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From morningstaronline.co.uk

A beachhead for democracy survives in Islington North

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Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign was a built on trust and loyalty, where kindness actually counts for something, reports LINDA PENTZ GUNTER from north London


13h ago

From morningstaronline.co.uk

France dangles over a far-right abyss

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Can the conservative, centre and left of French politics work out a complex dance of candidates standing aside for each other to prevent an outright, far-right victory this Sunday? NICK WRIGHT assesses

on Fri, 7PM

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Evaluating Roger Casement

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PAUL DONOVAN enjoys a valuable contribution to a wider understanding of the remarkable human rights activist turned Irish freedom fighter

on Sat, 9AM

From morningstaronline.co.uk

The Xinjiang I saw was a hub of diversity, not oppression

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From China, ROGER McKENZIE witnesses a place where Islamic culture thrives and economic development powers China’s westward expansion — a reality obscured by Western propaganda

on Fri, 7PM

From morningstaronline.co.uk

The unbelievable stories about the children of Gaza

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The violence that the children of Gaza experience has become a daily affair. But this kind of violence can never be mundane, writes VIJAY PRASHAD

on Fri, 11AM

From morningstaronline.co.uk


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by Dave Medd

on Thu, 12AM

From morningstaronline.co.uk

‘We have the hope, they have the fear’

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Andrew Murray catches up with Green peer and former party leader NATALIE BENNETT in the Greens’ target seat in Bristol, where they discuss the party’s aim of winning four MPs, Farage, Labour’s lack of policy – and the all-important issue of Gaza

on Tue, 9AM

From morningstaronline.co.uk

EU tariffs on China: a script written in Washington

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Brussels is following the US’s lead in slapping punitive duties on China’s electric vehicles, sabotaging Europe’s climate goals and economic interests to appease Biden’s anti-Beijing crusade, writes CARLOS MARTINEZ

on Jun 30

From morningstaronline.co.uk

‘Things are going to slide’ — politics in turmoil

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Visionary leadership is needed to tackle the existential climate crisis, but Labour risks squandering any opportunity for transformative change by clinging to the neoliberal economic orthodoxy, writes ALAN SIMPSON

on Jun 28

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Netanyahu refuses to end Gaza war

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Israeli air strike kills director of Gaza’s Ambulance and Emergency Department

on Jun 26

From morningstaronline.co.uk

The New Popular Front in France and the balance of class forces

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Amid an enormously dynamic situation, can Le Pen’s National Rally be stopped in the forthcoming snap election and what role will the new left-wing anti-fascist pact play, asks KEVIN OVENDEN

on Jun 26

From morningstaronline.co.uk

What could happen if Hezbollah fights Israel?

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As the prospect of an all-out war between the Lebanon-based militia and the IDF becomes more likely, JOHN WIGHT considers what has changed since the 2006 conflict that Hezbollah considers a victory

on Jun 26

From morningstaronline.co.uk


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The only English-language socialist daily newspaper in the world, published six days a week.

on Jun 25

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Euros arrive to clear the smog left behind by club football

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JAMES NALTON previews the tournament, which can feel less contaminated than a club game which has been taken over by the main players in global capitalism and geopolitics

on Jun 25

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Labour's fables: Sir Keir visits the proles

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Labour centrists seek to represent workers in a sort of cultural theatre of identity politics devoid of substance or any relevance to their lives and struggles

on Jun 25

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Banking on bigotry and the two-horse race

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Starmer’s Labour is dog-whistling so loud it’s deafening, safe in the knowledge the minority communities being slighted by these affronts largely have nowhere else to turn. Remember these betrayals, writes ANDREW MURRAY

on Jun 24

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Can an economy be ‘big enough’?

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CRAIG DALZELL asks how long the ‘growth at all costs’ mantra can be sustained by the main political parties

on Jun 24

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Star quality in Ilford North

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Andrew Murray catches up with British-Palestinian parliamentary candidate LEANNE MOHAMAD who’s taking on shadow health secretary Wes Streeting, with the issues of Gaza, the NHS and the needs of the local community at the front and centre of her campaign

on Jun 24

From morningstaronline.co.uk

‘We will not vote for those who normalise massacres’

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Hundreds of thousands protest across Britain demanding end to Gaza bloodshed

on Jun 24

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Gender ideology exposed

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JOHN McINALLY urges socialists to read a courageous book that demonstrates why the issue of gender ideology has provoked such division and controversy

on Jun 23

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Lessons from the past for the Labour left

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ANDREW MURRAY welcomes a sympathetic history of two waves of left advance within Labour and the contest between the support they could mobilise and the forces ranged against them

on Jun 23

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

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In Washington DC ROGER McKENZIE sees signs of the US empire’s decay all around – especially compared with the vibrant and thriving Chinese capital

on Jun 19

From morningstaronline.co.uk

‘Another day, another war crime’

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More than 30 killed by Israeli strike on UN school sheltering displaced Palestinians

on Jun 14

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Moving beyond factional-point scoring

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As Diane Abbott retains her ability to stand for Labour in the general election, it is a suitable juncture to consider racial issues and their complexities among different groups, says NICK WRIGHT

on Jun 7

From morningstaronline.co.uk

‘Britain will be fit to fight within the first year of a Labour government’

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Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer renews commitment to militarism and Britain's nuclear weapons

on Jun 4

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Biden’s ‘red line’ is drawn in invisible ink

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Palestinians can be incinerated beyond recognition but the US is more concerned about Israel’s growing isolation, writes LINDA PENTZ GUNTER

on Jun 3

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Marxism and ecology: does the answer ‘lie in the soil?’

