Back From The Future: 1995's predictions of 2025 life
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In 1995 three brave prognosticators set out to predict life in the 2020s. How did that work out for them?
on Sat, 10PM
Help. My AI scientist just plagiarised my research
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A BBC News headline caught my eye a couple of days ago : "AI cracks superbug problem in two days that took scientists years". And by "caught my eye", I mean "made me doubt that this is true". The general gist of the story is that a newly launched Google AI
on Feb 22
I put my heart and soul into this AI but nobody cares
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Social media has always been home to clickbait, fake photos, tall stories and gullible chumps. And now, thanks to generative AI, you can have all those joys without any of the tedious creativity.
on Feb 20
Fediverse : Discover where all the freedom went
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“In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” ― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. The beginning of the internet universe is generally traced back to the creation of its predecessor ARPANET
on Feb 14
Won't somebody please think of the AI?
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Spare a moment to think of the poor, downtrodden artificial intelligence. According to a recently published report, AI systems could be ‘caused to suffer’ if consciousness achieved. Yeah, and they might go lame if they ever grew legs. We're so far into the land of theoreticals here that we might
on Feb 6
How many IT staff does it take to use a projector?
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Post by View on Mastodon This week I had the misfortune to be called in to the office for a meeting. It was the first time I'd been there in eight months and the first time that I'd actually met some of my colleagues in person rather
on Jan 31