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From micro.blog

Brigade by Heart

1 1

BrigadeHeartMy cousin, Jessica, loaned me this album, another one by Heart (self-titled one with These Dreams), and a couple Cher CDs when I was a teenager. Doing so influenced me and my musical taste in a great way that I didn’t realize at the time. I’m not a Heart super fan - I only have a...

16h ago

From micro.blog


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Butterfly at Hashimoto nursery today 🌱

on Sat, 5AM

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - It'll Be Fine

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I wasn’t sure what to talk about today. So I talked about many things. Rehearsals. Set construction. My pool. Et cetera.

on Wed, 11PM

From micro.blog


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Link: Declare your AIndependence: block AI bots, scrapers and crawlers with a single click | Cloudflare Blog To help preserve a safe Internet for content creators, we’ve just launched a brand new “easy button” to block all AI bots. It’s available for all customers, including those on our free...

on Wed, 8PM

From micro.blog

Human-driven AI development experiment continues...

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"Hey how well do you know mobile app development, particularly for iOS using Swift?” That’s how my experiment started, andI’ve probably asked ChatGPT or a local LLM a version of this question a few dozen times or more, just to get an answer or an idea. This time around, I was considering an idea...

on Wed, 12PM

From micro.blog

June in sketchnotes

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What I did in June saw the magnificent Fly Yeti Fly curry at the Elai lots of training walks possibly my best header in 40 years ate a cornetto watched the ‘debate of many leaders’ picked up chum who’d come off his bike cemented in a new washing line laptop irretrievably blue-screened read and...

on Wed, 7AM

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - Steak Your Claim

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I have no beef with steak.

on Tue, 10PM

From micro.blog

Like a Stick of Gum

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How many flavors of gum are represented here? Do you think you could figure this out without unwrapping and tasting each one of them? If these were right in front of you, what would be your first instinct? If you’re like me, you’d smell ‘em! But how good is your smeller? Chewing gum seems to...

on Tue, 8PM

From micro.blog


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For the first time ever, I just got asked to take part in an opinion poll One of the questions, after they’d done the serious ones, was who would I rather have as Prime Minister Kier Starmer or Rishi Sunak or Nigel Farage or Ed Davey or Taylor Swift or Ant and Dec I should have said I wanted...

on Mon, 9PM

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - Two minutes and 45 seconds of despair, followed by puns

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This episode is exactly what the title would have you believe.

on Mon, 9PM

From micro.blog

Republicans Hate America

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Just heard about today’s decision by six corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court to give Führer Spray Tan the absolute power he so desperately wants. Republicans hate America. They hate democracy. They hate diversity. They hate holding themselves accountable. They hate laws that inconvenience...

on Mon, 7PM

From micro.blog

ℹ️ Email newsletter subscriptions

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Micro.blog can manage letting readers subscribe to your blog and receive emails for new blog posts. It’s deeply integrated into Micro.blog and works great for collecting multiple microblog posts together automatically. Micro.blog’s email newsletters are like Micro.blog’s cross-posting: designed...

on Mon, 7PM

From micro.blog

Is ChatGPT smart enough to rewrite my app in a month? An experiment

0 1

For 15 years, I’ve had at least one app in the App Store – some version or another of Hamster Soup, my app for superfans of the TV show Big Brother (US). I’ve worked on a lot of apps – a few my own – but there’s always been a Hamster Soup out there. It was the original and first Big Brother fan...

on Mon, 1AM

From micro.blog

Rob Napier - Why I struggle to use actors

0 2

Following up on some discussion about why I keep finding myself using Mutex (née OSAllocatedUnfairLock) rather than actors. This is kind of slapped together; eventually I may try to write up a proper blog post, but I wanted to capture it. Each of these is a runnable file using swift ..., with...

on Sun, 10PM

From micro.blog

Training ground - Queenstown Hill

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Queenstown Hill is a nice little 500m climb tucked just behind town. It has a Council-maintained trail to the “Basket of Dreams” and is one of the more popular walks given the proximity to town and carpark at the base of the main trailhead off Belfast Terrace (south-west face of hill). There are...

