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From neurodifferent.me

Creative! Queer!! Autistic!!! (@n69n@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

44.4K Posts, 3.06K Following, 1.78K Followers · They/Them 🌈 Our/We 🌈
Illustrator 🌈 Subterranean by my own design 🌈 SCTV stan 🌈 I live in the back of THE GRETA GARBO HOME FOR WAYWARD BOYS & GIRLS 🌈 Mailperson put my million dollar check in someone else's box 🌈 & I'm turning to the horoscope,...

on Sep 22

From neurodifferent.me

Creative! Queer!! Autistic!!! (@n69n@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

It’s been a day of crashing and cascading realizations. I have had these episodes throughout my life, but not one in a long time, where i feel like my body is a castle, and i’m a little tiny thing locked in the castle’s tower, looking out through the eyes of my body. I can’t move. I can’t...

on Sep 21

From neurodifferent.me

Creative! Queer!! Autistic!!! (@n69n@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Strange as angels Dancing in the deepest ocean Twisting in the water Just like a dream 🌈💜🌈 #JoyZipper — JUST LIKE HEAVEN #TheCure #RobertSmith https://youtu.be/6df8WjwSlk4

on Sep 15

From neurodifferent.me

Creative! Queer!! Autistic!!! (@n69n@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

The colors in this video THRILL me, now even more than at the time. I just grinned theough the whole thing, and felt proud of their influence on me! 🌈💜🌈 #SiouxsieAndTheBanshees — SONG FROM THE EDGE OF THE WORLD https://youtu.be/STgwl9RkMWk

on Sep 15

From neurodifferent.me

Matthew | The Autistic Coach (@theautisticcoach@neurodifferent.me)

0 1

A positive autistic space is one where authenticity is celebrated, not questioned. We thrive when we’re allowed to unmask, be ourselves, and feel safe. @actuallyautistic@a.gup.pe

on Sep 4

From neurodifferent.me

Roknrol (@roknrol@neurodifferent.me)

0 1

Someone needs to explain to me why internet access costs 5x what phone access costs.

on Aug 28

From neurodifferent.me

Alex the Artistic Autist (@AlexTheAutisticArtist@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

This podcast episode on The Grateful Dead is wonderful and bonkers and brilliant on so many levels and I'm not even a fan. In fact I had never even heard their music up until I listened to this. I'm still not a fan, but I never had any idea how ridiculously influential they were, not so much for...

on Aug 25

From neurodifferent.me

John Bloor Printmaker (@JohnBloor@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

I also am chucking out books on design, advertising, marketing, illustration and typography if anyone's interested. #books

on Aug 24

From neurodifferent.me

the Amygdalai Lama (@punishmenthurts@neurodifferent.me)

0 1

/14 . Something is rankling, that this chapter is about a long, ongoing process – but this culture arrived in a fully extreme form at the beginning of this long slow process. About that, a few things, maybe there was one, as I’m already searching for, some long process the “Kurgans,” had already...

on Aug 14

From neurodifferent.me

Privatised Sentient Water (@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me)

0 1

If you like epic sci-fi & poetry & philosophy & other notions then you may enjoy this beautiful piece of art. https://youtu.be/o1OsDWT_DUc #SciFi #Poetry

on Aug 13

From neurodifferent.me

the Amygdalai Lama (@punishmenthurts@neurodifferent.me)

0 1

/7 . Chapter Two Messages from the Past: The World of the Goddess . The opening continues the message that everything we hear about the ancient past, we hear from modern, Dominator sort of people with their attitudes projected backwards, I might say, seeing things their neurology sees: weapons,...

on Aug 10

From neurodifferent.me

the Amygdalai Lama (@punishmenthurts@neurodifferent.me)

0 1

/4 Chapter One Journey into a Lost World: The Beginnings of Civilization “The Paleolithic” . Beginning in the Paleolithic, it talks about burials with female symbols, cowrie shells, shaped like vulvas, is that it? and says that symbols of life and birth in a burial are indicative of resurrection...

on Aug 10

From neurodifferent.me

the Amygdalai Lama (@punishmenthurts@neurodifferent.me)

0 1

/9 . Chapter Four Dark Order Out of Chaos: From the Chalice to the Blade . My method has improved, when I began, I think I stopped reading to write every invasive thought, and lately I’m at least reading the whole chapter first, and then going back and doing that – I say this to say I’m falling...

on Aug 10

From neurodifferent.me

the Amygdalai Lama (@punishmenthurts@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Free Book . It's a new definition of humanity, a neurologically subversive text that flips who are the original human beings and who are not on its head and centers children in life and in science. . Please, feel free to share, . /1 . #AutisticScience...

on Aug 10

From neurodifferent.me

Josh Susser (@joshsusser@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Just in case someone hasn't realized this yet, the reason gay men are natural feminists is that homophobia is an offshoot of misogyny. Basically, people think less of gay men for the same reasons they think less of women. When society treats women better, gay men get treated better too. The...

