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From meaningness.com

Countercultures: modernity’s last gasp | Meaningness

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The hippies and the Moral Majority both tried to rescue systematic eternalism—and failed. We live amongst their wreckage.

on Aug 27

From meaningness.com

YOU NEED MORE LUX | Meaningness

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Seriously bright indoor lights for seasonal affective disorder, or just the winter blahs

on Aug 7

From meaningness.com

Wreckage: the culture war | Meaningness

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The culture war, political polarization, Baby Boomer bafflement: the unending zombie slugfest pairing the two countercultures of the 1960s-80s.

on Jun 25

From meaningness.com

About my writing | Meaningness

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About Meaningness, and where to find more of it!

on Feb 3

From meaningness.com

Fundamentalism is countercultural modernism | Meaningness

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Fundamentalism is not traditional; it is a modern, countercultural movement, opposed to tradition and to post-modernity.

on Jan 24

From meaningness.com

Vaster than ideology | Meaningness

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When you discover you are owned by an ideology, you can escape. Better, you can become a larger space.

on Jan 21

From meaningness.com

Seriously bright light vs. winter blahs | Meaningness

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Most SAD light therapy lamps are not bright enough. How to get brighter light than any you can buy!

on Dec 4, 2023