on Jun 28

From micro.blog

Training ground - Queenstown Hill

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Queenstown Hill is a nice little 500m climb tucked just behind town. It has a Council-maintained trail to the “Basket of Dreams” and is one of the more popular walks given the proximity to town and carpark at the base of the main trailhead off Belfast Terrace (south-west face of hill). There are...

on Jun 28

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - Simply Babbling

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The topics: TV, teaching, and other stuff.

on Jun 28

From micro.blog

In defence of Rishi and Kier

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A bloke called Robert, a member of the audience in the debate last night, got a lot of applause for asking this question “Are you two really the best we’ve got to be the next prime minister of our great country?” One of those two had a successful career in finance, the other had a succesful...

on Jun 28

From micro.blog

Snopes.com Gets One Wrong

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Remember When Trump Praised Nazis? (video from zeteo.com) “Very fine people on both sides.” Was this a statement Trump made that praised the nazis at the Unite the Right rally? Snopes.com says nope. The problem with the Snopes “very fine people” fact check, which claims Trump said those words...

on Jun 26

From micro.blog


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This is what I wrote: I should go back to blogging and interacting with people in social media. I am not even reading my RSS feeds. Somebody told me that if I wanted to go analog I should go all in and I really took it to heart. I am reading more and writing more for myself and overall I am much...

on Jun 26

From micro.blog

Neon Museum Las Vegas, Spring 2024

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It wasn’t until I used up a cassette that I was told only cell phone photos were allowed at this museum. 📸 At least I complied afterward? Anyway, these photographed pretty beautifully on a polaroid, and I couldn’t think of a better subject match for the Retinex frames.

on Jun 26

From micro.blog

ℹ️ Blocking AI bots

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Large language models in artificial intelligence are often trained with large amounts of data on the open web. By default your blog on Micro.blog is on the open web, so these AI companies may use your blog posts to train their models. If you’d prefer to block AI bots from accessing your blog...

on Jun 26

From micro.blog

Weeknote 2024-W24

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🏃‍♂️ Went to the physio and confirmed I’ve got runner’s knees. No surprise, but good to put a name to it. To be specific, it is patellofemoral pain syndrome. Knees were strapped up for 3 days and I’ve got some light exercises to work on my vastus medialis (inner quads). I will see the physio...

on Jun 26

From micro.blog

Does Mimiq really do Bin Locking in Avid Media Composer on NEXIS storage now?

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With Mimiq Pro 24.2 and newer? Yes. How easy is it? Just mount your NEXIS workspaces along with any other eligible third-party volumes, launch Mimiq, then launch Media Composer. That’s it. 👌🏽 (Honestly, it took me longer to find this article’s cover image than to write this. 😁) Enjoy all the Bin...

on Jun 26

From micro.blog

ℹ️ Profile photos with multiple blogs

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It’s possible on Micro.blog to have multiple blogs or podcasts for a single Micro.blog account. When managing multiple blogs, you may want to override the image so that it’s different than your profile photo. Changing the header To change the home page to use a new image instead of your profile...

on Jun 26

From micro.blog

Mimiq – What It Does, What It Doesn’t

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If you’re working together in Avid Media Composer, please believe me: I understand. It’s hard. So many things can go wrong, and when they do, pressures mount and tempers spike. If you’re using Mimiq when things go wrong, your first instinct may be: “Let’s blame Mimiq. After all, it’s not an...

on Jun 26

From micro.blog

Find Those Missing Clips Using the Timeline Index in Final Cut Pro

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So you opened your Library and found some red alert icons in your Project. That means the underlying media or asset for a Clip is missing. No sweat! Typically, you can just relink those Clips to their media and get to work. But what if Final Cut Pro still shows you some red badges in your...

on Jun 26

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - Take Three

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A long drive. Father’s Day. And an animal encounter. Transcript

on Jun 26

From micro.blog


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Post short thoughts or long essays, share photos, all on your own blog. Micro.blog makes it easy, and provides a friendly community where you can share and engage with others.

on Jun 26

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - Tech Support

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A tech support journey that — so far! — went well.

on Jun 25

From micro.blog

ℹ️ Cross-posting in front matter

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When Micro.blog copies posts to other services via cross-posting, it records some information such as the external service username and post ID. These parameters are available in the Hugo front matter so they can be accessed from themes. For example, you may want to automatically link to the...

