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From nationalforests.org

An American Original: Aldo Leopold in the Gila Wilderness

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Years before the Gila Wilderness existed on a map, Aldo Leopold shot a wolf from atop a rimrock canyon in New Mexico. He reached the still breathing wolf and saw something that forever changed him. In his classic text, A Sand County Almanac, Leopold describes the experience, “We reached the old...

#nature #history #newmexico #Environment #Conservation

15h ago

From nationalforests.org

Seven of our Favorite National Forest Campgrounds in New Mexico

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After more than twenty years of crisscrossing this magnificent country, visiting 155 National Forests and 20 Grasslands, Fred and Suzi Dow have come to appreciate the diversity of recreational opportunities found in our public lands. Here they describe some of their favorite campgrounds in New Mexico.

on May 11

From nationalforests.org

Underground Networking: The Amazing Connections Beneath Your Feet

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Next time you’re exploring a forest, consider what lies below the soil, leaves, and moss that carpet the ground. Underneath the forest floor, intertwined with the roots of the trees, is a fascinating microscopic network of fungus.

on Nov 10, 2023