learn what to invest in and where to focus.

on Jun 4

From mcahalane.com

How to prevent a fundraising crime

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A fundraising crime. You've seen it before. Well-meaning people tearing your appeal apart. Here's some advice for you before it's too late.

on May 28

From mcahalane.com

How to write a thank you letter when you're feeling stuck

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Are you having trouble writing a great thank you letter? A thank you that works? Here's my quick how-to. You can do it!

on May 21

From mcahalane.com

How you can make a culture of philanthropy work

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How to can you make a culture of philanthropy work? Walk the walk, to begin with. Here are some ideas you can use.

on May 21

From mcahalane.com

What keeps you up at night?

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Nonprofit fundraising challenges: are they keeping you up at night? Here are some of the worst challenges you face - and how to face them.

on May 14

From mcahalane.com

How to harness persuasion: Cialdini's 6 principles and you

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How to harness persuasion: Cialdini's 6 principles and you. Persuasion is a science, and Cialdini gifted us with great information.

on May 7

From mcahalane.com

Don't let the AI robots steal your humanity

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AI is the exciting new kid on the block. But is it right for your fundraising communications? Do we lose something essential with this tool?

on Apr 30

From mcahalane.com

How to raise money for an arts organization

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Are you raising money for an arts organization? Fundraising is about building relationships.And your mission can be your biggest strength.

on Apr 23

From mcahalane.com

Why you should write a thank you from the heart

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Write a thank you from the heart. A good thank you letter builds an emotional connection. Here's how to get started.

on Apr 16

From mcahalane.com

Please don't go! 5 ways to win donor hearts again.

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We call donors who stop giving lapsed donors. But why do they leave? And how can you win their hearts again?

on Apr 9

From mcahalane.com

Finding the stories you need

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Finding the stories you need is critical for donor communications. We're wired for story and they work faster than any list of facts.

on Apr 2

From mcahalane.com

How To Communicate With Donors About Matching Gifts

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Matching gifts mean extra funding. Eliminate confusion surrounding these programs and educate donors about matching gifts with these tips.

on Mar 26

From mcahalane.com

Unlocking Support: The Art of Clear Communication in Nonprofits

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Clear communication might be your best fundraising tool. Avoid insider language. Run away from buzzwords. Simple is your goal.

on Mar 19

From mcahalane.com

7 more quick tips to improve your donor communications

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7 more quick tips to improve your donor communications. Are you stuck? In urgent need of a great appeal or newsletter? Here are 7 ideas.

on Mar 12

From mcahalane.com

Can we talk about donor care?

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Let's talk about donor care. What are you doing to make every connection with your organization easier? Donors care!

on Mar 5

From mcahalane.com

Why your brain loves stories

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A good story is central to fundraising. Using a story reaches people in a way that opens them to empathy and giving.

on Mar 2

From mcahalane.com

Want better fundraising results? Rethink your team

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Want better fundraising results? Build a better team across departments. You'll see happier staff and better results.

on Feb 27

From mcahalane.com

You CAN write a great thank you

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Great thank you letter? You can write one! Read on for a paragraph-by-paragraph guide to a letter your donors will appreciate.

on Feb 13

From mcahalane.com

Do you want to keep last year’s donors this year?

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Keep last year's donors this year. Make a plan now to retain as many donors as possible. That's the key to successful fundraising!

on Feb 6

From mcahalane.com

Improve your fundraising letters fast

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Want to improve your fundraising letters? There's always something new because we're always learning something new. Here are 8 things to try.

on Jan 30

From mcahalane.com

12 human quirks you can use to fundraise better

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12 human quirks you can use to fundraise better. Behind the art of fundraising, you find the science. Try some of these!

on Jan 24