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From nosher.net

Micronet advert: Micronet 800: Tunes your BBC into a new channel of news, views, facts and fun

1 1

Micronet was a popular subsection of the dial-up information system Prestel. Prestel - which shared a technological specification with television Viewdata systems like Ceefax and ...

on Dec 11

From nosher.net

Commodore advert: Commodore 700: "It's a picture - and it's worth a thousand words"

0 0

With a case popularly believed to have been designed by Ferdinand Porsche but which was actually designed by Commodore's regular industrial designer Ira Velinsky, an on-board 6509 CPU and an option of a second processor - either a Zilog Z-80 for C/PM, or an Intel 8088 for MS-DOS (this was included a...

on Oct 2, 2023