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Marx and Engels’ concern with soil provides a focus for understanding the relationship between capitalism and the environment, argues the MARX MEMORIAL LIBRARY

on May 27

From morningstaronline.co.uk

China’s model of co-operation supersedes the West's exploitative one

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ROGER McKENZIE sees at first hand the progress made by China towards an economic template that offers hope to the many not just the few

on May 24

From morningstaronline.co.uk

‘It's time to end the Thatcherite experiment that wrecked Britain’

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FBU vows to press Labour to repeal anti-strike laws

on May 24

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Israel’s relentless war on the Palestinians

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With bombing unending in Gaza and settlers rampaging in the West Bank, the ICC’s moves to charge Israeli officials, though an important milestone, show no sign of changing the occupation’s genocidal course, writes VIJAY PRASHAD

on May 24

From morningstaronline.co.uk

‘Let me stand,’ Diane Abbott tells Sir Keir

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Corbyn to carry the radical spirit of his tenure as Labour leader by fighting for his Islington North seat as an independent

on May 23

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Britain needs a disabled revolution

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With the Tories scapegoating us and Labour failing to protect our rights, the rich history of disability activism shows disabled people that we must organise among ourselves to defend our place in society, writes CORDELIA PRICE

on May 23

From morningstaronline.co.uk

‘It's time for change’

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Sunak gambles on a snap general election for July 4

on May 22

From morningstaronline.co.uk

British court to rule on Assange’s extradition to US

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Campaigners warn of long-lasting damage to global media freedom

on May 20

From morningstaronline.co.uk

South Africa launches a global anti-apartheid movement for Palestine

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We ended apartheid in our nation, now it is our honour to be asked by Palestinian comrades to invoke that struggle to fight against the apartheid regime imposed on them by Israel, writes STEPHEN FAULKNER

on May 18

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Hundreds of thousands to mark Nakba in national march for Palestine

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New poll shows majority of British public backs immediate ceasefire

on May 18

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Police break up University of Amsterdam's student protest against Gaza genocide

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Meanwhile, Ireland's Communists praise Trinity College Dublin students after university accepts all their demands

on May 9

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Petro under siege as progress creeps forward

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Colombia’s first left-leaning government has faced subversion from the murderous right-wing elite it deposed, but it has not stopped moving forward with the peace process and social reforms needed, writes NICK MacWILLIAM

on May 6

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Reimagining the unimaginable

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Artist JOHN MARC ALLEN talks to Andy Hedgecock about his exhibition inspired by Dr Strangelove and the Atomic Age

on May 5

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Students' Gaza protests spread across Britain

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Wave of campus occupations launched at six unis

on May 3

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Columbia students following the proud tradition of anti-Vietnam war forbears

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On campuses all over the US, activists are amplifying the anguished cry of the Palestinians, write ALISON BANVILLE and JAMES FLOREY

on May 2

From morningstaronline.co.uk

From Germany May 2 1933 to Odessa May 2 2014

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There are parallels between these two pitch-black episodes of European history which should never be forgotten — and they should make those who wish to send yet more weapons to Ukraine think twice, writes KEITH BARLOW

on May 2

From morningstaronline.co.uk

China’s all-answer’s ‘12345’ hotline

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From China, ROGER McKENZIE reports on the nation’s remarkable 24-hour switchboard that fields everything from travel queries to feedback and complaints about the running of society

on May 1

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Stop the genocide

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Thousands to rally once again for Gaza ceasefire

on Apr 27

From morningstaronline.co.uk

The truth behind Labour’s plans to ‘renationalise’ rail

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One thing about an incoming Labour government looks great: taking the railways into public ownership. But we won’t actually own the trains, warns SOLOMON HUGHES

on Apr 27

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Why league and cup games abroad should be opposed

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JAMES NALTON discusses how recent developments mean league fixtures being hosted in the United States is becoming increasingly possible

on Apr 27

From morningstaronline.co.uk

‘Starmer’s only spending commitment is to weapons of war’

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Peace campaigners blast Sir Keir for pledging to boost arms spending while backing austerity for public services

on Apr 13

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Government falls short of its key NHS targets – again

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Campaigners call for fair NHS pay and end to the ‘blatant failure’ of relying on private sector

on Apr 12

From morningstaronline.co.uk

Air Max Day 2024: the bubble bursts

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As the momentum of the boycott movement against Israel grows, artist JACK PANIK reflects on the growing rift between creatives and the street culture brands they once were proud to work for who are now complicit in the Gaza genocide

on Apr 11

From morningstaronline.co.uk

‘A slap in the face to nurses, doctors and NHS staff in desperate need of a pay rise’

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Labour accused of betraying the NHS after Wes Streeting says the health service needs more private-sector involvement

on Apr 8