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From nicolas-hoizey.photo

One hope — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Super aperitif / shooting improvised by Thanh and Pierre with some others during my brief passage in Lyon.

2h ago

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Playa Morón — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Playa Morón is a beautiful secluded beach with turquoise waters, north of the Samaná Peninsula in the Dominican Republic.

12h ago

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Women's 800m — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Photo taken during the 34th Elite International Track and Field Meeting in Montgeron-Essonne, France, Sunday, May 13, 2018

on Thu, 9PM

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

In the starting blocks for the men's 110m hurdles — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Photo taken during the 34th Elite International Track and Field Meeting in Montgeron-Essonne, France, Sunday, May 13, 2018

on Thu, 8AM

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Long strides — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Photo taken during the 34th Elite International Track and Field Meeting in Montgeron-Essonne, France, Sunday, May 13, 2018

on Wed, 9PM

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Quietness — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Yili Garden is a traditional Chinese garden of 10,000 square meters, created with the participation of the Suzhoua City Green Spaces Department, with materials from China.

on Mon, 8PM

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Down to the sky — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Yili Garden is a traditional Chinese garden of 10,000 square meters, created with the participation of the Suzhoua City Green Spaces Department, with materials from China.

on Sun, 8AM

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Mtatsminda view point over Tbilisi — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Mtatsminda ("Holy Mountain") is the highest point in Tbilisi so it’s naturally a great place for panoramic views. The large terrace in front of Restaurant Funicular is a giant balcony over the city and the ideal place for photos.

on Jul 4

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

The path of light — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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A masterpiece of the Early and High Middle Ages, Svetitskhoveli is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

on Jul 3

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Svetitskhoveli Cathedral — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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A masterpiece of the Early and High Middle Ages, Svetitskhoveli is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

on Jul 3

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Tbilisi Sulfur Baths — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Tbilisi’s baths are very different to those in Istanbul, Budapest, or anywhere else.

on Jun 30

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Gondola lift to Narikala fortress — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Historically, Tbilisi had seven different aerial tramways, but all of them closed after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

on Jun 29

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Overlooking Tbilisi — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Narikala is an ancient fortress overlooking Tbilisi and the Mtkvari (Kura) River.

on Jun 29

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Betlemi Street Stairs — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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On the steep slopes between the Narikala fortress and the old town of Tbilisi, the Betlemi Street Stairs offer superb views of the city below, and the stunning Mother of Georgia statue nearby.

on Jun 28

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Kaleidoscope House — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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In its heyday, mosaic stained glass was a common architectural feature of Tbilisi. Sadly most examples have been lost to time – but there are a few buildings that still boast gorgeous rainbow windows.

on Jun 28

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Zémo Kalaki — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Sultanishani Street is a good example of an anonymous street in Zemo Kalaki, the former royal district of Tbilisi.

on Jun 26

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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The Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi (commonly known as Sameba) is the third-tallest Eastern Orthodox cathedral in the world and one of the largest religious buildings in the world by total area. Sameba is a synthesis of traditional styles dominating the Georgian church architecture at various...

on Jun 26

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Blue Hotel — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Does it remind you about Chris Isaak's song? 😁

on Jun 26

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Grant's zebra — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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More Grant’s zebras are in the wild than any other species or subspecies of zebras. Unlike Grevy and mountain zebras, they are not endangered.

on Jun 26

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Elephant in Maasai Mara — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Elephants have to eat 5% of their body weight every day and so sleep for only 4-5 hours a day. They can drink up to 200 litres in one drinking session!

on Jun 25

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Elephants family in Maasai Mara — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Elephants are highly sociable and have similar life cycles to humans. The maternity herd is very protective of young, but males are ejected at 12-15 years old, after which they become nomadic males, often associating with other males.

on Jun 25

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Ladies — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Female lions are the pride's primary hunters and leaders. They often work together to prey upon antelopes, zebras, wildebeest, and other large animals of the open grasslands. Many of these animals are faster than lions, so teamwork pays off.

on Jun 25

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

The demoiselle after the shower — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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When you wake up, after a dew shower, the sun is welcome to dry all those droplets!

on Jun 25

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Beautiful Maasai giraffe — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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The Masai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchii), also spelled Maasai giraffe, also called Kilimanjaro giraffe, is the largest subspecies of giraffe. It is native to East Africa. The Masai giraffe can be found in central and southern Kenya and in Tanzania. It has distinctive, irregular,...

on Jun 25

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Superb Starling — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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The Superb Starling is a member of the starling family, formerly known as Spreo Superbus.