on Jun 25

From micro.blog

I linux-ified my aging windows laptop over the weekend

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All good, in general, and I’ll be able to get another couple of years out of it I found that: I had to run the installer twice before it worked gpodder picked up all my subscriptions from gpodder.net, which was handy, because I’d forgotten to export the opml I had to log out and back in...

on Jun 25

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - I Lived

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The good news, I didn’t die. Even of embarrassment. Transcript

on Jun 25

From micro.blog

Finished reading: Pew by Catherine Lacey 📚

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Finished reading: Pew by Catherine Lacey - Perhaps this would have made a better short story than a whole book. This book was trying so hard to be interesting that it forgot to be clever. What the author missed was that if one is clever, they get the interesting for free. At about 60% through I...

on Jun 25

From micro.blog

Some interesting things we can do with strings in Swift

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Today I want to discuss strings in Swift Hello everyone. I am trying to reinforce my knowledge of some interesting topics by writing about them./ I like to write as this gives me an introspection into my thought process, allows others to get possibly interested in a topic and learn from me, and...

on Jun 25

From micro.blog


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From a bit in last week’s Times in which various writer-y types recommend books for the new Prime Minister (I hope) The last thing the next prime minister should do is to read a book about political history. He’ll draw all the wrong lessons - they always do - then spend the next five years...

on Jun 25

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - Beep!

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Transcript

on Jun 25

From micro.blog

Sabotage: Use governance to couple user behavior to code deployments

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In engineering we can do so many things that have changed the way experience is delivered to customers. Sufficiently advanced tech looks like magic (to butcher Arthur C. Clarke). The next bit is likely old news for many readers (ie private companies in industries like ecom) - however, in public...

on Jun 25

From micro.blog

Neon Museum Las Vegas, Spring 2024

0 1

It wasn’t until I used up a cassette that I was told only cell phone photos were allowed at this museum. 📸 At least I complied afterward? Anyway, these photographed pretty beautifully on a polaroid, and I couldn’t think of a better subject match for the Retinex frames.

on Jun 25

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - If You Build It, They Will Bear It

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Arizona owed me money. I got it.

on Jun 25

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - Mouth

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A service appointment. A dentist appointment. Transcript

on Jun 25

From micro.blog

Is 'Done' a toxic idea? Aka rise of Cephalopods and distributed consciousness.

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Done is the idea that something is finished. It has reached its end state. It has been built, it has reached its teleological end. Isn’t it strange that something that has only just been built is done? It has gone through its life cycle? It has achieved its purpose? Does that sound like...

on Jun 24

From micro.blog

On Renaming Avid Media Composer’s Media Folders

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There’s a scene from Mr. Mom where Jack Butler (Michael Keaton’s character) drops off his kids at school for the first time. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object,...

on Jun 24

From micro.blog

Brady Bowman

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Charles Mathewes, trying to gesture at a more robust anthropology than the one undergirding consumer capitalism, which assumes that “individual choice” is the fundamental category of agency: For Augustine, the fullest picture of good human agency is human agency as it will be exercised in the...

on Jun 24

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - Weaponized YDL

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You can use the knowledge you gain about my life from this podcast against me. But I can also use this podcast to make jokes about you 😂 Transcript

on Jun 24

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - The Cat's Out of the Bag

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First rehearsal down. Hot choreo rehearsal on the agenda for today. No sweat. (Yes sweat.) Transcript

on Jun 24

From micro.blog

5 passes in a day

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Date: 27 December, 2023 Location: Glenorchy, New Zealand Distance: 69.25km Elevation: 4,394m Moving Time: 13:42:31 (I was moving much longer, but I was so slow my watch didn’t notice) Elapsed Time: 20:59:14 The goal was to complete the 5 Passes Route in one push. I was keen for a slog. The...

on Jun 24

From micro.blog

Lex Friedman - Which Is Why...

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A busy weekend ends. Apple Intelligence gets revealed. A school year wraps up… almost. Transcript

on Jun 24

From micro.blog

The Arabist

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Adam Shatz · Israel’s Descent in the London Review Review of Books: For all their missteps, the students drew attention to matters that seemed to elude their detractors: the obscenity of Israel’s war on Gaza; the complicity of their government in arming Israel and facilitating the slaughter;...

on Jun 24