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From oxfam.org

Oxfam International

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Oxfam is an international confederation of 21 NGOs working with partners in over 90 countries to end the injustices that cause poverty.

on Jul 22

From oxfam.org

Water War Crimes: How Israel has weaponised water in its military campaign in Gaza - Oxfam Policy & Practice

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This report presents a detailed analysis of how the Government of Israel has systematically weaponized water against the Palestinians in its latest assault on Gaza, raising grave concerns of human rights violations and breaches of international law. It highlights ongoing violations of...

on Jul 19

From oxfam.org

Essential but Invisible and Exploited: A literature review of migrant workers' experiences in European agriculture - Oxfam Policy & Practice

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This report – derived from work implemented by Oxfam Intermón and the University Institute for Studies on Migration (IUEM) of Comillas University in the EU SafeHabitus project – is based on a review of academic and non-academic literature from the past five years. It assesses research on...

on Jun 7

From oxfam.org

Inflicting Unprecedented Suffering and Destruction: Seven ways the government of Israel is deliberately blocking and/or undermining the international humanitarian response in the Gaza Strip - Oxfam Policy & Practice

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Over five months into the Israeli mass atrocities on the Gaza Strip, in response to the horrific 7 October 2023 attacks by Palestinian armed groups, a meaningful and safe humanitarian response is made impossible by the government of Israel. In this briefing we outline seven fundamental...

on Apr 2

From oxfam.org

Inequality Inc. How corporate power divides our world and the need for a new era of public action - Oxfam Policy & Practice

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Since 2020, the richest five men in the world have doubled their fortunes. During the same period, almost five billion people globally have become poorer. Hardship and hunger are a daily reality for many people worldwide. At current rates, it will take 230 years to end poverty, but we could have...

on Jan 22

From oxfam.org

Carbon inequality in 2030: Per capita consumption emissions and the 1.5⁰C goal - Oxfam Policy & Practice

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The world’s richest 1% are set to have per capita consumption emissions in 2030 that are still 30 times higher than the global per capita level compatible with the 1.5⁰C goal of the Paris Agreement, while the footprints of the poorest half of the world population are set to remain several times...

on Dec 19

From oxfam.org

Climate Equality: A planet for the 99% - Oxfam Policy & Practice

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The world faces twin crises of climate breakdown and runaway inequality. The richest people, corporations and countries are destroying the world with their huge carbon emissions. Meanwhile, people living in poverty, those experiencing marginalization, and countries in the Global South are those...

on Nov 20

From oxfam.org

A Toxic Legacy: Glencore’s Footprint in Colombia and Peru: European banks and investors must take responsibility - Oxfam Policy & Practice

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Glencore’s business model continues to have severe consequences for local communities and the environment. Several scandals have provided evidence of Glencore’s involvement in human rights violations, corruption, tax avoidance and environmental destruction. Glencore’s mines have had devastating...

on Nov 16

From oxfam.org

Gaza : la population civile doit être protégée !

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Signez la pétition pour exiger que la France s'exprime et s'oppose fermement à la violation des droits humains de millions de personnes à Gaza.

on Oct 18