on Aug 9

From neurodifferent.me

the Amygdalai Lama (@punishmenthurts@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

/2 . Introduction "Human Possibilities: Two Alternatives" . It begins by telling of common legends of a previous age of gender equality and female wisdom, the Garden of Eden, and a previous time written of in the Tao Te Ching, and in Hesiod and suggests that "legends," is perhaps less than they...

on Aug 8

From neurodifferent.me

Creative! Queer!! Autistic!!! (@n69n@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Attached: 1 image #AnnTelnaes is a great artist and you better know it! #HarrisWalz2024 #WereNotGoingBack #SayItToMyFace #WhenWeFightWeWin #MindYourOwnDamnBusiness

on Aug 8

From neurodifferent.me

the Amygdalai Lama (@punishmenthurts@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

#AutisticScience #TheAutisticAndTheBlade #TheChaliceAndTheBlade #ActuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic . WARNING, THIS IS THE OLDEST POST IN THE THREAD, BUT IT IS NOT THE BEGINNING, THIS IS: . https://neurodifferent.me/@punishmenthurts/112922800908089747 . Chapter Two Messages from the Past: The...

on Aug 8

From neurodifferent.me

Creative! Queer!! Autistic!!! (@n69n@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social I was hyperventilating/crying/laughing through the whole thing! The tears of joy were just poppin' out all over! I was in public, and I didn't care! When Kamala made that face, that said, "Yep, I made the riiiiiiiiight choice!" as she stood behind him, I just...

on Aug 7

From neurodifferent.me

Creative! Queer!! Autistic!!! (@n69n@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Attached: 1 image May I present WE BELIEVE IN A LAND OF LOVE. Thank you for going through this process with me. #NewOrder #ThePerfectKiss #Illustration #Design #NornCutson #Illustrator #Art #Artist #AYearForArt #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtistsOfMastodon #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #MixedMedia...

on Aug 3

From neurodifferent.me

Neurodifferent Me

0 0

A friendly space for neurodifferent folks.

on Aug 1

From neurodifferent.me

Neurodifferent Me

0 0

A friendly space for neurodifferent folks.

on Aug 1

From neurodifferent.me

Josh Susser (@joshsusser@neurodifferent.me)

0 1

It's been just three days since I posted this, and since then I've seen many "weird" criticisms of MAGAs on just about every platform I've looked at. We're off to the races, and I don't think there's any way to staunch this growing trend. Even Steve Silberman is enthusiastically in on it,...

on Jul 30

From neurodifferent.me

Josh Susser (@joshsusser@neurodifferent.me)

0 2

I see "these guys are weird" is the new thing being tried out as an attack line against fascists trying to nazify America. Well, yes, fascists are deeply weird. They live in a dark fantasy of reality that is only what the Dear Leader says it is, so they don't really understand the world in a way...

on Jul 29

From neurodifferent.me

the Amygdalai Lama (@punishmenthurts@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

#HashtagGames #DeepThoughtsOfFowlAndChickens . Do you ever think maybe somebody shook your egg? 😘

on Jul 18

From neurodifferent.me

Dr. Safari Boob (@DrSafariBoob@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Useful information when communication is suffering.

on Jul 16

From neurodifferent.me

Roknrol (@roknrol@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Joe could make basically everyone happy by calling Seal Team 6 to take out the Republican supreme court and everyone that's on Epstein's list, then dropping out.

on Jul 11

From neurodifferent.me

Neurodifferent Me

0 1

A friendly space for neurodifferent folks.

on Jul 6

From neurodifferent.me

Privatised Sentient Water (@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

The Tory scum are gone. Drink, dance, be merry.

on Jul 5

From neurodifferent.me

Schokokäse (@schokokaese@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Attached: 1 image #BassGegenHass #UnicornUltras #NieWiederIstJetzt

on Jun 29

From neurodifferent.me

Schokokäse (@schokokaese@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Fünf Ersti-Momente, die jeder kennt 🤣 (4 Minuten) https://piped.adminforge.de/watch?v=d2YcB6ELQhM Ich hab gerade die Comedy-Serie #IrgendwasMitMedien begonnen. Eine herrliche #Mockumentary 😅...

on Jun 27

From neurodifferent.me

John Bloor Printmaker (@JohnBloor@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Actors always stand much closer together in films than I would ever be comfortable doing. #movies #film

on Jun 25

From neurodifferent.me

Privatised Sentient Water (@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

@Wen@mastodon.scot @Beulah@mastodonapp.uk @EUCommission@ec.social-network.europa.eu Also lest we forget. It was a non legally binding referendum orchestrated in large part by Russia. Cambridge Analytica anyone? People seem to be forgetting that oligarchs now sit in the House of Lords & own...