on Jun 24

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Lappet-faced vulture in Maasai Mara National Reserve — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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This vulture prefers to live in dry savannah, thornbush, arid plains, deserts with scattered trees in wadis, open mountain slopes. They are usually found in undisturbed open country with a scattering of trees and apparently prefer areas with minimal grass cover.

on Jun 24

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Baglafecht weaver — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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This high and mid-mountain species, which descends at its lowest around 800 meters in Uganda and Kenya, is well adapted to degraded, agricultural and even urban environments. At the base, it lives in the edges and clearings of the mountain forest.

on Jun 23

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Variable sunbird in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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The variable sunbird (or yellow-bellied sunbird) is a passerine bird which feed largely on nectar, although it will also take insects, especially when feeding young. Flight is fast and direct on their short wings. Most species can take nectar by hovering like a hummingbird, but usually perch to...

on Jun 23

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Proud Maasai — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Standing proud in the savannah with their red blankets and painted shields, the Maasai people have become one of the more widely known symbols of East Africa; the Maasai shield is even featured on Kenya’s national flag. It’s not uncommon in Kenya and Tanzania to see the Maasai in their...

on Jun 23

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Travel dreams… — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Possibly Africa’s most famous ethnic group, the Maasai people are semi-nomadic people located primarily in Kenya and Northern Tanzania.

on Jun 22

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Making fire — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Real practice or only folkloric demonstration for the easily impressed tourists, the realization of a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood is mastered by the Massaï.

on Jun 12

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

The locomotion — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Most Kenyans travel with motorcycles, and sometimes one of these is shared by multiple families, at least in Maasai villages.

on Jun 9

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

At the school of life — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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The plains zebra is highly social and usually forms small family groups called harems, which consist of a single stallion, several mares and their recent offspring.

on Jun 2

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

A very curious Vervet monkey — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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These primates are semi-terrestrial, which means that they can live on the ground as well as in the trees. During the night they climb a tree. They communicate with a range of sounds, gestures and postures. Individuals make different sounds depending on the situation. They use at least five...

on Jun 1

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

A nap in the shade — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Some people say lions sleep 22 out of every 24 hours. It's true we often see them lying in the grass, sometimes yawning. But it doesn't mean they sleep when we're not there. "Lions lying sleeping in the shade on a hot day are […] conserving energy during the least energetically efficient time of...

on May 29

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Common Ostrich — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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The ostriches of the Kenyan savannah have never been so prized: first by jockeys, who ride them to the delight of spectators, and then by meat lovers, their flesh being reputed to be healthy.

on May 28

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Masai giraffes like tree leaves — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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The Masai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchii), also spelled Maasai giraffe, also called Kilimanjaro giraffe, is the largest subspecies of giraffe. It is native to East Africa. The Masai giraffe can be found in central and southern Kenya and in Tanzania. It has distinctive, irregular,...

on May 27

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Juvenile D'Arnaud's Barbets in sunset — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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D'Arnaud's barbet is a small East African bird that feeds on insects, fruits, and seeds.

on May 26

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Children propelling a tire — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Children love to play, and they don't need much in the way of accessories.

on May 26

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

The Mau Escarpment in Great Rift Valley — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Great Rift Valley is part of an intra-continental ridge system that runs through Kenya from north to south. It is part of the Gregory Rift, the eastern branch of the East African Rift, which starts in Tanzania to the south and continues northward into Ethiopia.

on May 25

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Hard manual work in the fields — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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I shot this photo from a very shaky 4-wheel drive vehicle on a bumpy dirt track, so I made sure to have the fastest shutter speed by using my ƒ/1.2 lens…

on May 24

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Cleaning the dust — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Dust is omnipresent in Kenya, and Kenyans take great care of their motorcycles, the main means of transportation at their disposal.

on May 24

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Flooded gate at Lake Nakuru — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Lake Nakuru joined in 2013 the list of other lakes in Rift Valley whose water levels have abnormally increased endangering the lives of residents and the ecosystems around the lake.

on May 21

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Black Rhinoceros in Lake Nakuru National Park — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Lake Nakuru is well known in Kenya for its rhino population, and it has one hundred white and fifty black rhinos to be seen.

on May 21

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Augur Buzzard — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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The Augur Buzzard is a large, stocky hawk, which usually perches in full view on the ground on a prominence of ground or on a perch (tree, rock, post,…) and is not shy, so that one can often observe it at leisure.

on May 20

From nicolas-hoizey.photo

Now you see me — Nicolas Hoizey photography

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Named for their preferred proximity to water, the Common Waterbuck feeds on plants near bodies of water in various habitats, including savannas and forests.

on May 20