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From normalisland.co.uk

A tribute to the Tories who are making Universal Credit claims

4 4

They became jobless layabouts through no fault of their own


9h ago

From normalisland.co.uk

The greatest ever prime minister has lost her seat

1 6

How did we let this happen?

on Sat, 2AM

From normalisland.co.uk

The postal ballots are looking grim for the Tories...

0 7

but don't worry, nothing is going to change!

on Thu, 1PM

From normalisland.co.uk

UK about to swap utter bastards who wear blue for utter bastards who wear red

0 5

This is how democracy is supposed to work

on Thu, 11AM

From normalisland.co.uk

Israel frees head of Al Shifa hospital because the Hamas megabase isn't real, after all

0 8

It only took them seven months to make this decision

on Tue, 1PM

From normalisland.co.uk

Americans confirm Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the very best they've got

0 2

They are the two finest individuals out of 1/3 billion people

on Mon, 7AM

From normalisland.co.uk

US declares totally random man is rightful leader of Bolivia

0 0

They did this in the name of democracy

on Jun 28

From normalisland.co.uk

Genocide supporters say damage to Stonehenge worst destruction they've ever seen

0 0

The great cornflour attack will be remembered for generations to come

on Jun 26

From normalisland.co.uk

Man freed from prison despite undeniable evidence he is guilty of journalism

0 0

This is a dark day for the establishment

on Jun 26

From normalisland.co.uk

Party leaders discuss the biggest issue of our time: women's genitalia

0 0

This has come as a huge relief to everyone who has nothing better to worry about

on Jun 26

From normalisland.co.uk

Rishi Sunak promises tax cuts for your favourite people: landlords

0 0

Thank god someone is finally thinking of the landlords

on Jun 25

From normalisland.co.uk

Normal Island News | Laura K | Substack

0 0

The UK's second most reliable news source after Gbeebies. Parody/satire x. Click to read Normal Island News, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.

on Jun 24

From normalisland.co.uk

Utter bastards are hugely excited by the Tory manifesto

0 0

It offers the upward redistribution of wealth we've been crying out for!

on Jun 24

From normalisland.co.uk

IDF furious it's included on UN blacklist of organisations that harm children

0 0

Israel has a right to defend itself from children

on Jun 23

From normalisland.co.uk

Ursula von der Leyen wants Europe to build bomb shelters instead of doing peace

0 0

She is keeping the dream of World War III alive

on Jun 9

From normalisland.co.uk

Nigel Farage miraculously survives brutal milkshake attack

0 0

We nearly lost a legend today

on Jun 5

From normalisland.co.uk

Israel concerned Biden peace plan could hurt Netanyahu's polling numbers

0 0

Netanyahu's voter base is obviously all that matters

on Jun 4

From normalisland.co.uk

America's smartest ever leader convicted of concealing hush money to prostitute

0 0

But all his genocide support is totally okay

on May 31

From normalisland.co.uk

Israel says decapitated babies are no longer reason to respond with genocide

0 0

It's different when they do the decapitating

on May 29

From normalisland.co.uk

Israel responds to ICJ ruling by launching bigger bombs into Rafah

0 0

This is because it respects international law

on May 26

From normalisland.co.uk

Rishi Sunak decides to end political career with general election

0 0

Even I don't think he stands a chance!

on May 23

From normalisland.co.uk

Israel says it's only bad to use hospitals as bases when Hamas does it

0 0

It's totally fine for the IDF to do the same

on May 20

From normalisland.co.uk

Neoliberalism says "things are going brilliantly" as tap water becomes undrinkable

0 0

This is the only economic system that could possibly work

on May 19

From normalisland.co.uk

King Charles formally comes out as Satan, Lord of Demons

0 0

We need to respect his lifestyle choice

on May 17

From normalisland.co.uk

UN worker dies from unknown causes after bullet-sized holes appear in window

0 0

Figuring out the cause of death may prove a significant challenge

on May 14

From normalisland.co.uk

Republicans trying to impeach "Genocide Joe" for not being genocidal enough

0 0

He has been renamed "Jihad Joe" due to his support for Hamas

on May 11

From normalisland.co.uk

King Charles did not invite Harry to garden party because it was "family only"

0 0

It would have been inappropriate to invite James Hewitt's son

on May 10

From normalisland.co.uk

Israel insists it has a right to defend itself from ceasefire agreements

0 0

It has no choice but to attack 1.4 million refugees in tents

on May 9

From normalisland.co.uk

The US labels hip-hop artist Macklemore a terrorist organisation

0 0

His music has been banned to defend Israel's genocide

on May 9

From normalisland.co.uk

Israel rejects ceasefire due to concerns Hamas would release hostages

0 0

The last thing it needs is those hostages blabbing to the press

on May 6

From normalisland.co.uk

Woman sacked from radio station for telling truth about Israel

0 0

Critics of Israel cannot be allowed to have jobs

on May 4

From normalisland.co.uk

Israel blackmails ICC with threat to cancel ceasefire it never offered

0 0

It has a right to defend itself from international law

on May 2

From normalisland.co.uk

US police capture Hamas leader at US university

0 0

They stopped the 73 year old woman by shoving a bike in her face

on Apr 30

From normalisland.co.uk

American university students arrested for embarrassing Israel

0 0

This is definitely not cancel culture

on Apr 27

From normalisland.co.uk

World stunned as Israel fails to evidence the thing it made up

0 1

It could not support its allegations against Unrwa

on Apr 23

From normalisland.co.uk

Sunak has a solution to our problems: a war on disabled people

0 0

They are the cause of everything we used to blame on refugees

on Apr 22

From normalisland.co.uk

The US has decided only Israel can ratify Palestinian statehood

0 0

It's only fair its mortal enemy gets to decide this

on Apr 20

From normalisland.co.uk

New York Times confirms it does not count Palestinians as humans

0 0

They explained their controversial memo was backed up by science

on Apr 18

From normalisland.co.uk

Iran plotting unprovoked attack on country that bombed its embassy

0 0

This would be a huge act of aggression

on Apr 17

From normalisland.co.uk

Genocidal state that bombed embassy is victim of unprovoked attack

0 0

This was an outrageous escalation

on Apr 16

From normalisland.co.uk

Americans astonished to survive terrifying solar eclipse

0 0

Nobody has ever survived one of these before

on Apr 12

From normalisland.co.uk

World first as Tory MP involved in shocking sex scandal

0 0

This has never happened before

on Apr 7

From normalisland.co.uk

Israel says it unintentionally precision-bombed three WCK vehicles

0 1

It has accidentally murdered 196 aid workers since October 7th

on Apr 2

From normalisland.co.uk

Thames Water introduces E. Coli to Thames Boat Race

0 0

This makes the event much more exciting

on Apr 1