on Jun 23

From neurodifferent.me

Ferrous (@ferrous@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Do you currently have a working printer at home? [ ] yes, printer [ ] no, no working printer

on Jun 8

From neurodifferent.me

Brian (Stuttering Loudly) (@StutteringLoudly@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

#ADHD = getting in your car, realizing you forgot something, getting back in the house, but then forgetting what you realized you forgot 😂😫 #ADHDlife @adhd@a.gup.pe @actuallyadhd@a.gup.pe

on Jun 1

From neurodifferent.me

Creative! Queer!! Autistic!!! (@n69n@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

🌈💜🌈 #WeyesBlood — GOD TURN ME INTO A FLOWER https://music.apple.com/us/album/god-turn-me-into-a-flower/1643062187?i=1643062192

on May 30

From neurodifferent.me

JB (in final exam period) 🏳️‍🌈 (@AnAutieAtUni@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Exam done. = ALL work for my degree done. F***!!!!!!!! Now my brain is doing its own little disassembly routine where it picks apart the way I answered my exam question just now… decides I’m an absolute MORON for what I just submitted!! Arrghhhhhh this is so painful. I’m used to this happening...

on May 28

From neurodifferent.me

JB (in final exam period) 🏳️‍🌈 (@AnAutieAtUni@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Final exam is tomorrow. Today is exam prep day. Yay. Eek. ALL the emotions.

on May 27

From neurodifferent.me

JB (in final exam period) 🏳️‍🌈 (@AnAutieAtUni@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Changed my display name to swap “Forty Year Old Autie” with “in final exam period” in the brackets. It might help to know this so if my replies are less coherent hopefully you can know it’s because I’m very distracted and a bit anxious! It’s nothing personal! Big changes looming ahead now my...

on May 27

From neurodifferent.me

JB (Forty Year Old Autie) 🏳️‍🌈 (@AnAutieAtUni@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Heads up about my username changing: A little later this year I’ll be turning 41. That means my username is no longer accurate. So I’ll probably shift towards using the initials “JB”. JB is quite short so I might add a bit on the end. Not sure what, yet, though! I added my age to my username...

on May 16

From neurodifferent.me

Creative! Queer!! Autistic!!! (@n69n@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Attached: 1 image #TheGreatChicagoTheaterDisaster #Illustration #Design #NornCutson #Illustrator #Art #Artist #AYearForArt #ArtistsOnMastodon #ArtistsOfMastodon #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #MixedMedia #MastoArt #MastoCreative #AVLArt #AVLArtists #AVLArts http://www.norncutson.com/

on May 8

From neurodifferent.me

Ferrous (@ferrous@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Attached: 1 image * Do not foul your dog in this area * No dog, only fouling * No, dog! Fouling! * Only non-dog fouling permitted

on May 2

From neurodifferent.me

Magical Grrrl Betty (main now) (@magicalgrrrl@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Urgent #MutualAidRequest to help two disabled trans people (and our cats!) stay housed Goal (due 1st): $440/$1110 #caturday bump with our cats Max and Lenny. We're still at $440 right now. Help two disabled trans people and our two cats stay housed. Please keep...

on Apr 28

From neurodifferent.me

Autistrain (@Autistrain@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Attached: 1 image J'ai traduit et réalisé une version francophone de l'image que j'ai posté hier sur le thème du langage centré sur la personne et centré sur l'identité sous forme d'un dialogue : #actuallyautisticfr @actuallyautistic@a.gup.pe

on Apr 25

From neurodifferent.me

Josh Susser (@joshsusser@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social ODOR IN THE COURT!

on Apr 19

From neurodifferent.me

Privatised Sentient Water (@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

This shouldn't be so damn catchy. But it is. https://youtube.com/shorts/eGhAlNnDDmY

on Apr 18

From neurodifferent.me

Josh Susser (@joshsusser@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

I expected better from Hank Green. I hope in a few years he has learned enough to be suitably embarrassed at how bad this video is. https://youtu.be/gyuP7Q1fk9g #ActuallyAutistic

on Apr 18

From neurodifferent.me

David Nash (@dpnash@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

@hosford42@techhub.social My employer finally went all-in on adding Microsoft Copilot to all the things, along with a glowing internal-access article about how to incorporate “AI” into our everyday work flow. It’s all LLMs of course, and LLMs gonna LLM. Even in tasks they are good at...

on Apr 16

From neurodifferent.me

Roknrol (@roknrol@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

@HamonWry@mastodon.world My Magic 8 Ball says "Yes" https://youtu.be/POVcd1b4v6Y?si=giIeldVQThKUp_GL

on Apr 13

From neurodifferent.me

John Bloor Printmaker (@JohnBloor@neurodifferent.me)

0 0

Fed up with feeling either overwhelmed, sick with excitement or ill. It's doing me in. #MentalHealth

on Apr 6